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LSA NEWSLETTER 2014. DETAILS Time Period ▫Covers 2014! ▫2 nd semester last year & first semester this year Due Dates ▫Will be published over the Christmas.

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Presentation on theme: "LSA NEWSLETTER 2014. DETAILS Time Period ▫Covers 2014! ▫2 nd semester last year & first semester this year Due Dates ▫Will be published over the Christmas."— Presentation transcript:


2 DETAILS Time Period ▫Covers 2014! ▫2 nd semester last year & first semester this year Due Dates ▫Will be published over the Christmas Break ▫You will complete your assignments over Thanksgiving: Due Monday December 1 st Final ▫AM newsletter and PM newsletter will be merged: Best stories STAY! Purpose ▫Marketing to 8 th grade recruits ▫Information for community stakeholders ▫For our partners: OH, OCTC, school districts, etc.

3 AVAILABLE TOOLS Previous newsletters Newsletter examples & “how-tos” LSA image bank on photobucket ▫Username: LifeScienceAcademyKY ▫Password: LifeScienceAcademyKY Publisher tutorials and directions

4 CONTENT REQUIREDOPTIONS New faculty: Dr. Wilkerson Christmas Campaign Social Media Community Project LSA student accomplishments Service Learning Spring Break Interviews with LSA students Interview(s) with biomedical professional(s) Favorite Labs EoC Assessment Scores (brag!) UK College Trip Impetus for creation of the LSA: Medically underserved communities Other articles of your choosing!

5 Today Decide on EditorsSelect Article & Organize Content Article length Formatting Grammar & spelling Deadlines By-lines Groups of 3-4 Check with editors on approximate length Always include by-line Include at least one photo with caption All LSA photos are available online

6 Social Media Facebook ▫ ▫lifescienceacademy Twitter ▫LifeScienceAcad ▫Lifescienceacadmy Vine ▫ ▫LSA2015 Tumblr ▫LSA-OBKY ▫Lifescienceblog Instagram ▫lifescienceacademy ▫LSA123 Youtube

7 AM Assignments Editors ▫Lucy, Kristina, Katherine & Savana Christmas Campaign: Naomi, Savana & Miranda Brag Page: Kaleb, Chance & Bradon Social Media ▫Facebook: Tara & Becca ▫Vine: Kota & Makayla ▫Tumblr: Elaine ▫Twitter: Emily H. & Mariah Student Interviews: Blakely, Dereck & Boppa Spring Break: Emily Linn Dr. Wilkerson: Wade & Makailah Biomedical Professionals: Emily C., Franky & Adrianne UK Trip: Elaine & Alek Favorite Labs: Katarina & Rayvin EoC: Kota & Makayla Community Project: Dalton, Cade, Jack & Kristina

8 PM Assignments Editors: Mason, Cassie, Eli, Christiane Social Media ▫Instagram: Mazie ▫Tumblr: Annie & Gracie ▫Twitter: Ibraheem ▫Vine: Gracie Favorite Lab: Annie & Piper Community Benefit: Rose, Julia, Aston, Annie Interviews: Ben, Chelsea, Abbie Brag Page: Neil, Ibraheem, Will, Aman & Cameron EoC: Dolly, Jenna, Marie & Max LSA FAQs: Ally, Maddie Van, Kayla About the LSA: Shelby, Autumn & Allison Professional Interviews: Mackenzie, Jacob, Olivia & Wayne

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