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2014 Economic Outlook 19 th annual survey Fielded December 2-5, 2013 1,003 Canada-wide online interviews (margin of error for a probability sample of this.

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Presentation on theme: "2014 Economic Outlook 19 th annual survey Fielded December 2-5, 2013 1,003 Canada-wide online interviews (margin of error for a probability sample of this."— Presentation transcript:

1 2014 Economic Outlook 19 th annual survey Fielded December 2-5, 2013 1,003 Canada-wide online interviews (margin of error for a probability sample of this size: ± 3.1%, 19 times out of 20)

2 Which of the following best describes how you feel about Canada’s economy? Is the economy in a severe recession, a mild recession, a period of moderate growth, or a period of strong growth? Perceptions of Canada’s Economy: Just over half (52%) believe Canada is still in recession

3 Which of the following best describes how you feel about Canada’s economy? Is the economy in a severe recession, a mild recession, a period of moderate growth, or a period of strong growth? Perceptions of Canada’s Economy: 6 th consecutive year majority of Canadians feel we’re in recession

4 [IF RECESSION] How much longer do you expect the current recession to last for? Expected Duration of Recession: Only 23% expect recession to end in 2014 6 Months or Less 7 Months to a Year 13 Months to 18 Months Don’t Know Over 2 Years 19 Months to 2 Years

5 Perceived Personal Financial Situation: Majority are holding their own, but just 17% “getting ahead” Thinking of your overall financial situation, over the past few years, would you say you are getting ahead, holding your own or losing ground?

6 Household Income vs. Cost of Living: Increase from last year in the number falling behind the cost of living Do you think that your household income this year will more than keep pace with the cost of living, keep pace with it, or fall behind the cost of living?

7 And over the next twelve months, do you expect each of the following to improve, worsen, or not change: Expectations for the Next 12 Months: Outlook for Canada’s economy more positive than for US or Global economy Canada's Economy Canada's Employment Situation The Stock Market The United States Economy The Global Economy

8 And over the next twelve months, do you expect each of the following to improve, worsen, or not change: Canada’s Economy Expectations for Canada’s Economy: Optimists outnumber pessimists, but outlook less upbeat than this time last year

9 And over the next twelve months, do you expect each of the following to improve, worsen, or not change: Canada’s Employment Situation Expectations for Canada’s Employment Situation: Similar number expect it to worsen and improve over next year

10 And over the next twelve months, do you expect each of the following to increase, decrease, or not change: Economic Expectations for Next 12 Months: Majority expect debt, taxes, and inflation to increase Canada's National Debt Taxes Inflation The Value of the Canadian Dollar

11 % who believe that it is either “somewhat or very likely they or someone in their household may lose his/her job in the next 12 months” How likely do you think it is that you or a member of your immediate family may lose his or her job in the next twelve months? Likelihood of Job Loss in Next 12 Months: Fear of job loss is higher than at any point over past 19 years

12 Dan Arnold Associate Vice President, Public Affairs 416.921.0090 Ext. 2220

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