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Amphitheatre of Virunum gladiator fights and animal chases first found 1935 findings: two altars 7- 8 thousand people wood and stone construction.

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2 Amphitheatre of Virunum gladiator fights and animal chases first found 1935 findings: two altars 7- 8 thousand people wood and stone construction

3 Herzogstuhl twoseater Roman stones; ruins of the Virunum built in the 9th century a new duke got the insignias sitting on this throne it was used till 1651

4 Maria Saal late Gothic built in the 8th century protection for farmers Roman stones Achilles dragging Hector around Troja Modestus

5 Roman reliefs of Virunum on the wall of the church It is known as the „mail coach“ but it depicts the journey of a dead woman into the world beyond

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