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Minding Our Pace: Hurry Sickness Do you have Hurry Sickness?

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Presentation on theme: "Minding Our Pace: Hurry Sickness Do you have Hurry Sickness?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Minding Our Pace: Hurry Sickness Do you have Hurry Sickness?

2 Minding Our Pace: Hurry Sickness 1. You go through your day with a constant sense of urgency. Not at all like me Sometime like me Most the time like me An Ordinary Day with Jesus, John Ortberg and Ruth Haley Barton

3 Minding Our Pace: Hurry Sickness 2. You notice underlying tension in close relationships. Not at all like me Sometime like me Most the time like me An Ordinary Day with Jesus, John Ortberg and Ruth Haley Barton

4 Minding Our Pace: Hurry Sickness 3. You have a preoccupation with escaping. Not at all like me Sometime like me Most the time like me An Ordinary Day with Jesus, John Ortberg and Ruth Haley Barton

5 Minding Our Pace: Hurry Sickness 4. You often feel frustrated because you’re not getting things done. Not at all like me Sometime like me Most the time like me An Ordinary Day with Jesus, John Ortberg and Ruth Haley Barton

6 Minding Our Pace: Hurry Sickness 5. You sense that time is passing too quickly without you getting what you really want out of life. Not at all like me Sometime like me Most the time like me An Ordinary Day with Jesus, John Ortberg and Ruth Haley Barton

7 Minding Our Pace: Hurry Sickness 6. You have a persistent desire for a simpler life. Not at all like me Sometime like me Most the time like me An Ordinary Day with Jesus, John Ortberg and Ruth Haley Barton

8 Minding Our Pace: Hurry Sickness 7. You have little time for love. Not at all like me Sometime like me Most the time like me An Ordinary Day with Jesus, John Ortberg and Ruth Haley Barton

9 Minding Our Pace: Hurry Sickness 8. You find that you’re often trying to do many things at once. Not at all like me Sometime like me Most the time like me An Ordinary Day with Jesus, John Ortberg and Ruth Haley Barton

10 Minding Our Pace: Hurry Sickness 9. You have lost a sense of gratitude and wonder about life. Not at all like me Sometime like me Most the time like me An Ordinary Day with Jesus, John Ortberg and Ruth Haley Barton

11 Minding Our Pace: Hurry Sickness 10. You sometimes have a gnawing feeling that ‘there has to be more to life than this.’ Not at all like me Sometime like me Most the time like me An Ordinary Day with Jesus, John Ortberg and Ruth Haley Barton

12 Minding Our Pace: Hurry Sickness Disciplines to help Mind Our Pace … 1.Slowing Down Walk more slowly. Chew your food. Laugh and play at dinner time. Breathe deeply. Really listen to your children. Drive in the slow lane. Get in the longest line at the grocery store. An Ordinary Day with Jesus, John Ortberg and Ruth Haley Barton

13 Minding Our Pace: Hurry Sickness Disciplines to help Mind Our Pace … 2. Saying NO Every commitment is a decision that helps or hinders our ability to love God and others. Every time we say yes to one thing, we are saying no to something/someone else. An Ordinary Day with Jesus, John Ortberg and Ruth Haley Barton

14 Minding Our Pace: Hurry Sickness Disciplines to help Mind Our Pace … 1.Practice a Sabbath rhythm Commit to one day a week when you rest and do no work. Take a long walk. Read a spiritually enriching book. Have an unhurried conversation. Avoid certain activities (browsing ads, checking email) Thank God for the gift of a Sabbath. Engage in activities that are restful and renewing. An Ordinary Day with Jesus, John Ortberg and Ruth Haley Barton

15 Minding Our Pace: Hurry Sickness Disciplines to help Mind Our Pace … 4. De-Clutter The more stuff we have, the more time and energy are required to maintain it. What could you live without in order to simplify your life? Go through your closet, garage, storage rooms – each week, fill one garbage bag to give away and one bag to throw away. An Ordinary Day with Jesus, John Ortberg and Ruth Haley Barton

16 Minding Our Pace: Hurry Sickness Disciplines to help Mind Our Pace … 1.Cure yourself by Wasting Time Use leisure time for rejuvenation. Choose activities that are life giving. Plan vacations that are slow, leisurely, and wastes time (!) Disconnect from the cyber world during leisure time. An Ordinary Day with Jesus, John Ortberg and Ruth Haley Barton

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