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DYNAMIC READING: A better way to read. 3 P’s of Dynamic Reading Before you read: PREPARE While you read: PACE After you read: PONDER.

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Presentation on theme: "DYNAMIC READING: A better way to read. 3 P’s of Dynamic Reading Before you read: PREPARE While you read: PACE After you read: PONDER."— Presentation transcript:

1 DYNAMIC READING: A better way to read

2 3 P’s of Dynamic Reading Before you read: PREPARE While you read: PACE After you read: PONDER

3 How did you learn to read?

4 ABC’s Word formation Sentence formation More words, fewer pictures Read out loud Read silently (sub vocalizing) Read silently (stop moving lips)

5 What is reading??

6 Reading Is…….. The process of associating symbols with previously experienced meanings. The active, deliberate process of searching for meaning. An interaction between the reader and a printed text.

7 What steps do you use to work a jigsaw puzzle?

8 Pick a puzzle you like. Dump out the pieces and turn them right-side-up Set up the puzzle box where you can see it. Separate the inside pieces from the outside pieces. Work the outer edge first. Put the inside pieces together matching like colors.

9 Reading is like working a jigsaw puzzle... You can still put a puzzle together if you don’t follow certain steps, but it will be more difficult and take longer. Likewise, you can finish a book without using the steps in the dynamic reading, but it will be more difficult and take longer.

10 PREVIEW 1 st “P” in Dynamic Reading: PREVIEW Preview the passage before you start reading (like setting up computer files). Organizes the information so your brain doesn’t waste time trying to retrieve it. The result is increased comprehension and speed!

11 PACE 2 nd “P” in Dynamic Reading: PACE Imaginary ball activity

12 Read Smart: Knows what slows you down! 1.) Fixations-25% Pace- for smooth efficient eye movement!! 2.) Regressions-15% Pace- for full comprehension while reading!! 3.) Recalcitrant Recovery-35% Pace- For more effective, focused mind!

13 The eyes have it!! Tunnel Vision vs. Biopic Vision

14 Traditional Reading Subvocal

15 Dynamic Reading Visual

16 Let’s Practice! Do the following activities using the selection your teacher tells you: PREVIEW (try to get the gist of the passage) PACE (use your finger and try to view more than one word at a time without moving your eyes). PONDER (think about and discuss what you read)

17 PONDER 3rd “P” in Dynamic Reading: PONDER Don’t forget it!!! Reread the passages you don’t understand. You always get more out of a movie the second time you see it. PONDER = INCREASED COMPREHENSION

18 DYNAMIC READING: Putting it all together!! PREVIEW PACE PONDER

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