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PCE – OAM Handler in ABNO:

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1 PCE – OAM Handler in ABNO:
a use case of code adaptation in flex grid networks Francesco Paolucci TeCIP, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa, Italy PACE Workshop on “New uses of Path Computation Elements” Vilanova y la Geltru , Spain, June 16th 2014

2 Control <-> Management
Control plane Discovery and Routing Path computation Signaling Failure recovery Management plane Network Status and Monitoring Operation and Administration Maintenance (OAM) SLA verification Interaction between planes Historical separation or limited interaction (not automatic) New target: pro-active control automatically driven by OAM events/ conditions Active Stateful Path Computation Element in ABNO candidate object

3 ABNO architecture Active Stateful PCE OAM Handler Databases
Access to TED and LSP-DB Stateful computation Shared protection computation Effective restoration Active behaviour Delegated LSP control LSP resize, modification LSP instantiation Optimization Action Chain OAM Handler Network status supervisor Monitoring correlations Databases TED, LSP-DB Application-Based Network Operation (ABNO) framework. “A PCE-based Architecture for Application-based Network Operations” draft-farrkingel-pce-abno-architecture

4 PCE in Flexible optical networks
Next flexible transponders will support multiple configurable signal bitrate PCE outputs Suggested frequency slots (n: central frequency, m: width ) Suggested modulation format (e.g., DP-QPSK, DP-16QAM) Suggested FEC / code Single/multi carrier: type and number of sub-carriers Hitless flexible operations driven by active PCE Defragmentation (change n) Elastic operations (change m) Dynamic adaptation (change the code) Advanced Action Chain E.g. Defrag + Elastic expand

5 Chain Example: Shift & Expand
PCReq (LSP 1: Elastic bit rate increase) 1 2 PCUpd (LSP 2: Shift) 3 LSP 2 shift 4 PCRpt (LSP 2: Shift OK) 5 PCRep (LSP 1: Elastic increase) 6 LSP 1 elastic increase 7 PCNtf (LSP 1: Elastic incresae OK) LSP 2 LSP 1 Frequency 1 PCReq message PCUpd message 2 3 RSVP make before break PCRpt message 4 5 PCRep message 6 RSVP elastic increase 7 PCNtf message

6 Code adaptation for flexi Terabit
Terabit transmission based on Time Frequency Packing LDPC coding applied to data Narrow-filtered subcarriers (faster-than-Nyquist) Coherent detection and DSP Scenario 1 7 160Gb/s 200 GHz width 8/9 coding 1.12 Tb/s bitrate -> 1Tb/s info rate Scenario 2 More robust transmission needed 1 subcarrier added 4/5 coding 237.5 GHz width 1.28 Tb/s bit rate -> 1Tb/s info rate

7 QoT monitoring and forecast
Quality of Transmission is monitored at the receiver Post-FEC BER Variance of acquired data samples Event Forecasting The variance indicates whether a working limit condition is approaching FORECASTING post-FEC errors before they occur Threshold-based alarm event QoT monitor Responsible of monitoring Responsible of event ntf Responsible of alarms

8 Validation Testbed (PCEP+RSVP)

9 PCE-driven code adaptation
Impairment-aware PCE computes a new code rate: Extended PCUpd message The ERO specifies the code to be applied at ingress/egress node LDPC code rate TLV Alarm triggered by PCEP: Novel QoT notify msg PCE computes the code First implementation PCEP not suitable for OAM Path rerouting is the last option

10 Hitless data plane operations
To apply the new coding Configurable electrical encoder at transmitter, triggered upon RSVP- TE session is finished In the overhead, a preamble of each data block includes a 3-bit field to communicate the code to be applied to the next block Receiver processes next incoming data block with the new coding Code adaptation performed with no traffic disruption

11 OAM infrastructure OAM Agent located at the receiver
OAM session per LSP (per receiver card) Hierarchical OAM Agent Local Agent (node, link, network device…) Aggregation Agent (area, domain…) Local correlations when applicable Scalable design Proposed OAM protocol: NETCONF Support of Asynchronous Notifications (RFC 5277) TCP connection assures reliability Hierarchical architecture reduces number of connections at Handler Native solution for OAM YANG modeling development OAM Handler A A A L L L L L L L L L

12 PCE driven by OAM

13 PCE OAM Handler OAM Handler <-> PCE interaction
OAM Database instance ->Augmented TED / LSP-DB OAM LSP-DB: <BER>, <coherent receiver variance>,< …… OAM TED : <power><amp_gain><… Direct PCE<->OAM Handler interface needed? R PCE PCEP Main Instance OAM Instance R only (OAM-aware path computation) 1) Through ABNO controller 2) PCEP (OAM:PCC) 3) Dedicated protocol 4) Internal API (if co-located) TED OAM TED OAM Handler NETCONF LSP-DB OAM LSP-DB R/W

14 Conclusions Proactive PCE Presented use case ABNO boxes interaction
Fast reaction in presence of network degradations Computation and dynamic update of additional parameters Presented use case Hitless code rate adaptation in next generation transponders Active PCE in charge of computing the most suitable adaptation Advanced monitoring functions ABNO boxes interaction Close relationship between OAM Handler and PCE Proposed Hierarchical OAM infrastructure with NETCONF Dedicated database extensions/sessions populated by OAM Shared handling of the ABNO database sessions

15 Thank you Francesco Paolucci, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS -collaboration with IDEALIST project Questions are welcome

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