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God’ Promise of Justice Rom. 6:1. What does justice mean to you? n Sometimes it’s scary! n However, sometimes it’s a relief. n Sometimes we crave it (Psm.

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Presentation on theme: "God’ Promise of Justice Rom. 6:1. What does justice mean to you? n Sometimes it’s scary! n However, sometimes it’s a relief. n Sometimes we crave it (Psm."— Presentation transcript:

1 God’ Promise of Justice Rom. 6:1

2 What does justice mean to you? n Sometimes it’s scary! n However, sometimes it’s a relief. n Sometimes we crave it (Psm. 10:1-15). n What is God’s promise of justice?

3 In the Old Testament n No partiality with God (Deut. 10:17-18). n He will not pervert justice (Job 34:12). n He loves righteousness and justice (Psm. 33:5). n They are the foundation of his throne (Psm. 89:14).

4 In the New Testament n “Shall not God bring about justice for his elect who cry out to him day and night?” (Luke 18:17) n “Behold the goodness and severity of God” (Rom. 11:22). n God knows how to make things right (2 Peter 2:9).

5 In the Judgment n We must all appear before the judgment seat of God (2 Cor. 5:10). n A just God evaluates human behavior (Matt 25). n Paul told Felix about “righteousness, temperance and judgment to come” and Felix trembled (Acts 24:25).

6 What does justice mean to you tonight?

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