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CEO Task Increase Profit Scenario 1 CEO Task Increase Profit Efficiently, using existing resources Scenario 2 Activity ( Strategic Decision Making ) Teams.

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Presentation on theme: "CEO Task Increase Profit Scenario 1 CEO Task Increase Profit Efficiently, using existing resources Scenario 2 Activity ( Strategic Decision Making ) Teams."— Presentation transcript:

1 CEO Task Increase Profit Scenario 1 CEO Task Increase Profit Efficiently, using existing resources Scenario 2 Activity ( Strategic Decision Making ) Teams of 4

2 R ESULT E XPECTED Upon completion of this presentation, you will have:  Understood why conventional approaches to strategy give way to “competing on the edge.”  Identified how a firm have a superior effective decision making process.

3 S TRATEGY AS S TRATEGIC D ECISION M AKING Bjorn Lapakko Jaemin Kim Mike Chowdhury Stephanie Reckard Taka Watari Yuming Pan

4 I NTRODUCTION Traditional Approach:  Where do you want to go?

5 T RADITIONAL A PPROACH : O VEREMPHASIZE / U NDEREMPHASIZE Executives ability to analyze and predict which industries, competencies or strategic positions will be viable and for how long? The challenge of actually creating effective strategies?

6 COMPETING ON THE EDGE!!!  Successful Corporation Formula: Where do you want to go? How do you want to get there? Effective Strategic Decision Making

7  Continuous Flow  Levels: Unit/ Multi-Business/ Corporate  Assumption: “Bet The Company”  Fast, high quality and widely supported decisions COMPETING ON THE EDGE!!!

8 W HAT WE PROMISE TO TEACH !  Building Collective Intuition  Stimulating Quick Conflict  Maintain a Disciplined Pace  Defusing Political Behavior


10  Using small, obsolete information  No time for formal meetings  Only rely on market analysis  Withholding information from others  Using accounting-based information B UILD C OLLECTIVE I NTUITION M YTH SHOULD AVOID

11 B UILD C OLLECTIVE I NTUITION F OCUS ON  Using as much as or more information  Holding regularly scheduled “don’t miss” meetings  Using update, real-time information  Organizing antipodal team members  Using internal and external information  Encouraging open and direct collaboration

12  Willing to express diverse views  Decision process moves more quickly  Decisions based on high-quality information  Creating a “gut feeling”  A superior grasp of competitive dynamics B UILD C OLLECTIVE I NTUITION B ENEFITS


14  Natural feature of high-stakes decision making  Opportunities can be missed  Use “frame-breaking” tactics  Executives try to accelerate conflict


16 The dilemma  Every decision is unique  Must decide quickly

17 M AINTAINING P ACE Methods  Specify timeframe  Prototyping  Skillfully cutoff debate (consensus with qualification) Benefits  Decision making is more efficient  Helps plan goals


19 Common Goal

20 Balanced Power

21 Humor Gives You a job What would you say if a guy walked in for an interview without a shirt on? He must’ve had on some really nice pants.

22 T OWARD E FFECTIVE S TRATEGIC D ECISION M AKING Clear Future  SWOT Alternate Futures  Option valuation  Game Theory Range  Scenario Ambiguity  Intuition  Quick Conflict  Pace  Defuse Politics “Strategy under Uncertainty”, Harvard Business Review, Nov/Dec. 1997

23 Q&A

24 E SSAY Q UESTIONS  Describe why conventional approaches to strategy give way to “competing on the edge.”  Identify how a firm have a superior effective decision m aking process.

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