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1 Chap. 2:1-42 Chap. 3:7-193Chap. 5:11-6:12Chap. 10:26-38Chap. 12:15-29 DangerDrifting awayUnbelieving/ hard heart Falling AwaySinning Willfully Coming.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Chap. 2:1-42 Chap. 3:7-193Chap. 5:11-6:12Chap. 10:26-38Chap. 12:15-29 DangerDrifting awayUnbelieving/ hard heart Falling AwaySinning Willfully Coming."— Presentation transcript:



3 1 Chap. 2:1-42 Chap. 3:7-193Chap. 5:11-6:12Chap. 10:26-38Chap. 12:15-29 DangerDrifting awayUnbelieving/ hard heart Falling AwaySinning Willfully Coming Up Short CausationNeglecting salvation Disobedience/ rebellion Immaturity(forsaking our pledge) Bitterness, refusal of God Preventative Measure Pay closer attention to what we have heard Take care and encourage each other Diligence to do good works Assembling / encouraging each other Showing gratitude in serving God ExampleDIVINE: The words spoken by angels were great, these words are greater HISTORICAL: Those whom Moses led out of Egypt NATURAL: Land which receives the water but produces nothing is cursed LEGAL: Severity of Mosaic was great; it is more so under Christ PERSONAL: Esau HISTORICAL: Mt Sinai and the Israelites PunishmentAn even more just penalty than before We will not enter God's rest Cursed and Burned; no hope of salvation Fate worse than (physical) death Rejection by God; failure to escape (God's wrath)

4 1 Chap. 2:1-42 Chap. 3:7-193Chap. 5:11-6:12Chap. 10:26-38Chap. 12:15-29 DangerDrifting awayUnbelieving/ hard heart Falling AwaySinning Willfully Coming Up Short CausationNeglecting salvation Disobedience/ rebellion Immaturity(forsaking our pledge) Bitterness, refusal of God Preventative Measure Pay closer attention to what we have heard Take care and encourage each other Diligence to do good works Assembling / encouraging each other Showing gratitude in serving God ExampleDIVINE: The words spoken by angels were great, these words are greater HISTORICAL: Those whom Moses led out of Egypt NATURAL: Land which receives the water but produces nothing is cursed LEGAL: Severity of Mosaic was great; it is more so under Christ PERSONAL: Esau HISTORICAL: Mt Sinai and the Israelites PunishmentAn even more just penalty than before We will not enter God's rest Cursed and Burned; no hope of salvation Fate worse than (physical) death Rejection by God; failure to escape (God's wrath)

5 1 Chap. 2:1-42 Chap. 3:7-193Chap. 5:11-6:12Chap. 10:26-38Chap. 12:15-29 DangerDrifting awayUnbelieving/ hard heart Falling AwaySinning Willfully Coming Up Short CausationNeglecting salvation Disobedience/ rebellion Immaturity(forsaking our pledge) Bitterness, refusal of God Preventative Measure Pay closer attention to what we have heard Take care and encourage each other Diligence to do good works Assembling / encouraging each other Showing gratitude in serving God ExampleDIVINE: The words spoken by angels were great, these words are greater HISTORICAL: Those whom Moses led out of Egypt NATURAL: Land which receives the water but produces nothing is cursed LEGAL: Severity of Mosaic was great; it is more so under Christ PERSONAL: Esau HISTORICAL: Mt Sinai and the Israelites PunishmentAn even more just penalty than before We will not enter God's rest Cursed and Burned; no hope of salvation Fate worse than (physical) death Rejection by God; failure to escape (God's wrath)

6 1 Chap. 2:1-42 Chap. 3:7-193Chap. 5:11-6:12Chap. 10:26-38Chap. 12:15-29 DangerDrifting awayUnbelieving/ hard heart Falling AwaySinning Willfully Coming Up Short CausationNeglecting salvation Disobedience/ rebellion Immaturity(forsaking our pledge) Bitterness, refusal of God Preventative Measure Pay closer attention to what we have heard Take care and encourage each other Diligence to do good works Assembling / encouraging each other Showing gratitude in serving God ExampleDIVINE: The words spoken by angels were great, these words are greater HISTORICAL: Those whom Moses led out of Egypt NATURAL: Land which receives the water but produces nothing is cursed LEGAL: Severity of Mosaic was great; it is more so under Christ PERSONAL: Esau HISTORICAL: Mt Sinai and the Israelites PunishmentAn even more just penalty than before We will not enter God's rest Cursed and Burned; no hope of salvation Fate worse than (physical) death Rejection by God; failure to escape (God's wrath)

7 1 Chap. 2:1-42 Chap. 3:7-193Chap. 5:11-6:12Chap. 10:26-38Chap. 12:15-29 DangerDrifting awayUnbelieving/ hard heart Falling AwaySinning Willfully Coming Up Short CausationNeglecting salvation Disobedience/ rebellion Immaturity(forsaking our pledge) Bitterness, refusal of God Preventative Measure Pay closer attention to what we have heard Take care and encourage each other Diligence to do good works Assembling / encouraging each other Showing gratitude in serving God ExampleDIVINE: The words spoken by angels were great, these words are greater HISTORICAL: Those whom Moses led out of Egypt NATURAL: Land which receives the water but produces nothing is cursed LEGAL: Severity of Mosaic was great; it is more so under Christ PERSONAL: Esau HISTORICAL: Mt Sinai and the Israelites PunishmentAn even more just penalty than before We will not enter God's rest Cursed and Burned; no hope of salvation Fate worse than (physical) death Rejection by God; failure to escape (God's wrath)

8 1 Chap. 2:1-42 Chap. 3:7-193Chap. 5:11-6:12Chap. 10:26-38Chap. 12:15-29 DangerDrifting awayUnbelieving/ hard heart Falling AwaySinning Willfully Coming Up Short CausationNeglecting salvation Disobedience/ rebellion Immaturity(forsaking our pledge) Bitterness, refusal of God Preventative Measure Pay closer attention to what we have heard Take care and encourage each other Diligence to do good works Assembling / encouraging each other Showing gratitude in serving God ExampleDIVINE: The words spoken by angels were great, these words are greater HISTORICAL: Those whom Moses led out of Egypt NATURAL: Land which receives the water but produces nothing is cursed LEGAL: Severity of Mosaic was great; it is more so under Christ PERSONAL: Esau HISTORICAL: Mt Sinai and the Israelites PunishmentAn even more just penalty than before We will not enter God's rest Cursed and Burned; no hope of salvation Fate worse than (physical) death Rejection by God; failure to escape (God's wrath)




12 The Basic Principles of Christianity













25 Hebrews 6:7-8 For the earth which drinks in the rain that often comes upon it, and bears herbs useful for those by whom it is cultivated, receives blessing from God but if it bears thorns and briars, it is rejected and near to being cursed, whose end is to be burned.

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