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 Why do we pray to saints? Shouldn’t we pray to God alone? ◦ There’s a difference between worship and prayer ◦ Catholics do not worship saints. ◦ We.

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Presentation on theme: " Why do we pray to saints? Shouldn’t we pray to God alone? ◦ There’s a difference between worship and prayer ◦ Catholics do not worship saints. ◦ We."— Presentation transcript:


2  Why do we pray to saints? Shouldn’t we pray to God alone? ◦ There’s a difference between worship and prayer ◦ Catholics do not worship saints. ◦ We ask saints to pray for us ◦ Not praying to a saint

3  No. These people may have died on Earth, but they are alive in Heaven. ◦ Jesus: “I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob … not the God of the dead but of the living. (Matthew 22: 29)  (St. Luke's Gospel 20:38 adds "for to him all are alive" or "for all live unto him") ◦ “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.”  (John 11:24)

4  So I’m praying that St. Anthony will help me find my missing iPod … ◦ St. Anthony acts as an advocate. He takes the prayers to God “in person” ◦ He can go to the very throne of God

5  But why not pray to Jesus directly???? ◦ Every day, we’ve prayed for the sick/suffering, people who are travelling, and “for each other”, “to have a good day” ◦ Praying for others is what Christians do! ◦ Strengthens the community ◦ These other people could pray directly to Jesus, but we pray for them also ◦ Kind of like signing a petition (cafeteria example)  Although we (humans) are all equal in the eyes of God, those in direct union with Him (in heaven) have more influence ◦ JER 15:1 Then the LORD said to me: "Even if Moses and Samuel were to stand before me, my heart would not go out to this people.”

6  “Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners” ◦ We ask Mary to pray for us. Mary is Jesus’ mother and has a lot of clout!

7  Coming up soon … 4 step process.

8  We are called to be like Jesus ◦ Can’t do everything he did, but we should try to be true to ourselves and to our relationship with God  Communion of Saints: All the faithful (living or dead) are connected. We are all part of the body of Christ ◦ Even people who have died are still connected to us. ◦ People who have died still have influence over Earthly affairs!!! ◦ Stadium example

9  An end to Earthly life, but the beginning of everlasting life  We become closer to God and to all those who are with God  Death does not separate our community. ◦ Someone who has died is now closer to God (and has everlasting life). They are still able to influence what happens on Earth.

10  Human beings who have lived holy lives in obedience to God’s will  Saints are not born saints. They are not perfect or sinless. They come from ordinary families.  While on one is perfect, some are on the road to sainthood

11  An intercession is asking members of the communion of saints in Heaven to pray to God on your behalf (or on the behalf of others)  We do this every morning! (St Peter etc.)

12  1. Servant of God ◦ When the case is opened for consideration  2. Venerable ◦ The Vatican counsel determines that you led a life of heroic virtue ◦ You worked aggressively to improve your spirituality. You never gave up trying to better yourself and grow in holiness.  3. Beatification ◦ After the church establishes one miracle, it is presented to the Pope to see if the person is worthy of being called a saint ◦ Once a person is beatified, they’re known as “Blessed”  4. Canonization ◦ Another miracle, and the cause is presented for judgment

13  Miracles that occur either before or after death are necessary in becoming a saint  God acts through saints to perform miracles around them  Saints are role models of the faith. ◦ Worthy of being imitated ◦ If God grants them the ability to perform miracles, then even He is saying “take notice of these people!” ◦ 1 Cor 11:1 “Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ” (Paul)

14  Levitation ◦ The person levitates into the air (often during prayer) ◦ Ex: St. Francis Xavier  Bilocation ◦ The person appears in two places (far apart) at once ◦ Ex: Padre Pio  Stigmata ◦ The person’s body has the five wounds of Christ. These wounds will often bleed during mass or feast day, then stop ◦ Ex: St. Francis of Assisi

15  Incorruptibility ◦ Long after death, the person’s body is found free of decay when exhumed from the grave ◦ Ex: St. Bernadette of Soubirous  Liquefaction ◦ The dried blood of the person liquefies on the feast day ◦ Ex: St Januarius  Odor of Sanctity ◦ The body of the person has a sweet aroma like roses, instead of smelling like decay ◦ Ex: St Therese of Lisieux

16  Chosen as protectors and guardians over life  There are patron saints of occupations, illnesses, churches, countries, specific causes  Popes have names patron saints, but they can be chosen by individuals/groups as well  Often chosen because of an interest/talent/event in the saints life that overlaps in a certain area  Can help us follow the example of their life  Can also help us through intercession when we pray to them

17  Ex: Saint Francis of Assisi loved nature, and is therefore the patron saint of ecologists  Ex: Saint Francis de Sales was a writer, and is the patron saint of journalists

18  Relics are the material remains of a deceased saint or martyr and objects closely associated with those remains  Can be entire skeletons, but usually are a part of the body (bone, piece of hairs, tooth)  Pieces of clothing worn by deceased saint  Objects that has come in contact with a relic

19  First Class Relics – item is directly associated with the events of Christ’s life or the physical remains of a saint  Second Class Relics- item that the saint wore, owned or used often  Third Class Relics – object that is touched by a First Class Relic


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