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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Paradigm Shift in Map Making Orhan ALTAN.

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Presentation on theme: "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Paradigm Shift in Map Making Orhan ALTAN."— Presentation transcript:

1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Paradigm Shift in Map Making Orhan ALTAN

2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Addressing Societal Needs How are pressing societal needs influencing the pace and profile of the future recovery? There is a growing sense that the world is at a critical inflection point, that how it collectively manages the crisis will determine the quality of the recovery, and how it manages the recovery will shape the future global system +) +) Ian Goldin, Director, 21st Century School, University of Oxford, United Kingdom "Summer Davos 2009" in Asia Relaunching Growth

3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Addressing Societal Needs How are pressing societal needs influencing the pace and profile of the future recovery? “The 21st century is going to be either the best century ever, where we overcome the great challenges of poverty and disease - or it's going to be our last century. Integration brings opportunity; interdependence brings risk." +) +) Ian Goldin, Director, 21st Century School, University of Oxford, United Kingdom "Summer Davos 2009" in Asia Relaunching Growth

4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rising Awareness and Interface Innovation Increasing awareness of location services “Free” access to on-line tools and locators –Google Earth –Yahoo Maps –MSN –AOL Changing expectations –Aesthetics –Interface –Cost! Users hit limits of functionality very quickly >>> look for more sophisticated Location Intelligence tools>>>want to use it in their daily jobs

5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEO, the Group on Earth Observations GEO, the Group on Earth Observations

6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ISPRS Structure

7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Role of Societies Aliencies

8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Joint Projects

9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9

10 ISPRS Centenary Booklet Launch, 2nd of July Vienna

11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Founder of ISPRS

12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Venue for the GALA Dinner: Wiener-rathaus Room of the Gala Dinner ISPRS Centenary

13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ISPRS Centenary GALA DINNER 4th of July

14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Key Derivers of Further Development Synchronization of separate geo-spatial resourcesSynchronization of separate geo-spatial resources to provide a useful, usable, and enabling framework that can be integrated with environmental and socio-economic data for research, discovery, and web services characterized by broad access and “end-to-end” coordination high performance networks and communication technologies for efficient data handlingFurther development of high performance networks and communication technologies for efficient data handling, distributed and federated repositories, human- centred visualization, and applications to improve web- based geospatial services and analysis metadata; and open standards of service, system architecturesContribution towards open source principles; metadata; and open standards of service, system architectures, and geospatial information

15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Evidence Date: 26th of September 1956 4.4 MB (Megabyte) Hard Disk Weight aprox. 1ton

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