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“Ecological restoration of the Pond area M-L through a close participation of the private and public landowners and a triple E-approach” Presentation by.

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Presentation on theme: "“Ecological restoration of the Pond area M-L through a close participation of the private and public landowners and a triple E-approach” Presentation by."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Ecological restoration of the Pond area M-L through a close participation of the private and public landowners and a triple E-approach” Presentation by : Arne Vanden Bogaerde, Life+ projectcoördinator, ELO

2 “Ecological restoration of the Pond area M-L through a close participation of the private and public landowners and a triple E-approach” EU co-financing instrument for European Environmental policy Life+ : 2007 - 2013 3 categories: ‘Nature & Biodiversity’ Nature Biodiversity ‘Envir. Policy & Governance’ ‘Information & Communication’ « Natura 2000 = the European network for Special Protection Area’s for the conservation of European biodiversity, for and with all parties concerned »

3 “Ecological restoration of the Pond area M-L through a close participation of the private and public landowners and a triple E-approach” Project area : ~4.500 ha EU-protected area: ~2.650 ha

4 “Ecological restoration of the Pond area M-L through a close participation of the private and public landowners and a triple E-approach” © F.Van Bauwe Bittern Tree frog large ponds small ponds wet grassland wet heath dry heath

5 Expected results Ecological actions


7 “Ecological restoration of the Pond area M-L through a close participation of the private and public landowners and a triple E-approach” EcologyEconomy Education synergie!

8 Ecology Economy Education to learn about /from nature appreciation / dedicate oneself to nature (conservation, management, etc.) the ability to learn/study thanks to economy input of knowledge into economy (innovation, sustainability, etc.) Ecosystem services: -raw materials, food, nutrientcicles, etc. -health and protection (water, air, pests, etc.) -wisdom (solutions, innovation, sustainability, etc.) -(eco)tourism, peacefull/healthy places to live and work -source of inspiration for art, culture, antistress, etc., etc., etc. means for conservation & improvement synergie! …& learning from dealing with economy

9 Ecology Economy Education to learn about /from nature appreciation / dedicate oneself to nature (conservation, management, etc.) the ability to learn/study thanks to economy input of knowledge into economy (innovation, sustainability, etc.) Ecosystem services: -raw materials, food, nutrientcicles, etc. -health and protection (water, air, pests, etc.) -wisdom (solutions, innovation, sustainability, etc.) -(eco)tourism, peacefull/healthy places to live and work -source of inspiration for art, culture, antistress, etc., etc., etc. means for conservation & improvement synergie! …& learning from dealing with economy Example 2: Placement of webcams in the area: Educ.:special (in)sight(s) in the ecology of the area + sense of beauty Ecol.: protection of vulnarable areas + more awareness/wonder brings more support Econ: as an eye catcher good opportunity for promotion of the (products of the) area Example 1: Ecological improvements for ponds take also fishfarming (economy) into account through a good positioning and management of the reed beds (more efficient harvesting of the fish and less (reed)management for fishfarmer). This requires sufficient knowledge and communication!

10 Education & Communication 2010 2011 2012 2013 website infosessie krantje n°1 artikels brochure & poster n°1 conferentie 1 ‘Participation’ conferentie 2 ‘Results’ videodocu preview videodocu full 2014 Publiek rapport tentoonstellingen en geleide wandelingen Nieuwe wandel- en bezoekersinfrastructuur: parking, paden, kijkwanden, etc. krantje n°2krantje n°3 brochure & poster n°2 Webcams aangepaste wandelkaarten informatie borden educatiepakket scholen einde

11 The 5 main goals of the project: 1.Ecological improvements: Bittern, tree frog, heath land,… 2.Close collaboration with the private landowners & all other stakeholders in the area 3.‘Triple E’ approach = to assure a sustainable development through a stronger go together of Economy, Ecology and Education 4.To raise the public awareness of Natura2000 5.To demonstrate a best practice (at EU level) about the participation of private landowners in managing Natura2000 area’s … for a total budget of € 2.700.000 (50% EU co-fin.)

12 Thank you for listening! …and a hearty welcome in our area !

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