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PacifiCorp-CAISO EIM Initiative Overview

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1 PacifiCorp-CAISO EIM Initiative Overview
January 28, 2015

2 Agenda Introduction PacifiCorp background Real-time operations of EIM
Base Schedules and dispatches Transmission Congestion Outages Entity’s Responsibilities Challenges, changes, tools Implementation status

3 PacifiCorp customers (go over statistics on slide)
Investor owned utility – subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway Energy 6,447 staff in U.S. 1.8million customers in 6 states Utah (42%) Oregon (25%) Wyoming (17%) Washington (8%) Idaho (6%) California (2%) (go over statistics on slide) no retail gas customers retail customers in 6 states facilities (generation and transmission facilities in 10 western states PacifiCorp Peak Load:12,558 MW PACW: 4354 MW 80+ Ties with other Balancing Areas PACE: 8989 MW 50+ Ties with other Balancing Areas

4 PAC Control Room EIM desk (EGO) works closely with all desks
B&I has accepted delegation of balancing tasks TOs monitor Transmission Congestion Shift Supervisor oversees all reliability functions


6 EIM Concept What is an EIM EIM in real-time BAA’s responsibilities
It is not an ISO It is not balancing our BAA EIM in real-time Generation redispatch Forward looking transmission management BAA’s responsibilities Not changing New tools and processes

7 Redispatch

8 Variable Energy Operation
Quick pic of one of our wind displays in System Ops. You can see the lack of conformity or alignment in just these few units from Wyoming.

9 Operational Concept Overview
Expansion of CAISO’s current 5 minute market Security Constrained Economic Dispatch Transmission constraint management Network model visibility and accuracy Terminology: Market Operator, EIM Entity, Participating Resources, Manual Dispatch, Instructed/Uninstructed Imbalance charges, Scheduling Coordinator….. Detailed outage reporting and situational awareness

10 EIM Real-Time Operations
Timing criticality of a 5 minute system Base Schedules Hourly vs. 15 minute vs. 5 minute markets Dispatches Transmission congestion Outages

11 Base Schedules Entity must come to the market balanced
Base Schedule (G + I = L) (feasibility check) Forecast of load Forecast of generation Forecast of interchange Submitted by all customers to EIM Entity Data aggregated and validated by PacifiCorp Grid Entity retains all BAA responsibilities

12 Base Schedule data flow (via SCs)

13 Balance and Feasibility Tests
Base Schedule Balancing Test Bid Range Capacity Test Flex Ramp Required Sufficiency Test Transmission Feasibility Test

14 Hourly vs. 15 minute vs. 5 minute
Hourly market (HASP) Unit start up, shut down, and transitions 15 minute market (RTPD) Market awards, e-tags Runs approx. 40 minutes ahead 5 minute market (RTD) Dispatches based on 15 min awards Runs approx. 7.5 minutes before ramp

15 Dispatch Dispatch sent to PacifiCorp’s Ranger (EMS), to RTU, and to the plant


17 Transmission Congestion
Forward looking congestion management 15 minute market awards published for 8+ intervals Correcting limits in state estimator Collaboration between Energy Grid Operator (EIM desk) and TO desks

18 Outage Reporting Requirements
Outage reporting is critical to SE and dispatches Planned outages must be submitted at least 7 days in advance For EIM, at least seven days Forced outages must be reported within 30 minutes Less imbalance the sooner it is reported PAC using COMPASS to interface to CAISO’s OMS Market run criticality

19 PacifiCorp Implementation
Network model expansion (FNM) 17,000 points via ICCP 24 systems and 92 interfaces modified Over 250 revenue meters upgraded Replaced, reprogrammed, or installed Over 30 generation units upgraded EMS, RTUs, DCSs, AGC

20 PAC and CAISO responsibilities
PAC retains all reliability function responsibility PAC will balance their ACE, manage reserves (no impact to NWPP RSG) and manage their voltage Under EIM, CAISO operates the market and publishes market results for both PAC and CAISO (the EIM footprint) Under EIM, PAC will operate transmission, monitor generation, process outages, and balance ACE for PACW and PACE

21 Tools COMPASS BSAP (and CAS)
Existing tool but increased use in real-time BSAP (and CAS) Base schedule aggregation portal BAAOP tool (aka RTM tool, aka Siemens tool) UI to the market operations Management of dispatches EMS (and PI) Increased generation management and oversight

22 Changes to PAC’s operations
Outage management Grid Ops and C&T management processing BAAOP Tool (aka RTM Tool, aka Siemens tool) 5 minute automated dispatches Increased generation monitoring Operations coordination between all desks Communication 15 minute scheduling parallels

23 Challenges Typical IT software refining
Accuracy of generation unit outages and derates for informing market Disciplined generation and interchange resource plan that aligns with market Network model accuracy Change management

24 Current Status (Jan 25) Continued tuning of model
Continue to replace manual processes with automation Refinement of real-time processes Delegation of balancing responsibilities Settlements ramp-up

25 Questions John Schaffroth (503) 251-5154

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