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Bellwork (get a sheet from front table) 1. What is the purpose of a “hook” in an introductory paragraph? 2. What makes the “bridge” important? What must.

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Presentation on theme: "Bellwork (get a sheet from front table) 1. What is the purpose of a “hook” in an introductory paragraph? 2. What makes the “bridge” important? What must."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellwork (get a sheet from front table) 1. What is the purpose of a “hook” in an introductory paragraph? 2. What makes the “bridge” important? What must you include in the bridge? 3. Why is the “thesis statement” the most important part of the introductory paragraph.

2 1. Assuaged- made less severe; to ease or lessen 2. Indigenous- occurring or living naturally in an area 3. Malevolent- having/exhibiting hatred 4. Mortification- a feeling of shame or humiliation 5. Piety- religious devotion 6. Sojourn- a brief, temporary stay 7. Unsullied- spotlessly clean; untarnished 8. Vexations- irritations or annoyances 9. Wallowing- heavily indulging in; dwell 10. Apothecary- one who prepares and sells medicines

3 TKAM notes Author- Harper Lee Lee won a Pulitzer Prize in Literature for TKAM Written in 1 st person POV Narrated by Scout as an adult, but setting is when she was 6. The whole story is a flashback

4 Packet Notes- Chapter 1 We learn about the town of Maycomb, AL and the history of the Finch’s. John Wesley- 18 th century Methodist leader (one of the founders of the Methodist denomination) Merlin- wizard from Arthurian legend “There was nothing to buy, and no money to buy it with.” –alludes to the Great Depression “We have nothing to fear but fear itself.”- famous quote by Franklin D. Roosevelt

5 Vocabulary for Chapters 3-4 11. Tranquility- state of calm; peacefulness; serenity 12. Auspicious- presenting favorable circumstances. 13. Fractious- tending to fight; quarrelsome; irritable 14. Tyranny- a government in which a single person assumes absolute control. 15. Dispensation- a special allowance; privilege; exemption 16. Amiable- friendly; pleasant 17. Contentious- inclined to make trouble; controversial; argumentative 18. Expansively- willingness to talk/share; free/open 19. Persevere- to persist in a purpose, idea, or task. 20. Abominable- detestable; unpleasant

6 TKAM Journal Notes Ch. 2-3 (write the following questions in your journal and skip a line for answers) What can Scout do that upsets her teacher? Who has taught Scout to write? Why does Walter refuse to take the quarter from the teacher? What does Scout do that gets her in trouble? Who does Jem invite home for dinner? Does Atticus believe his family is poor? Why are the Cunningham’s poorer than the Finch’s? Who is Burris Ewell?

7 Packet Notes Ch. 2 1. At the end of summer, Dill goes back to Meridian. 2. Scout starts first grade. 3. The Cunningham’s don’t believe in accepting things from people if they can’t pay them back in some way. They have a lot of pride. 4. Catawba worms- caterpillars that feed on the leaves of the catalpa tree.


9 Scrip stamps- paper money of small denominations issued by government agencies for temporary emergency use.

10 Entailment- to owe someone something. (During the Great Depression, most everyone had entailments.)

11 Smilax- A type 0f vine. The name comes from a Greek myth of Krokus and the nymph Smilax. Though this myth has numerous forms, it always centers around the unfulfilled and tragic love of a mortal man who is turned into a flower, and a woodland nymph who is transformed into a brambly vine.

12 Bullfinch- an allusion to Bulfinch’s Mythology, a collection of Greek myths.

13 The crash- alludes to the Stock Market crash of 1929 that led to the Great Depression. The union- one side in the Civil War (North)

14 Chapter 3 Packet Notes 1. Walter goes home with them for lunch. 2. Burris Ewell 3. She hates it! She doesn’t want to go back. 4. “You never really understand a person until you consider his point of view… climb into his skin and walk around in it.”

15 Packet Notes Ch. 3 Eddy- water source (Barker’s Eddy- local swimming hole) Cootie- head lice Cracklin’ bread- bread made with corn meal and cracklings (pork rinds). Similar to cornbread. Dose of magnesia- Magnesia is used as a medicine for antacids and laxatives. ALLUSION- flagpole- college protest

16 Characters Scout- narrator Jem- Scout’s brother Atticus- Scout’s father/lawyer Calpurnia- housekeeper/nanny Dill- Summer friend from Meridian, MS Boo Radley- town recluse; “ghost” Nathan- Arthur’s brother Aunt Alexandria- Atticus’ sister Miss Maudie- neighbor/mentor Miss Rachel- Dill’s aunt Miss Caroline- Scout’s 1 st grade teacher Mr. Walter Cunningham- poor farmer Walter Cunningham Jr.- Scout’s classmate; poor Burris Ewell- nasty student with head lice (cooties) Uncle Jack Finch- Atticus’ brother Miss Stephanie Crawford- town gossip

17 Chapter 4 Packet Notes 1. While walking home, Scout finds chewing gum in a knothole in a tree at the edge of the Radley’s yard. 2. Later, she and Jem find a box with two Indian-head pennies in it in the hole. 3. Scout lets out for summer and Dill comes back to visit. He stays with his Aunt Rachel. 4. What happens while they are rolling the tire? Scout rolls into the Radley Place and hears someone laughing. 5. What is “playing Boo Radley?” Acting out Boo Radley stories

18 Vocabulary Chapters 5-6 21. Aloof- distant; unfeeling 22. Benevolence- inclination to perform charitable acts 23. Benign- compassionate; incapable of doing harm 24. Bewilderment- condition of being confused 25. Cherub- a winged, chubby angel 26. Ensuing- following immediately afterward 27. Morbid- gruesome, gloomy, or dark 28. Obliged- under force of necessity; obligated 29. Prowess- superior skill or ability; strength or courage 30. Tacit- unspoken; understood without being expressed

19 Chapter 5 Packet Notes 1. Scout starts spending time with the next-door neighbor Miss Maudie. 2. What is Boo Radley’s real name? Arthur 3. The kids are caught trying to give a note to Boo Radley.

20 Edification- uplifting enlightenment; enjoyment Mimosa- a type of plant that is classified as both a tree & shrub. Pulpit gospel- belief that any type of pleasure is a sin against God. Quibbling- avoid the truth of a point or question by raising irrelevant objections

21 Chapter 6 Packet Notes 1. Dill lives with his Aunt Rachel each summer. 2. At the beginning of this chapter, it is Dill’s last night in Maycomb for the summer. 3. The boys decide to sneak up to the Radley’s and look in the window. Scout is scared, but she goes along. What happens? 4. What happens to Jem’s pants? 5. How does this show that he is growing up?

22 Local Vocabulary- Ch. 6 Kudzu- a fast growing, hairy vine.

23 Collards- loose leaf plant that resemble cabbage

24 Ramshackle- something poorly made (the Radley’s “ramshackle” porch. Dismemberment- to tear or cut off a person’s limbs Malignant- bad; dangerous; harmful

25 Chapters 7-8 Vocabulary 31. Aberrations- deviations from the proper course 32. Accosted- approached in a harsh manner; assaulted 33. Ascertaining- find something out for certain; make sure of 34. Cleaved- adhered closely to; clung to 35. Embalming- treating with preservatives to prevent decay 36. Feeble- physically weak from age or sickness 37. Meditative- deep thought 38. Unfathomable- difficult or impossible to understand 39. Vigil- wakefulness maintained in reverence to another person, usually after one’s death 40. Whittle- to carve or shape

26 Chapter 7 Packet Notes 1. How does Scout feel about 2 nd grade? She doesn’t like it any more than 1 st grade. 2. What does Jem finally tell Scout about the night he went back to the Radley’s? He found his pants folded neatly across the fence. They had been poorly mended. 3. Jem and Scout write a letter to thank the person for their gifts. 4. The hole in the tree has been filled with cement. 5. How do the kids react? Jem gets very upset (cries). Scout questions her father. 6. What is Mr. Radley’s reason for doing this? He said the tree was sick.

27 Chapter 7- Local Vocabulary Hoodooing- voodoo/witchcraft Whittle- to carve or shape a piece of wood

28 Chapter 8 1. Coldest weather since 1885. 2. Old Mrs. Radley 3. Snowman; Mr. Avery 4. Ms. Maudie’s house burns down 5. Boo Radley put it around her 6. She never liked it; A smaller house would allow for a bigger garden “morphodite”- a mispronounced way of saying, “hermaphrodite” (both male and female)

29 Chapter 9 1. He calls Atticus names 2. He wants her to use her head, not her fists: “you just hold your head high and keep those fists down.” 3. He’s defending a black man named Tom Robinson 4. No 5. She questions why he would defend Tom Robinson if he knows he can’t win. She doesn’t really understand. 6. Air rifles 7. She’s tough on her because she’s a tomboy 8. Foul language and fighting, then learns the rest of the story

30 Allusions General Hood/Ol’ Blue Light- historical/Civil War Mount Everest- Aunt Alexander House of Commons/Lord Melbourne- British cultural allusions

31 New Characters Mr. Avery- grumpy neighbor that hates kids Heck Tate- Sheriff of Maycomb

32 Chapter 10 1. Atticus 2. He’s old, wears glasses, boring job, reads all the time 3. “it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird” 4. -make a will airtight -plays the Jew harps -checker player 5. Church football game 6. Atticus 7. b/c Atticus doesn’t. It’s wrong to brag: “People in their right minds never brag about their talents.” -Miss Maudie

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