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TDS Materials STF Role in Materials Ordering. Materials Process JHU Rep (STF) completes material order TDS Processes Order Materials Shipped to School.

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Presentation on theme: "TDS Materials STF Role in Materials Ordering. Materials Process JHU Rep (STF) completes material order TDS Processes Order Materials Shipped to School."— Presentation transcript:

1 TDS Materials STF Role in Materials Ordering

2 Materials Process JHU Rep (STF) completes material order TDS Processes Order Materials Shipped to School JHU Rep coordinates Materials Inventory and Dissemination JHU Rep (STF) works to reconcile any discrepancies IFs complete content section of order JHU Rep collects and shares inventory data

3 Material MG Trade Books Testing Poster Printers Incentive Materials etc. TDS Material on Order Form Non-TDS Materials TDS Catch-Up Curriculum Holland Inventory HS Trade Books ELA and Math Kits etc.

4 Tools Available in TDS Materials share folder Tools MG and HS order forms Budget Spreadsheet Testing Addendum Cost Estimates Etc. Access Communicate with Jon or Tim if you do not have access to TDS Materials share folder

5 Budgets

6 What does an order form look like? High School Materials Order Form 2012-2013 Please refer to the directions at the end of this order form (pages 16 through 22) when completing each section to ensure timely and accurate delivery of material. Section 1: Shipping Information 1.REQUIRED: Record the address and phone number where materials should be shipped. School/District: ATTN: Phone: P.O. or Street: City: State: Zip:

7 Be Accurate Be Complete Be Positive Be Proactive Have a Plan Important Ordering Tips

8 Inventory Material Arrivals STF should have a plan in place for material arrival – Secure place for order to arrive – A method to inventory – A method for dissemination to teachers and classrooms – A method to store and secure extras

9 Who Contacts Who? 1 st Contacts should be with JHU Representative (STF) JHU Representative may need to contact school officials JHU Representative may need to contact JHU materials coordinators: Shana Herndon for High School and Myriam Maouyo for Middle Grades If needed, the JHU Representative may need to contact me (Danny Jones). If needed, Nanci Henningsen may need to work through some grant funded items. STF may need to seek guidance from FM, RD, or DM.

10 Preparing for Next Year Secure any unused materials By February determine the inventory of any remaining materials. Try to have orders complete 6 to 8 weeks before material is needed. If possible, have all orders complete before school ends in the spring. Budget for a 5 to 10% cost increase. Watch for new materials order training in April.

11 Projects JHU Facilitators may be working on material development projects while supporting schools. – Example 1: The Miami facilitator team is working on a Classroom Management manual. – Example 2: Specific ELA facilitators may author, revise, or copy edit a partner discussion guide.

12 Webinar If needed, you can watch the recorded webinar. Please note that the references to sub-award are no longer accurate. Any question related to using the grant funded dollars will need to be directed to Nanci Henningsen. Webinar Link: d/ d/

13 Questions?

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