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Overview – relevant activities Test facilities with AI – first engineering and then effects Studies with Kinder Morgan and WCSS Fate and Behaviour, Modeling.

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2 Overview – relevant activities Test facilities with AI – first engineering and then effects Studies with Kinder Morgan and WCSS Fate and Behaviour, Modeling – empirical based

3 Background Fingas or as Spill Science has been active for 40 years in oil spill studies focussing on 1. Oil spill dynamics, behaviour and modeling 2. Oil analysis and measurement 3. Oil chemistry 4. Oil remote sensing 5. In-situ burning

4 Test facilities Carried out by CFER – part of AI (Centre for Frontier Engineering Research – part of old Alberta Research Council) CFER focusses on engineering portion Will also try to establish a fate and effects side to this endeavour Slide show from CFER

5 Proposal Overview

6 Objectives Simulate spills on inland waterways Still and flowing water, below surface release Evaluate on water leak detection technologies Hyperspectral imaging Evaluate airborne leak detection technologies VOC Monitoring Evaluate spill recovery technologies Skimmers and booms Train first responders

7 Proposed Approach Phase 1A – Lab testing of small skimmers Set up lab-scale wave tank Phase 1B - Remote sensing of leaks Set up field testing site for airborne leak detection Phase 2 – Field testing of large skimmers Set up large wave tank in field Phase 3 – Spill response on inland waterways Build artificial river and wetland

8 Lab-Scale Equipment Current system meets code to release hazardous material, such as dilbit Ventilation Electrical Storage Delivery Containment Source: Wired Magazine

9 Field-Scale Equipment Simulate freshwater environments: Basin with waves Flowing water Wetlands Include cold weather operations and ice Evaluate and demonstrate technologies Train first responders

10 Wave Generator Oil Storage & Separation System Pump Skid Jib Crane Training Room Control Room Test Basin Phase 1: Test Basin Test Basin

11 Artificial River Shoreline vegetation Riffle zone Wei r Phase 2: Artificial Stream River System

12 Wetland Wei r Phase 3: Wetland Wetland

13 Extension to Fate and Effect Studies Extend the study facilities at Vegreville Extend the use of the test tanks to also conduct fate studies




17 Studies with Kinder Morgan Advise and review a major test of Dilbit studies and countermeasures test Carried out at Gainford, Alberta Resulted in extensive information, including extensive chemical information on water components



20 Study Sponsored by WCSS Resulted in a compilation of fate and behaviour studies on Bitumen and Dilbit to provide a first behaviour prediction scheme Study extended later to be a serial in the ISCO newsletter and will be expanded again in upcoming AMOP

21 Behaviour and Fate Studies Continue to develop methods to relate empirical studies to algorithms to predict fate Basic concept – to firmly understand the chemistry and physics of a particular facet of oil behaviour and then extend it to provide prediction

22 How studies conducted Start with controlled weathering

23 Items measured in aliquots By standard means – standards developed

24 Measurement needs Solubility – several studies on how to measure static equilibrium – useless for environment and modeling Searching for support to develop a dynamic method – need to relate starting oil chemistry to soluble components and water conditions Toxicity – did this years ago – Rainbow Trout – LC50 More chemistry

25 Oil behaviour Have done about 400 oils (including all my time in EC) for these items Need – to develop solubility and add this item – do some form of aquatic toxicity – maybe Daphnia Magna and/or Microtox Need to do more current oils


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