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HKIN 303 Cardiovascular training. Determining Maximum Heart Rates 220 - age 1. over-predicts the young, under-predicts the aging 2. Does not allow for.

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Presentation on theme: "HKIN 303 Cardiovascular training. Determining Maximum Heart Rates 220 - age 1. over-predicts the young, under-predicts the aging 2. Does not allow for."— Presentation transcript:

1 HKIN 303 Cardiovascular training

2 Determining Maximum Heart Rates 220 - age 1. over-predicts the young, under-predicts the aging 2. Does not allow for gender differences. 208 - 0.7(age) Better prediction, but no gender allowance

3 Determining Maximum Heart Rates For those UNDER 55 yrs. ( Ball State, 1999) Males209 -.7(age) Females214 -.8(age) For those UNDER 55 yrs. (Ball State, 2005) Males 203.9 - (.812 x age) + (.272 x RHR) - (.084 x wt) - (4.5 x SF) Females 204.8 - (.718 x age) + (.162 x RHR) - (.105 x wt) - (6.2 x SF) SF = smoking factor: yes = 1, no = 0

4 Determining Maximum Heart Rates For those 55 yrs. or OLDER Males207. -.7(age) ( Tanaka et al, 2001) Females230 -.1.1(age) ( Miller et al, 2001)

5 Determining Intensity Non-invasive Conconi’s determination Crittical Power Invasive Lactate determinations

6 Determining Intensity


8 Cardio phases Recovery - Long Slow Distance (LSD) Extensive aerobic - LSD / > 10 min intervals.THR = 80-90% OBLA Intensive aerobic - interval training(5-10 min)- no exhaustion. THR = 90-95% OBLA Extensive anaerobic - intervals (2 - 10 min)- no exhaustion. THR = 95-105% OBLA Intensive anaerobic - intervals (10” - 2’) to exhaustion. THR = >105% OBLA

9 Cardio phases Recovery - conversational run, work up to 3-4 hr ride. Extensive aerobic - aerobic base training Intensive aerobic - aerobic power training Extensive anaerobic - shifting the OBLA right Intensive anaerobic - lactate tolerance

10 Cardio Phases to Resistance Phases A-A- Extensive aerobics Hypertrophy - Intensive aerobics Strength- Extensive anaerobics Power- Intensive anaerobics Functional - predominant metabolic pathway

11 Cardio Training in Mesocycle AAHyper StrengPower Funct Ext Aerob Int Aerobic Ext Anaerobic Int Anaerobic

12 Aerobic Base Training- Going Slower to Get Faster: One of the hardest concepts for an athlete to understand and implement is base training. It is counterintuitive to run or bike slowly in order to gain performance later in the season. It is also very difficult to take a step back from the intense training you were doing a few weeks ago, and bring the speed and pace way down. But if you have the discipline to train aerobically for a period of time, when everyone else is still hammering away, it will pay you dividends down the road.

13 Aerobic Base Training- Going Slower to Get Faster: Concentrate on form and technique, and LOTS of volume - quantity counts here! Aerobic Power Training- slowly introduce intervals of increased workrate: on a 45 min base run, do a 2 min interval @ 90-95% of OBLA every 5 min. [ 5 min at base THR, 2min @ 90% THR] X 7 =49min.

14 A failed marathon






20 1. 15 min. warmup:2.20 min. recovery 30 min. endurance w/o12 X 60m @ 85% max intensity Lt 1 @ 15 min. Lt 3@ 6 reps Lt 2 @ 30 min. Lt 4 @12 reps Lactate levels, in mmoles @ 4 times in w/o.

21 5.5 hr recovery ride: 15 X 1200m hill climbs (same hill)

22 Cardio training methods Interval Training: good for all types of training from extensive aerobic to lactate tolerance. 6-8 intervals is optimum. Hill Training: any thing from 50 m. to 1500m. To train for hills or lactate tolerance. Fartlek: (for 800m runnner)-10 minute warmup, then 3 X [75s maximum effort, 150s jog recovery,60s maximum, 120s jog recovery] (for 1500m,3K,5K,10K)-10 minute warmup, 8 X [3-4 minutes hard strides, 1 min recovery], 10 min cool down (for games athletes)-intersperse walk,jog run intervals randomly.

23 Cardio Training Methods Tempo Runs: marathoner would use 10K race pace. Can use the middle 1/3 of a run at Tempo, then cool down with the last 1/3. 3 /1 Training: first 3/4 of the run at specified pace, last 1/4 at race pace or less. Speed training: 8 x 800m. Use marathon time as pace: eg 3 hr 40 min = 3’ 40’’ 800m Race Pace: Do 50% of your long run for the week @ race pace. X-training: keep it linear if a runner.

24 Cardio Training Train at more than one intensity per week Use variety of methods in any week Limit yourself to one long endurance workout / week. Periodize rest into the schedule. Base precomp training on game conditions.

25 EXAMPLES Hal Higdon: 10K novice 10K intermediate Marathon novice Marathon intermediate Marathon experienced

26 Examples Mon. Tues. Wed.. Thur. Fri. Sat. Sun. Off 4 M 3M 4M off 4M 4M Off fartlek(4m) 4M 3M Off 3M 5M Off fartlek(4m) 4M 3M Off 3M 6M Off 4-5 hills 3M 4M Off 4M 7M Off 5x440 (5K pace) 4M 5M Off 4M 6M Off 3-4 long hills 4M 5M Off 3M 7M Off 5M 3M 5M Off 3M 8M Off 4-5 long hills 3M 4M Off 3M 7M Off 4M 3M 6x880 Off 4M 6M


28 Environmental Factors affecting training Training load and sickness/injury Circadian rhythm issues Hyperbaric/hypobaric conditions

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