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College Credit Plus Sharon Schroeder, Assistant Director Metro Credit Education Outreach.

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Presentation on theme: "College Credit Plus Sharon Schroeder, Assistant Director Metro Credit Education Outreach."— Presentation transcript:

1 College Credit Plus Sharon Schroeder, Assistant Director Metro Credit Education Outreach

2 Today’s Agenda Morning Session YSU CC+ Team CC+ Overview Marketing Student Eligibility Course Placement Application Process Break Out Session, Presidential Suite Orientation Q&A End of Day Session (1:30pm), Ohio Room Signal Vine Advising

3 YSU CC+ Team YSU College Credit Plus = YSU College in High School Metro Credit Education Outreach Moving forward: one office; one point of contact All resources available online at Coordinator & District –> Current Districts (left side) Resources –> My Resources (right side)

4 CC+ Overview Today: Information to get started for 15-16 CC+ Rules (draft) released on 12/1/14 Public hearing scheduled for end of December Final copy out in February Reminder: Rules do NOT restate the law (HB 487) Save the date! Coordinator Meeting March 3, 2015, 9am – Noon, MCCTC

5 CC+ Overview Open to 7-12 graders Earn up to 30 credits per year (120 credits max) Carnegie Units & Course Limits # of HS courses x 3 – 30 = # credit hours per year Cost between $40 (floor) and $160 (ceiling) plus books Flat fee = no more calculating seat time Non-public schools apply to state for funding to cover cost School promotes 15/30 credit hour pathway YSU pathway flyer coming in January

6 YSU College in High School Two options: High school campus with HS instructor NEW INFO! Rules require college only course sections Do not have a HS campus model? Contact our office. YSU campus with YSU instructor Classes are taught either online or face-to-face

7 Marketing Provide notice of program to students and parents by March 1 Host one information night for parents with all partnering colleges within 30 miles Consider county collaboration within to host one large event Promote on website, in school course booklet

8 Student Eligibility Law prohibits setting higher admission requirements YSU admission criteria: 2.0 overall, un-weighted GPA ACT composite score: 17 Passage of OGT’s/PARCC exams Course placement requirements REMINDER! ACT Prep!

9 Course Placement Courses count on both HS and YSU transcript One 3 s.h. college course = 1 HS unit Qualified students can take any course he/she is eligible for “Red Book” is no more Admission to CHS does not guarantee enrollment in every college course Some courses have pre-requisites, including certain ACT/SAT or placement exam scores Last ACT date for application – April 2015 YSU residual scheduled in April Chart available in January

10 Application Process Notification date: April 1(pending) Sign-up template (online in January High School Advisement Counselors reviews opportunity with students Educational Plan (form online in January) completed for campus based students Consider district financial policy for students who fail or withdraw late Online application (just one!) in April/May for fall and spring Previously completed one for CHS and one for SB140 No application fee

11 Application Process Paperwork Submitted by May 15! Parental Consent/Financial Responsibility Form Transcripts Educational Plan for campus based students

12 Application Process To review: 1.Information night by March 1 2.Students notify by April 1 (pending) that they want to participate 3.Counselors meet with students prior to application day 4.School schedules YSU Application day in April/May 5.School submits paperwork to YSU by May 15

13 Application Process YSU reviews student applications Notifies students to sign up for placement exams (if needed) in June, July Spring only students encouraged to sign up for September ACT (if needed) over summer Acceptance letter will include orientation and advisement information

14 Registration HS based courses: completed at time of application Campus based courses: students meet with YSU advisor Fall term: August Spring term: November YSU sends notification to student, parent, school, ODE Admission acceptance (including course eligibility) no later than 14 days prior to the start of YSU term “Confirmation of course enrollment notice” by the 21 st day of the YSU term PLUS student roster/courses by first day of term to school Current CHS schools = Pre-Invoice Statement

15 Conclusion Breakout Session III, Presidential Suite Orientation, Q&A Reminder Coordinator Meeting! March 3, 9am-Noon Today! 1:30pm Meeting, Ohio Room Signal Vine Advising

16 Breakout Session: CHS

17 Orientation Campus January 27 – Spring 2015 pilot School sign up Webinar Potential for Fall 15 On-Site Scheduling now!

18 Q&A Answers to questions from the main session will be posted to the CHS website.

19 End of Day Session, 1:30pm

20 Signal Vine Purpose Demo Spring Pilot

21 Advising Students What do you review with the students? How can we use technology to assist? What seems to be the most difficult concept for students to understand?

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