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Sungei Ara Gospel Hall TABERNACLE STUDIES 17 th Apr. 2011 – 1: Salvation and Sovereignty of Christ. 1a. The Concept, Construction and Court Hangings.

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Presentation on theme: "Sungei Ara Gospel Hall TABERNACLE STUDIES 17 th Apr. 2011 – 1: Salvation and Sovereignty of Christ. 1a. The Concept, Construction and Court Hangings."— Presentation transcript:


2 Sungei Ara Gospel Hall TABERNACLE STUDIES 17 th Apr. 2011 – 1: Salvation and Sovereignty of Christ. 1a. The Concept, Construction and Court Hangings. 14 th Aug. 2011– 1b. The Court Hangings and the Main Entrance. 2: Sanctification and Separation of the Christian. 2a. Contents in the Outer Court – The Brazen Altar 21 st Aug. 2011– 2b. Contents in the Outer Court – The Brazen Laver 3. Sharing Salvation Outside the Church. 3a. The Coverings and Curtains of the Tabernacle 3b. The Boards and Bars of the Tabernacle. 6 th Nov. 2011 – Servants and Services in the Holy Place – 4a. The Door of the Tent; The Lampstand. 13 th November, 2011 - 4b: The Servants and the Services of the Church. Services in the Holy Place – The Table of Shewbread and the Golden Altar of Incense (cont’d) and in the Holiest – The Veil, Ark, and Mercy Seat

3 I. T HE G OLDEN L AMPSTAND OR T HE C HRISTIAN ' S W ALK IN THE L IGHT B.T HE S PIRITUAL S IGNIFICANCE. 1. The Materials. a. The Composition. b. The Decorations. c. The Illumination. d. The Supervision or The Ministry of the Priests. shall order it. Exo. 27:21 2. The Measurements. 3. The Ministry.

4 The 4 studies on the Tabernacle: Webpage (Home): http://www.berita-bethel- Last Week’s Powerpoint file: Holy_Place_Door_of_the_Tent_Lampstand_Pt4.pps http://www.berita-bethel- Holy_Place_Door_of_the_Tent_Lampstand_Pt4.pps

5 II. THE TABLE OF SHEWBREAD OR THE CHRISTIAN'S WORSHIP AND FELLOWSHIP - A. The Scriptural Specifications: Exo. 25:23-30; Lev. 24:5-7; Exo. 37:10-16; 39:36; 40:4, 22, 23 B. The Spiritual Significance: 1. The Godward Aspect.Exo. 25:23-30 a.The Profession of the brethren by Christ in the Presence of God. Ex. 25:30; Heb. 2:10-13 b. The Preservation of the brethren in the Father and the Son. Exo. 25:24, 25; Jn. 10:28-30 c. The Presentation of Jews and Gentiles in One Body, the Church. Lev. 24:6, 8; Eph. 2:14-18 d. The Perfection of the brethren because of Christ's Perfect Sacrifice. Lev. 24:5; Eph. 5: 25, 27 2. The Manward Aspect - Lev. 24:5-9

6 B. The Spiritual Significance: 1. The Godward AspectExo. 25:23-30 2. The Manward Aspect:Lev. 24:5-9 THE TABLE OF SHEWBREAD -- Lev. a. The Table of Shewbread is a pure table. 24:6 b. Frankincense on the bread for a memorial. 24:7 cf. 2:1, 2 c. The bread is changed every sabbath. 24:8 d. It is before the Lord "continually." 24:8 THE LORDS SUPPER -- I Cor. The Table of the Lord is pure. 10:21; 11:27-29 The Lord's Supper is a memorial feast 11:24, 26 "Upon the first day of the week..." Acts. 20:7 "For as often as ye eat this bread..." 11:26

7 2. The Manward Aspect:Lev. 24:5-9 THE TABLE OF SHEWBREAD -- Lev e. It is food for the priests. 24:9 f. It is to be eaten in the Holy Place. 24:9 g. It is the Most holy unto Him of the offerings of the Lord. 24:9 3. The Holiness Aspect. a. Who are not to eat? b. Who are to eat? THE LORDS SUPPER -- I Cor. "Take eat this is My body" 11:24 "Come together...into one place.“11:20, 16, 17 The Lord's Supper is the most important in the life of the Christian. Lev. 22:10; Lev. 22:4 Cf. I Cor. 11:30-32 Lev. 21:16-23 (22 ct. 23) Cp. II Sam. 9:3, 7

8 III. THE GOLDEN ALTAR OF INCENSE OR CHRIST, HIS INTERCESSION AND APPRECIATION Intro.: The Brazen Altar cp. The Golden Altar. A. The Scriptural Specifications. Exo. 30:1-10; 6-9; 37:25-29; 39:38; 40:5, 9, 16, 26, 27; 30:34-38 B. The Spiritual Significance. 1. Golden Altar of Incense. Exo. 30:1-10 Christ our High Priest and Intercessor. Heb. 7:26-2a. a.His Person. Heb. 7:26-27a (Exo.30: 1, 3) b. His Approachability.Heb. 4:14 -16 (30:2 cf. 27:1) c.His Power. Heb. 7:25 (Exo. 30:2). d.His Praise. Heb. 2:9 cf. 7:25b, 28b (30:7-9) Acacia wood overlaid with pure gold; 1x1x2c; foursquare; 4 horns; incense Acacia wood overlaid with bronze; 5x5x3c; foursquare; 4 horns; sacrifice

9 The Golden Altar of Incense 2. The Incense ( Exo. 30:34-38) a. "beaten small (36) of like weight (34), tempered together (35). b. "Pure and holy" (35, also vv. 36, 37) c. The Burning of Incense and dressing of the lamps. (30:7) Christ - our Praise and "Incense" Eph. 5:2. Blending of His Perfect Attributes. Cf. Psa. 27:4) Beauty of Holiness. Psa. 29:2; 96:8, 9ff Blessing of the Holy Spirit in Worship. Jn. 4:24 Beware of offering "strange incense" Exo. 30:9 ct. Lev. 10:1-3

10 IV.T HE V EIL OR C HRIST, H IS F LESH AND F REE ACCESS INTO G OD ' S P RESENCE Exo.26:31-35; Cf. Heb.10:20 A.The Veil in the Tabernacle. 1.Its Function is to divide between the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies. Exo. 26:33 cf. Heb. 9:6-9 2.It hangs on Four pillars overlaid with gold, standing on silver sockets. Exo. 26:32 cf. Heb. 10:20; Phil. 2:6-8; I Pet. 1:18, 19 3.It is made of Fine-twined linen with cherubim woven into blue, purple, scarlet materials. Exo.26:31 cf. Heb. 2:9

11 A.The Veil in the Tabernacle. B. The Veil in the Temple. Matt. 27:50, 51 1. The Veil that was Torn. a. Its Position. Cf. Exo. 26:33 b. Its Function. Cf.Heb. 9:6-8 c. Its Construction. "a handbreadth thick, woven of 72 twisted plaits, each plait consisting of 24 threads." - Rabbis. 2. The Veil, How it was Torn. a. Approach made open. "...torn in two...“ Mt. 27:51; Mk. 15:38 b. An Act of God. "from the top to the bottom" Mt. 27:51 c. Access to God. "torn in the midst.Lk. 23:45

12 B. The Veil in the Temple. 1. The Veil that was Torn. 2. The Veil, How it was Torn 3. The Veil, Why it was Torn -- a. To grant Free access into God's presence. Heb. 10:19, 20 b. To Break down the Barrier between Jews and Gentiles, Forming a New Body, the Church. Eph. 2:14-18

13 V.T HE A RK OF THE C OVENANT AND T HE M ERCY S EAT OR T HE T HRONE OF GRACE Exo. 25:10-22 1. The Ark of the Covenant Exo. 25:10-16 a. The Contents in the Ark. Exo. 25:16; Heb. 9:4 b. The Concept: i. The Chest - Christ in His Divinity. ii. The Contents - Christ in His Humanity.

14 1.The Ark of the Covenant Exo. 25:10-16 2. The Mercy Seat. Exo. 25:17-22 a. The Covering - a Seat. b. The Crown of Gold. c. The Cherubim. d. The Christ. i. A Throne of Grace and Mercy. Heb. 4:14-16 ii. A Place of Meeting between God and Man. Exo. 30:6; 25:22 Exo. 25:11 cf. Heb. 2:9 ct. Mt. 27:29 Their Presence in Eden (Gen. 3:24); in the Veil (26:31) and on the Mercy Seat. (25:18) - Divine Righteousness and Judgment cp. Heb. 9:5; Rom. 3:25

15 Con.: All believers in Christ can approach the Throne of Grace to obtain mercy and grace in time of need. Heb.4:16 The veil is rent, lo! Jesus stands Before the throne of grace; And clouds of incense from His hands Fill all that glorious place. His precious blood sprinkled there, Before and on the throne; And His own wounds in heaven declare His work on earth is done. Within the holiest of all, Cleansed by His precious blood, Before Thy throne Thy children fall, And worship Thee our God.

16 Conclusion: Sharing the Gospel to the Outside World Serving God in the Holy Place: Study 4a Introduction: The Two Entrances Contrasted: A. The Gate of the Court (Exo. 27:16-18) B. The Door of the Tent (Exo. 26:36, 37) 13 th November, 2011 III. The Boards and the Bars. Exo. 26:15-29; 36:20-34 (Results of the Gospel) IN THE HOLY PLACE 1. The Golden Lampstand 2. The Table of Shewbread 3. The Altar of Incense Study 4b – IN THE HOLIEST The Ark and the Mercy Seat

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