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Keeping pace with an ever changing world Project Grundtvig for the University for seniors in Czeladź, Poland This Grundtvig Partnership project brings.

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Presentation on theme: "Keeping pace with an ever changing world Project Grundtvig for the University for seniors in Czeladź, Poland This Grundtvig Partnership project brings."— Presentation transcript:

1 Keeping pace with an ever changing world Project Grundtvig for the University for seniors in Czeladź, Poland This Grundtvig Partnership project brings together adult educational institutions from Poland, Ireland, Turkey and Italy. Project planned duration-2 years(09.2012-06.2014). The main aims of our project focus on the challenges that older people face in an attempt to align themselves with all the latest and fast paced changes that are taking place all over Europe.

2 Keeping pace with an ever changing world The mission of the University for seniors in Czeladź includes education, dissemination of lifelong learning, active engagement in the social and cultural city life, developing interests- all what makes a senior feel useful and sensible. Experiencing ever changing world may cause helplessness and loss. Participating in classes and lectures gives rise to friendship and protects people form feeling alone. It motivates to improve both mental and physical state. It enables to create new posiibilitie to fulfill dreams and ambitions which had been given up when one had had to fit this into their family and career life. The University for seniors is the result of the cooperation between Czeladź Community and Business High School in Dąbrowa Górnicza, began in 2009. The City Library in Czeladź is now responsible for coordinating this educational project.

3 Participants of the the University for seniors in Czelad ź during classes Keeping pace with an ever changing world

4 Senior students have a chance to take part in lectures and workshops. Among the topics there were: psychology, pedagogy, law, styles of living, medicine, new technology and science – this is only a part of the range of subject matters. Almost all the lecturers were academic teachers. The talks were broadly about: 1.Modern financing – friendly for seniors. 2.Intuition-reading other`s thoughts, paranormal effects. 3. Church architecture 4. Fryderyk Chopin and Franciszek Liszt – the Pole and the Hungarian – two brothers.

5 Keeping pace with an ever changing world 5. Backbone – from the point of the therapist view. 6. Communication in conflict situations 7. Is Internet safe for our grandchildren?. 8. Life and work of Wisława Szymborska (Nobel laureate in poetry in 1996 ). 9. Conservation of monuments. 10. Diabetes and hypertension – effect on eyes. 11. Precious nature: herbs for health. During the last school year (2011-2012) 15 lectures were held.

6 Keeping pace with an ever changing world Participants of the the University for seniors in Czelad ź attanding lectures :

7 Keeping pace with an ever changing w orld Among the workshops that were carried out during the last school year there were: 1.Computers without barriers. 2.English classes. 3. Recreational and keep-fit exercises. 4. Floristic workshop. 5. Voluntary service for seniors. Each workshop were composed of seven meetings.

8 Keeping pace with an ever changing world Participants of the the University for seniors in Czelad ź attanding workshops:

9 Keeping pace with an ever changing world The Second Ball for Seniors in July 2012. Holiday atmosphere and the greatest music hits accompanied graduates of the succeeding school-year of the University for Seniors in Dąbrowa Górnicza and Czeladź at the Ball for Seniors organized by the High School of Business in Dąbrowa Górnicza. Almost 120 seniors danced together with the school authorities.

10 Keeping pace with an ever changing world Ball for Seniors in 2012

11 Keeping pace with an ever changing world While carrying out the first project task : Description of the target group, in September 2012 we asked 92 seniors –attendees of the University of the Third Age to fill in a questionnaire titled: „The profile of an attendee of the UTY in Czelad ź ”. The questionnaire contained questions concerning the following matters: 1. Age 2.Education 3.Status 4. Whether the attendee of the UTY: lives alone or with his/her family 5. Interests 6. Whether the attendee of the UTY works 7. Reasons to attend the UTY.

12 Keeping pace with an ever changing world According to the results of the survey most of the seniors are between 61 – and 65, and 64 are graduated from high schools ; they are mostly retired. 47 attendees of the UTY live with their families, 45 live alone. Seniors are interested in: film, working with a computer/Internet, tourism / travelling and doing crosswords. 88 answerers stated, that their motive for enrolling the UTY was to gain greater knowledge; for 83 persons the main reason was to develop interests; 64 answerers pointed motives connected with making friends. Among 92 answerers there are 84 women and 8 men. In sum, we can alledge that all the answerers are deeply motivated to participate in lectures and workshops offered by the University of the Third Age in Czeladź.

13 Keeping pace with an ever changing world Thank you for your attention. The presentation was made by the Polish project team. November 2012 The project is realized with the finance support of the European Commission within the "Longlife learning program".The publication reflects the standpoint of the authors only and neither the European Commission nor the National Agency bear responsibility for the essential contents included in the presentation and for the way of using the enclosed information.

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