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 starter activity Portraits often tell us a lot about a person and their background. There is no known contemporary portrait of Edward the Confessor.

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Presentation on theme: " starter activity Portraits often tell us a lot about a person and their background. There is no known contemporary portrait of Edward the Confessor."— Presentation transcript:

1  starter activity Portraits often tell us a lot about a person and their background. There is no known contemporary portrait of Edward the Confessor. Draw a quick sketch of what you think he looked like with any useful items. Then, read the account of Edward. Annotate your drawing to show the changes you need to make to reflect his true character.  What are the problems with the accounts?

2 A thirteenth century image of Edward. How accurate do you think this image is?

3 Three claimants, one throne! To study the strengths of the 3 claimants to the English throne & To evaluate which king had the stronger claim LOs  Key words: claimant witan hustings

4 What qualities does a medieval king need to have in order to be successful? How many of these qualities did Edward have?  What qualities does a modern-day monarch need?


6 Edward the Confessor Father, Aethelred the Unready, mother Emma of Normandy Father, Aethelred the Unready, mother Emma of Normandy Spoke French, brought up in Normandy Spoke French, brought up in Normandy Deeply religious Deeply religious Ruled with help of Godwin family (married Edith Godwin) Ruled with help of Godwin family (married Edith Godwin) Nominated Harold Godwin as his heir Nominated Harold Godwin as his heir Edward on the Bayeux Tapestry

7  Your task Work in groups of 3. Each take responsibility for a king and record their strengths and weaknesses. Who had the strongest claim to the throne on paper?  Who had the weakest claim? Coin from the time of Edward the Confessor

8 ClaimantsStrengthsWeaknesses William, Duke of Normandy Harald Hardrada, King of Vikings Harold Godwinson (Anglo-Saxon Earl)

9 William the Conqueror

10 Harald Harada

11 Harold Godwinson

12 What are the elements of a campaign hustings?

13  Your task We are going to hold a hustings to see who would be the best candidate for the job of king of England. You must come up with We are going to hold a hustings to see who would be the best candidate for the job of king of England. You must come up with A campaign speech A campaign speech A flyer A flyer Rosettes with a winning slogan Rosettes with a winning slogan  A campaign song  A campaign song

14  Homework Write a campaign speech for either Harold Godwinson, Harald Hardrada or William the Conqueror. You must include the following: Write a campaign speech for either Harold Godwinson, Harald Hardrada or William the Conqueror. You must include the following: Explanation of why you are such a strong candidate Explanation of why you are such a strong candidate Explanation of why the other candidates are so poor Explanation of why the other candidates are so poor Use persuasive language Use persuasive language You may wish to explain how you would improve life in Anglo-Saxon Britain and even create an election logo or slogan You may wish to explain how you would improve life in Anglo-Saxon Britain and even create an election logo or slogan

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