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Sexual Conduct Presented by PACE Risk Management.

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1 Sexual Conduct Presented by PACE Risk Management

2 PACE | Property and Casualty Coverage for Education AGENDA House Bill 2062 What is Sexual Conduct? What is PACE doing? Boundary Invasion Toolkit

3 PACE | Property and Casualty Coverage for Education House Bill 2062 Passed by Oregon Legislature in 2009 Effective July 1, 2010 The law was passed to expand existing child abuse protection to prevent “sexual conduct” by school employees Most districts adopted a board policy (JHFF) in 2010.

4 PACE | Property and Casualty Coverage for Education Definition of Sexual Conduct “Sexual conduct” as defined by Oregon law is any verbal or physical (or other) conduct by a school employee that is sexual in nature: directed toward a kindergarten through grade 12 student: unreasonably interferes with a student’s educational performance; and creates an intimating, hostile or offensive educational environment.

5 PACE | Property and Casualty Coverage for Education Definition of Sexual Conduct Sexual conduct includes a wide list of physical and non-physical behaviors and actions Inappropriate conversations Touching students frequently Suggestive or obscene language Holding hands with students Kissing a student Rubbing a student’s back Etc.

6 PACE | Property and Casualty Coverage for Education Definition of Sexual Conduct Sexual Conduct does NOT include sex abuse

7 PACE | Property and Casualty Coverage for Education Why focus on “Sexual Conduct” It is another term for “sexual grooming:” that involves finding a vulnerable student and engaging in increasingly inappropriate boundary invasions Boundary Invasions Sexual Grooming Sexual Molestation

8 PACE | Property and Casualty Coverage for Education Example of the Grooming Process Starts with Selecting a student Families under stress Not close to parents Low self-esteem Lack of self confidence Students with special needs Depressed Anxious or have been victimized in the past

9 PACE | Property and Casualty Coverage for Education Examples of Boundary Invasions Giving rides in personal vehicle with or without permission Being alone with a student behind closed doors at school Initiating or extending contact with student beyond the school day for personal purposes Electronic communication to discuss personal/non-academic interests or topic with student Walking into the bathroom, locker room, etc. while student is there

10 PACE | Property and Casualty Coverage for Education Reporting Requirements Regarding Sexual Conduct with Students (Board Policy - JHFF) Immediately report to supervisor and the person identified to receive such reports Conduct an investigation Post in each school building the name and contact information of the person to receive such reports Provide training to all district employees, make training available to parents and students At the time of hire provide a description of conduct that may constitute sexual conduct

11 PACE | Property and Casualty Coverage for Education What is PACE doing? 2014 PACE developed the Boundary Invasion Toolkit Meeting with every member by March 2015 Implement each part of the Toolkit Incentives for Districts to comply with the requirements

12 PACE | Property and Casualty Coverage for Education Boundary Invasion Toolkit Increase Awareness of Sexual Conduct Reporting Emphasize the importance of reporting behaviors to the designated people. Emphasize the importance of controls on social media, texting, emailing between staff and students. Importance of training at all levels.

13 PACE | Property and Casualty Coverage for Education In conclusion.. I know we say it all the time but.. “ It’s all about the kids ” Please report any sexual conduct and prevent CHILD ABUSE!

14 PACE | Property and Casualty Coverage for Education PACE Risk Management 1-800-285-5461

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