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Chap. 16 Ecosystems What is an Ecosystem? Section 1.

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1 Chap. 16 Ecosystems What is an Ecosystem? Section 1


3 Interactions of Organisms and Their Environment Ecology – the study of the interactions of living organisms with one another and with their physical environment Ecology – the study of the interactions of living organisms with one another and with their physical environment Habitat – the place where a particular population of a species lives Habitat – the place where a particular population of a species lives

4 Levels of Organization Organism – an individual living thing Organism – an individual living thing Population – a group of the same species that lives in one area Population – a group of the same species that lives in one area Community – the many different species that live together in a habitat Community – the many different species that live together in a habitat

5 Ecosystem or ecological system – consists of a community and all the physical aspects of its habitat – complex web of connected biotic & abiotic factors Ecosystem or ecological system – consists of a community and all the physical aspects of its habitat – complex web of connected biotic & abiotic factors Biome – a major regional or global community of organisms Biome – a major regional or global community of organisms

6 Keystone species Is a species that has an unusually large effect on its ecosystem Is a species that has an unusually large effect on its ecosystem Form and maintain a complex web of life Form and maintain a complex web of life Affects all the other species connected to it Affects all the other species connected to it


8 Biosphere – living globe – that part of the Earth in which life exists Biosphere – living globe – that part of the Earth in which life exists Extends to as far as 8 kilometers above the Earth’s surface to as far as 8 kilometers below the surface of the ocean Extends to as far as 8 kilometers above the Earth’s surface to as far as 8 kilometers below the surface of the ocean Organisms are not distributed uniformly throughout the biosphere Organisms are not distributed uniformly throughout the biosphere

9 Factors of An Habitat Abiotic factors – physical aspects of a habitat – natural nonliving Abiotic factors – physical aspects of a habitat – natural nonliving Biotic factors – the organisms in a habitat Biotic factors – the organisms in a habitat

10 Physical Aspects Terrain Terrain Water Water Soil Soil MineralsMinerals CompositionComposition Organic matterOrganic matter pHpH Air atmosphere Air atmosphere Weather/climate Weather/climate Intensity of sunlight Intensity of sunlight

11 Diverse Communities in Ecosystems Biodiversity – the variety of organisms, their genetic differences, and the communities & ecosystems in which they occur Biodiversity – the variety of organisms, their genetic differences, and the communities & ecosystems in which they occur


13 Ecosystem Inhabitants of a Pine forest Which of the six kingdoms of organisms would be represented if you fenced a square kilometer of the forest? Which of the six kingdoms of organisms would be represented if you fenced a square kilometer of the forest?

14 Ecosystem Boundaries Physical boundaries of an ecosystem are not always obvious, also depends of ecosystem being studied Physical boundaries of an ecosystem are not always obvious, also depends of ecosystem being studied

15 Change of Ecosystems over Time Pioneer species – the first organisms to live in a new habitat where soil is present Pioneer species – the first organisms to live in a new habitat where soil is present Tend to be small, fast-growing plants examples: lichen, mosses – can break down solid rock into smaller pieces Tend to be small, fast-growing plants examples: lichen, mosses – can break down solid rock into smaller pieces Make the ground more hospitable for other species Make the ground more hospitable for other species

16 Succession Succession – regular progression of species replacement Succession – regular progression of species replacement Regenerate a damaged community or create a community in a previously uninhabited area Regenerate a damaged community or create a community in a previously uninhabited area

17 Primary succession – occurs where life has not existed before Primary succession – occurs where life has not existed before

18 Secondary succession – occurs in areas where there has been previous growth Secondary succession – occurs in areas where there has been previous growth Reestablishment of a damaged ecosystem Reestablishment of a damaged ecosystem Small disturbances start the process Small disturbances start the process Again & again Again & again

19 Climax Community which populations of plants or animals remain stable and exist in balance with each other and their environment. A climax community is the final stage of succession, remaining relatively unchanged until destroyed by an event such as fire or human interference which populations of plants or animals remain stable and exist in balance with each other and their environment. A climax community is the final stage of succession, remaining relatively unchanged until destroyed by an event such as fire or human interference




23 http://glencoe.mcgraw- view0/unit1/chapter3/concepts_in_m otion.html# http://glencoe.mcgraw- view0/unit1/chapter3/concepts_in_m otion.html# http://glencoe.mcgraw- view0/unit1/chapter3/concepts_in_m otion.html# http://glencoe.mcgraw- view0/unit1/chapter3/concepts_in_m otion.html#





28 Pond Succession http://www.sabah.ed %204/pond.htm http://www.sabah.ed %204/pond.htm http://www.sabah.ed %204/pond.htm http://www.sabah.ed %204/pond.htm Pond succession occurs due to the change in depth of the pond. When submerge plants die, it will deposit at the bottom of pond. Over the time, the pond becomes shallow until finally filled in. Pond succession occurs due to the change in depth of the pond. When submerge plants die, it will deposit at the bottom of pond. Over the time, the pond becomes shallow until finally filled in.

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