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DIFFERENTIATED EDUCATION PLAN PARENT MEETING Alexander Graham Middle School Tuesday, September 23, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "DIFFERENTIATED EDUCATION PLAN PARENT MEETING Alexander Graham Middle School Tuesday, September 23, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 DIFFERENTIATED EDUCATION PLAN PARENT MEETING Alexander Graham Middle School Tuesday, September 23, 2014

2 Why Are We Here? Tonight’s meeting is a compliance measure for parents of state certified gifted students. Each year a DEP(Differentiated Education Plan) form indicating academic and enrichment opportunities offered to gifted children is filed in the cumulative folder. Let’s take a quick look at the DEP form…


4 Students are placed in classes based on achievement. Most TD students qualify for honors classes. (e.g. ELA 94% Honors, 6% S+) Honors/S+ classes focus on more rigorous content and move at an accelerated pace. What Does TD Look Like in Middle School?

5 Modification for ELA at Alexander Graham Middle School 6 th Grade Honors: Rebecca Smith Kitty Hartung Cheri Williams Gabby Frontera These teachers will expect a high level of competence and progress at an accelerated and rigorous pace. Students will be encouraged to work individually and cooperatively to read and analyze complex text, read critically, develop cohesive arguments, write effectively to present information and arguments, and speak effectively to present information and/or arguments. 8 th Grade Honors: Jennifer Collins Coretta Wilson Renee Becker 7 th Grade Honors: Katie Wright Hilary Marshall Linda Crownshaw

6 Text Types and Purposes Production and Distribution of Writing Research to Build and Present Knowledge Range for Writing Conventions of Standard English Knowledge of Language Vocabulary Acquisition and Use Comprehension and Collaboration Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas Key ideas and details Craft and Structure Integration of Knowledge and Ideas Range of Reading Level of Text Complexity Reading Literature and Informational Text Speaking and Listening Language ELA Standards Writing

7 Modification for Math at Alexander Graham Middle School 6 th Grade Honors: Allison Rowe Mark Trotta Elizabeth Seckerson These teachers will expect a high level of math competence and progress at an accelerated and rigorous pace. Students will be encouraged to work individually and cooperatively in a responsible manner to solve problems. 8 th Grade Honors: Sarah Long Brian Breuer Jake Kravitz 7 th Grade Honors: Cara Catalfumo Jayne Payne * Math 1 Catherine Dugan * Math I / Math II

8 Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Model with mathematics Use appropriate tools strategically Attend to precision Look for and make use of structure Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Reason abstractly and quantitatively Creative/Critical Thinking Process and Problem Solving Authentic and Performance- Based Learning and Assessments Higher Order Questioning and Enrichment Opportunities Standards for Mathematical Practice

9 8th Final Grade in 8th Grade 9th10th11th12thOption Math IB/CMath IIMath IIIAdv. FunctionsDiscrete Math A/B+Math II Hon.Math III Hon.Pre-Calc. Hon. Discrete Math Hon. 1 AP Statistics2 AP Calculus AB3 A Math II IBMYP Alg. II/Trig. IBMYP IB Studies IIB Studies II1 IB Methods IIB Methods II2 Math IIMath III Hon.Pre-Calc HonorsAP Calculus ABAP Statistics1 AP Calculus BC2 Math III/Trig IBMYP IB Studies IIB Studies II AP Stats or AP Calc AB 1 IB Methods IIB Methods II AP Calc AB or AP Stats 2 IB Higher Level I IB Higher Level II IB Higher Level III 3 High School Math Progression * Students do have the option to take two math courses in one year. One per semester.


11 ELA and COMPLIANCE: DEBBIE COBB: MATH: CATHERINE DUGAN: If you have questions, please contact:

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