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2 Kyo/jitsu/ki

3 Sakura


5 Basho’s Finest Haiku: FFuruike ya kawazu tobikomu mizu no oto F 古池や 蛙飛こむ 水のをと (1686) FThe old pond: a frog jumps in, – the sound of the water. (© R.H.Blyth)  А n old pond… a frog leaps in, the sound of water (© Haruo Shirane)  Breaking the silence о f an ancient pond, a frog jumped into water– а deep resonance. (© Nobuyuki Yuasa) FThe old pond – a frog leaps in, and a splash (© Makoto Ueda) FOld pond a frog in-leaping water note. (© Maeda Cana) FAt the ancient pond a frog plunges into the sound of water. (© FOld pond, leap-splash – a frog. (© Lucien Stryk) FAn ancient pool, a frog jumps in – the sound of water. (© Thomas McAuley) FFuruike ya kawazu tobikomu mizu no oto F 古池や 蛙飛こむ 水のをと (1686) FThe old pond: a frog jumps in, – the sound of the water. (© R.H.Blyth)  А n old pond… a frog leaps in, the sound of water (© Haruo Shirane)  Breaking the silence о f an ancient pond, a frog jumped into water– а deep resonance. (© Nobuyuki Yuasa) FThe old pond – a frog leaps in, and a splash (© Makoto Ueda) FOld pond a frog in-leaping water note. (© Maeda Cana) FAt the ancient pond a frog plunges into the sound of water. (© FOld pond, leap-splash – a frog. (© Lucien Stryk) FAn ancient pool, a frog jumps in – the sound of water. (© Thomas McAuley)

6 ひなまつり “Hinamatsuri” (March 3rd)

7 Hiroshige Ando, “Peach Blossom and Sparrows in Moonlight” (1833)

8 Bush clovers and Triptych by Chobunsai Eishi (c. 1790)

9 Yoshitsuya, “The full autumn moon over the cliffs of Ishiyama” (1864)

10 Perfection Denied…

11 Hokusai, “The Great Wave” (1831) and 2004

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