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Second Era of Revolutions British Reform and Uprisings in France, Central America, and the United States.

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1 Second Era of Revolutions British Reform and Uprisings in France, Central America, and the United States

2 British Reforms Great Britain undergoes a series of Progressive Reforms Progressive Reform – working for the advancement of the entire society, primarily those that are down trodden. Reforms made in: Worker rights and safety Voting rights Rights of Imperial holdings outside of England

3 Worker Reforms Reform Act of 1832: Gave industrial cities representation in Parliament (Government) Parliament still wanted limits placed on voting Only men with education Only men who held land Excluded many workers and women from voting Factory Act of 1833: Limited working hours of children Made it illegal for teenagers to work more than 12 hours/day Required schooling for 9-13 year olds during work day

4 Public Acts (Slavery, Health, Criminal Acts) Slavery Abolition Act Did not grant immediate freedom Government compensated slave owners for their loss Public Health laws were passed Criminal Laws were passed These were all passed as a way to clean up society

5 Voting Rights Chartism – refers to people who pushed for the People’s Charter in Parliament People’s Charter – Demanded voting rights for all men Movement started in 1839 Charter was dismissed by Parliament initially Led to protests and uprisings Revolt in 1848 Constant uprisings led to voting rights being changed Victorian Era Changes – Changes that occurred during reign of Queen Victoria in England (1837-1901) Voting rights extended more working men Fought for women’s right to vote (suffrage) Got right to vote in 1918 – women over 30 only

6 Self-Rule in the Empire Ireland: Irish lost much of their land to British landlords who moved in Hurt Irish agriculture and farming Led to crisis called Potato Famine in mid-1800s Many Irish moved to America Others died More still continued to lose there family farms and life savings England expected Ireland to still export food Led to Irish revolts starting in the 1860s Did not get limited self-rule until 1920s

7 Self-Rule in the Empire Canada: Started with rebellions in 1837 – Reform pushed for in 1838 1867 – Several Canadian provinces given power to govern themselves Led to Canada becoming a Dominion – self governing colony Australia: Area was used as a prison/place of exile for British criminals All changed when copper and gold was discovered – British colonists settled there 1901 – Australia gains self rule – sets up own government New Zealand – land exchanged for self rule

8 Revolution in France (Again) King Louis XVIII (18 th ) put in power after fall of Napoleon Bonaparte Put there by Congress of Vienna – foreign rulers When Louis XVIII died – Charles X (10 th ) inherited the throne Suspended power of legislature – people’s rights taken away Angered the populace 1830 – French people revolt – Charles X gives up throne Was the final push needed for future revolutions in Europe Led to end of all Monarchies

9 French Republic Born – Revolution of 1848 Started because workers felt rights were infringed on Brought to power Louis Napoleon (Napoleon III) Outcomes: All French men gained right to vote Republican government supported Movement fired for Women’s Rights Other revolutions take place in Europe

10 Franco-Prussian War (1871) Led to the capture of Napoleon III Defeat led to push for change in France – deposed Napoleon III from the throne Third Republic formed: Reforms: Primary education available for children between ages of 6 and 13 Trade unions legalized Working hours reduced Employers forced to give workers one day off/week Dreyfus Affair- Showed the depth of hatred between groups in France – this primarily dealt with anti-Semitism (prejudice toward Jews) Led to growth in Jewish Nationalism Now Jews wanted their own land – start of argument for the nation of Israel

11 Summary This is an era of Progressive Reform in Europe Looking to give rights to those who do not have them These reforms lead to conflict – even revolution Governments change or are overthrown Revolution will spread throughout Europe End of Monarchies

12 Question Slide #1 What is Progressive Reform? Give some examples. What was the purpose of the Reform Act of 1832? What issues arose? What did the Factory Act of 1833 do? Why were the Slavery Abolition Act and Public Health and Criminal Laws important to pass? What is Chartism?

13 Question Slide #2 What was the People’s Charter? What reforms took place during the Victorian Era in England? What nations fought England for self-rule? To what extent did each receive self rule? What role did the Congress of Vienna play in forming the French government? What were the outcomes of the French Revolution of 1848?

14 Question Slide #3 The Third Republic in France was formed out of what event? What reforms took place in France under the reign of the Third Republic? What was the significance of the Dreyfus Affair? What was started because of it?

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