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“Fun” & Productive Training Keeping Kids Interested National Coaches Clinic Irvine, CA David C. Salo, Ph.D. Soka University / Novaquatics Swim Team.

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Presentation on theme: "“Fun” & Productive Training Keeping Kids Interested National Coaches Clinic Irvine, CA David C. Salo, Ph.D. Soka University / Novaquatics Swim Team."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Fun” & Productive Training Keeping Kids Interested National Coaches Clinic Irvine, CA David C. Salo, Ph.D. Soka University / Novaquatics Swim Team

2 Training the Physiology Muscular Strength and Power Muscular Strength and Power –General Strength and fitness Cardiovascular conditioning Cardiovascular conditioning –Aerobic conditioning Neuromuscular adaptations Neuromuscular adaptations –Race pace, race rate, race strategy

3 Muscle Strength & Power Stretch Cordz – out of water Stretch Cordz – out of water Medicine Balls Medicine Balls Body weight work Body weight work –Pushups, abs, etc Resistance swimming Resistance swimming –Parachutes, medicine balls, shoes

4 Cardio/Aerobic Conditioning Maintain elevated Heart rate over extended period of time Maintain elevated Heart rate over extended period of time –Drills incorporated with swimming –Non-volume work  Kick against wall, vertical work, etc

5 Neuromuscular Adaptations Race Strategy Race Strategy –Construct sets with strategy in mind –How do I swim this race? Pacing Pacing –eg repeat 100’s at race pace –Tempo Trainer Practice racing Practice racing Competition in practice Competition in practice

6 Practice Design Warmup Warmup –400 + 4x100 + 4x50 (Free, IM, choice)  Increase intensity through WU Warmup is always the same Warmup is always the same Same warmup used for competition Same warmup used for competition Signals to everyone when warmup ends and “training” begins Signals to everyone when warmup ends and “training” begins

7 Practice Design Transition Set Transition Set –500-1000 yards –Transitional work from warmup –Increased intensity –Drill work, technical components to racing  eg 12x50 – 8/10 dolphin kicks by 25 – head up ab kick on the surface

8 Practice Design Mid Sets Mid Sets –Kicking, pulling, paddles/fins –Mostly conditioning based –Emphasis on some components previously suggested – Muscle power, cardio, neuromuscular development

9 Practice Design Final Set Final Set –Everything is “MAIN SET” –Stroke/event specific –Everything is important –This is just the Final Set –More neuromuscular work, race pace work, race strategy –“if it were easy we would call it football”

10 Practice Design Warm Down Warm Down –Controlled 5-10 minute period –Develop habit for meets

11 Practice Design WU – 400 + 4x100 + 4x50 WU – 400 + 4x100 + 4x50 12 x 50 @ 15 ri 12 x 50 @ 15 ri –heart rate 27 8/10 dolphin kicks – fast transition to the surface into head up ab kick – hand over hand. 10 x 50 @ 15 ri 10 x 50 @ 15 ri –10 pushups, 20 tricep extension, dive 25 fast kick, 2 flip turns, underwater pull downs to the flags – fast swim into wall. Pull 9 x 75 @ HR23 + 15x25 fast @ 20,25,30 – Big paddles Pull 9 x 75 @ HR23 + 15x25 fast @ 20,25,30 – Big paddles –25 each head up KU, V sit scull, 3 sec rest, fast pull –25’s – no breath EZ, FAST, FAST

12 Practice Design 6 x 125 + 3x50 @ 15 RI, :45 6 x 125 + 3x50 @ 15 RI, :45 –Parachutes, small pads, fins –125’s – parachute swim work on stroke through 100, fast last 25 for power –50’s – swim, kick, swim, hold goal pace200 use tempo trainer 3 x 50 stretch – heart rate under 23 3 x 50 stretch – heart rate under 23

13 Practice Design Sprinters Sprinters –Cordz – steal the flag Distance Distance –4 x 300 + 3x100 + 6x25  300 – overkick swim, breathing pattern, last 50 fast  100’s – hold pace 1650, 1000, 500  25’s – race like the last 25 of a race – full speed

14 Practice Design Breaststrokers Breaststrokers –Partner cordz – –6 x (2x50 + 2x25) @ partner/equipment change –50’s – resistance swim, kick back –25’s – 10 sec partner delay

15 Practice Design Stroke/mid free Stroke/mid free –Ramp set –6 x (2x25+50+75+50+2x25) @ 1:1 base  25’s – build up to pace200  50 – at pace200  75 – hold pace200 and rate last 25 pick up pace  50 – faster than race pace  25’s – full speed sprint  30 seconds extra between rounds

16 Practice Design Warmdown Warmdown –Controlled 5-10 minute warmdown

17 Drills Sculling Sculling In all geometrical planes In all geometrical planes Training Component NOT just drill work Training Component NOT just drill work –Sit Scull –V-Sit Scull  With equipment (pull buoy, kickboard, etc) –Forward Scull with equipment  Pull buoy, kickboard, parachute  Right/left leg up –Resistance Scull  Scrunch scull  Medicine Ball application

18 Drills... continued –Standing scull with kick board –Inverted scull –Boat scull  Changing direction eg boat scull to forward scull –Wet vertical jumps into scull

19 Drills... continued Resistance Work Resistance Work –Stretch cordz  Partner / individual –Medicine ball  Partner / individual –Partner kicking  Luge kick –Kick against the wall with quick turn –Parachute

20 Drills... continued Kicking drills Kicking drills –Piston Kick  Vertical / horizontal –Vertical kick  Weighted / unweighted –Quick Kick drill with Pull Buoy –Right / left kick

21 Drills... continued Pull drills Pull drills –Head Up drills  Back flat / belly button to the spine  Right/left; high elbow catch; quick pull –Overkick Pull with flutter kick /dolphin kick  Fins  Small and Large size paddles


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