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An e-Learning Strategy to promote technology enabled learning i n UCC Teaching & Learning workshop 30 October, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "An e-Learning Strategy to promote technology enabled learning i n UCC Teaching & Learning workshop 30 October, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 An e-Learning Strategy to promote technology enabled learning i n UCC Teaching & Learning workshop 30 October, 2012

2 Guiding Principles Pedagogically led Learner centred Technology enabled Dynamic capability Support diversity.

3 Goals 1. To provide a flexible, challenging and responsive learning environment. 2. To use technology to both assure and enhance quality in learning and teaching. 3. To support students and staff to adapt and adopt new enabling technologies. 4. To further development of blended and distance learning programmes. 5. To enhance UCC’s intellectual footprint.

4 Mission Create an innovative learning, teaching & research environment using technology appropriately to improve access and engagement, enhance learning and stimulate innovative practices.

5 Document structure Context Benefits Strategic framework Implementation

6 Context Changing student profile and engagement Opportunities Pace of technological change and capability

7 Context: Changing student profile and engagement Digital natives and digital immigrants! 50% increase in student numbers by 2025 ◦ Only 25% of this will be school-leavers ◦ Post-experience education

8 Context: Opportunities Hunt report emphasis on ◦ engagement of students with education ◦ engagement of HEIs with the broader environment. The capability to respond to opportunities presented in the current economic environment ◦ in many cases are dependent on a capacity to deliver TEL services

9 Context: Pace of Technological Change and Capability The pace of technological change is of particular interest and in many respects this adds to the complexity that often characterises application. ◦ Capacity to scan for potential improvements and learn from the use of different technologies is of strategic value. ◦ A clear sense of how technology enables learning and thus enhances the learning environment is of fundamental importance.  In order to ascertain the role of technology

10 Mission Create an innovative learning, teaching & research environment using technology appropriately to improve access and engagement, enhance learning and stimulate innovative practices.


12 Role of technology (examples )


14 Strategy Need to accommodate diversity in terms of both technology and staff engagement ◦ Support to achieve activity across existing and new programmes/students Integrated set of projects ◦ Infrastructure (physical network & staff) ◦ Capability building ◦ Innovation

15 Infrastructure Projects: 1. Maintain & Expand VLE 2. Risk Management procedures 3. Support new technologies 4. User Group 5. Pedagogy & Tech Helpdesk 6. Technology sandbox 7. Good practice & quality polices 8. Service policy – student categories Achieve: capability to scan the environment and adopt relevant technologies is key to ensuring an excellent learning environment interface for technical staff to interact with users – proactive & reactive environment where innovative academics and technical staff can interact and experiment supports staff at all stages of programme development Create an innovative learning, teaching & research environment using technology appropriately to improve access and engagement, enhance learning and stimulate innovative practices.

16 Capability-Building Projects: 1. Digital literacy training for students 2.T&L training programme 3.Training matrix & needs analysis 4.Training programme 5.Pilot funded programme to launch new courses Achieve: need to enhance capacity reflects not only the diverse use of technologies but also various levels of awareness, and indeed interest, in the use such technologies. technical support & training proactive & reactive training Create an innovative learning, teaching & research environment using technology appropriately to improve access and engagement, enhance learning and stimulate innovative practices.

17 Target – 18 new blended/distance learning courses over the next 3 years Support  Learning Technologist  New enabling technologies Taskforce established (with the Registrar) ◦ Representatives from Colleges & ACE, LTU & Ionad Bairre Call for proposals very shortly  Have you and/or colleagues a new programme?

18 Have you and/or colleagues a new blended/distance learning programme?

19 Innovation in Teaching and Learning Projects: 1.Innovative applications of new content 2.Tools for searching, filtering & classifying information available on the web. 3.UCC Student projects 4.Electronic publishing 5.Production of OER 6.National and International collaboration Achieve: increase our presence and visibility across a range of academic disciplines and thus offer a range of research opportunities an active TEL Community in UCC can make a distinct intellectual footprint, at home and abroad active involvement in funded research programmes, contribution to open educational resources (OER) and key electronic journals Create an innovative learning, teaching & research environment using technology appropriately to improve access and engagement, enhance learning and stimulate innovative practices.

20 The strategy aims to Increase awareness of the role of technology Promote appropriate adoption of technology Build capability – pedagogy & tech infrastructure

21 The benefits of implementing the e- learning strategy to UCC are many : strategic response to HEA policy, capacity to attract non-exchequer funding, process and system improvements expanded intellectual footprint.

22 Why UCC Cannot Neglect eLearning : Restricted capability to respond to changing needs of existing students (e.g. a likely preference for blended learning among some postgraduate students) and school- leavers. Limited capability to attract new ‘mature students’ (e.g. part-time student demand for ‘career path programmes’). Lack of ability to capitalise on the growing demand for education in international markets. Loss of current position due to other HEIs at home and abroad investing in elearning – i.e. falling behind the curve and diminishing intellectual footprint.

23 Mission Create an innovative learning, teaching & research environment using technology appropriately to improve access and engagement, enhance learning and stimulate innovative practices.

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