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Vernal Pond 1 The Pond People: Lauren Bergh Michelle Hofmann Kristen Swanberg Rosalie Faubon Amanda Hartman Vernal Pools: Not Just a Mud Puddle!

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Presentation on theme: "Vernal Pond 1 The Pond People: Lauren Bergh Michelle Hofmann Kristen Swanberg Rosalie Faubon Amanda Hartman Vernal Pools: Not Just a Mud Puddle!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Vernal Pond 1 The Pond People: Lauren Bergh Michelle Hofmann Kristen Swanberg Rosalie Faubon Amanda Hartman Vernal Pools: Not Just a Mud Puddle!

2 Participants will learn that the life cycles of a vernal pool includes the pool itself and the unique animals and plants that exist there.

3 Performance Objectives Participants will: –Be able to define a vernal pool and state its importance –Name two animals who depend on vernal pools –Describe the life cycle of one obligate (dependent) animal

4 Program Design Science Content: -Life cycles Site-Specific Content: -Vernal pools -Vernal pool shrimp -Vernal pool amphibian Science Tools: -Field guide (audio/visual) -Maps - Models -Magnification - Dip nets -Live Animals - Cameras -Thermometer Documentation: -Life cycle diagrams -Field journal -ejournal (optional)

5 Standard Lesson Plan Assumptions: –High school education Accommodations / Modifications: –Age-related limitations (a) –Blind/low vision (b) –Cognitive (c)

6 Universal Instructional Design Power point presentation –High-contrast –White space –Six-by-six –Line-by-line (fly in) Assisted listening devices Name badges Clip boards with pencils attached Room safety

7 Lesson Introduction Introduction (power point) –Program logistics (a, b, c) Program Schedule Room safety

8 Lesson Plan (1) What is a vernal pool? –Definition: words and pictures (a, b, c) Unique, rare, lacks inlet/outlet Cycles of a vernal pool (seasonal photos) –Activity: Tactile maps (a, b, c) –Holding water: words/pictures (a, b, c) –Activity: Sediment investigation (a, b, c)

9 Lesson Plan (2) Vernal Pool Animal: Frog –Identification: words and pictures ( a, b, c) –Activity: adult frog model (a, b, c) –Life cycle: words and pictures –Activity: life cycle models (a, b, c) 5 phases in tactile models –Activity: life cycle handout Photo/label stickers

10 Lesson Plan (3) Vernal Pool Animal: Fairy Shrimp –Identification: words and pictures (a, b, c) –Activity: adult shrimp model (a, b, c) –Life cycle: words and pictures –Activity: life cycle models (a, b, c) 3 phases in tactile models –Activity: life cycle handout Photo/label stickers

11 Lesson Plan: Field Experience Visit a vernal pool! Water safety Field guide: poster/communication board and audio –Field journal (a, b, c) Pictures/labels on clip board Date/season, time of day, weather, temp. (air/water) –Activity: Dip net (a, b, c) Examine catch with field magnification tool Check-list in Field Journal –Activity: Photograph Vernal Pool Photo of pool, dip net, frog

12 Lesson Plan: Inclement Weather Activity: Animals in classroom aquariums –Lab (Field) journal (a, b, c) Pictures/labels on clip board Date/season, time of day, weather, temp. (air/water) –Activity: Photograph Vernal Pool Animals Ken-A-Vision scope Photo of frog, shrimp (or equivalent) – Activity: Touch animals

13 Wrap-Up “Not just a mud puddle!” –Review objectives: Be able to define a vernal pool and state its importance Name two animals who depend on vernal pools Describe the life cycle of one obligate (dependent) animal

14 Accommodations/Modifications Cognitive –Printed slides –Modified field guide –Models instead of live animals –One life cycle –“stand here” footprints

15 Accommodations/Modifications Blind/Low Vision –Audio calls (for frog ID) –Foam tactile map –Magnification devices –“Talking” tools –Sediment activity –Models –Large print (power point and field guide/journal)

16 Accommodations/Modifications Age Related Limitations –Assistive listening devices –Modified dip net –Combination of any of those previously mentioned as needed

17 If we did more… Enhanced program –Citizen science Seasonal program /semi-annual –Ecosystem approach GPS mapping of vernal pool Create a new vernal pool Examine more species of animals, include plants

18 FUNdamental Life Cycle of a Frog –Focus on life cycle –Tactile, oversized models of each life cycle stage –Live tadpoles/frogs in lab –Activity: Participants fill in the life cycle using stickers and/or stamps

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