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Strategies for Resource Management for Better Input Use Efficiency Strategies for Resource Management for Better Input Use Efficiency National Conference.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategies for Resource Management for Better Input Use Efficiency Strategies for Resource Management for Better Input Use Efficiency National Conference."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategies for Resource Management for Better Input Use Efficiency Strategies for Resource Management for Better Input Use Efficiency National Conference on Agriculture For Rabi Campaign 2013-14 (24-25 September 2013) AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT, GUJARAT

2 Resources for Agriculture Development Group- 3 : Strategies for Resource Management for Better Input Use Efficiency To sustain the agriculture scenario, there is need to integration & strategic use of sources viz, Soil & Land Water Energy & Farm power Agriculture Infrastructure Agro advisory network Credit & Insurance Human Resources

3 Soil & Land : Status Land use classification  Only 50 % area available for agriculture  60 % area under Arid & Semi Arid region  65 % area under rain fed cultivation  66 % Small & Marginal land holders  Soil erosion, Depletion of Water Table, Salinity ingress / Sea Water Ingress  21.80% saline and 19.62% water logged area. Group- 3 : Strategies for Resource Management for Better Input Use Efficiency

4 Soil & Land : Nutrient status & Issues  Higher N2 consuming crops like Cotton, Castor, Maize, Jowar  Low C:N ratio  Low use of organic manures  Low fertilizer use efficiency Issues & Causes Nitrogen deficiency in Soil Micro nutrient deficiencies  Micro nutrient deficiency in Cotton, Groundnut & vegetable area  Use of N-P-K fertilizers only  Low use of organic manures  Mono and Intensive cropping Group- 3 : Strategies for Resource Management for Better Input Use Efficiency

5 Soil & Land : Present work & Vision  Awareness campaign for balance use of chemical fertilizer  2 Mobile Soil testing van equipped with LCD & extension material 2 Mobile Soil testing van  Increase area under adoption of green manuring (target – 25,000 ha. In 2013-14) Present workVision & Strategies Awareness Development  Production capacity of Liquid bio fertilizer increased up to 20 lakh liter at the end of 2013-14.  Promotion of arid area horticulture crops in culturable waste land  Soil Health Card to all farmers (42.39 lakh in 1 st phase & 13.05 lakh in 2 nd phase)  Micro nutrient map at Village level – 3280 no.  online accessibility : e-kirane-kiran Diagnostic work  102 Soil Testing Laboratories  50 STLs equipped with Micro nutrient testing facilities  Large scale bio compost unit at Sugar Co- operatives (2.90 lakh MT Capacity)  SSP Production capacity enhanced up to 5.1 Lakh MT from 3.8 lakh MT in last two years  Promotion of Rotavator for putting back crop residue in soil (> 22,000 rotavators given on subsidy basis in last two years) Development work Group- 3 : Strategies for Resource Management for Better Input Use Efficiency

6 Water : Irrigation status & resources Irrigation Status Total cropped area : 122 lakh Ha. (SCR) Area Total Water Quota Surface Water Underground Water Storage capacity of existing reservoirs * Central & South Gujarat 3810531750635510400 North Gujarat 6342210042422100 Saurashtra 9723360061232250 Kutch 1438650788250 Total 55608381001750815000 ( Million Cubic Mtrs ) * except Sardar Sarovar Yojana WATER RESOURCES  19 major and 70 medium irrigation projects  >1000 minor irrigation projects  > 1.50 lakhs check dams Group- 3 : Strategies for Resource Management for Better Input Use Efficiency

7 Water: Present work & Vision  Promotion of Participatory Irrigation Management (PIM)  Deepening of village ponds & lining of canal for increase the serving capacity  Increase area under MIS with target of 1.5 to 2 lakh ha. per year  Planning of water harvesting structure (during 12 th FYP)  7000 village ponds  55000 farm ponds  12000 Sim talav Present workVision & Strategies  Special incentives for MIS  > 7.4 lakh ha. Area covered under MIS  Electricity Connection to MIS Beneficiaries on priority basis  Promotion of Mulching and improved agronomical practices  Large scale programme for water harvesting structure (during 11 th FYP)  6424 village ponds  50641 farm ponds  9766 Sim talav Group- 3 : Strategies for Resource Management for Better Input Use Efficiency

8 Energy & Farm Power  Less adoption of hi-tech equipment  Less mechanization adoption among small and marginal farmers  Budget for farm mechanization ENERGYFARM MECHANIZATION Issues Achievement  Increased budget for farm mechanization (Rs. 210 Cr. In 2011-12 & 285 Cr. In 2012-13)  Agro Service Provider and Custom hiring unit for Small & marginal farmers (550 in two year)  Incentives for Hi- tech machineries like Sugarcane harvester (72), combined harvester (55), laser land leveler (300) in last two years  Separated power supply for agriculture and domestic  Assured 8 hours agriculture power supply at pre-decided schedule  24 hours domestic power supply to all villages, which supported small scale agriculture processing units  Electricity Connection to MIS Beneficiaries on priority basis Group- 3 : Strategies for Resource Management for Better Input Use Efficiency

9 Farm Mechanization Gujarat Farm Power the availability increased from1.6 kW/ha. (2009-10) to 1.74 kw/ha. (2012-13) and vision for 2.1 kW /ha. By end of 12 th FYP.  Agro Service Provider for farm machinery at cluster level.  Bringing more area under mechanized cultivation resulting into the high crop production.  Promote to farm mechanization in sugarcane area where in more men days required  The applications of tractors / rotavators are received online - ensuring transparency.  Farm machinery mega exhibition support  Agro Service Provider for farm machinery at cluster level.  Bringing more area under mechanized cultivation resulting into the high crop production.  Promote to farm mechanization in sugarcane area where in more men days required  The applications of tractors / rotavators are received online - ensuring transparency.  Farm machinery mega exhibition support Strategies & Vision Group- 3 : Strategies for Resource Management for Better Input Use Efficiency

10 Agriculture Infrastructure Gujarat Agriculture Growth is well supported by good agricultural infrastructure  Well established market facilities – 205 APMCs and 400 market yards  Well established input supply chain operated by co-operative societies, Govt. supported agro service centres, private input dealers, company depots etc.  398 cold storage units with installed capacity of 1.26 million tons  Massive programme for farmers godown in villages under Agro Infrastructure Policy (Grameen Bhandara)- 8000 done.  Scientific Seed Storage @ SAUs for proper storage of breeder seeds.  Promotion of tissue culture laboratories on PPP mode  102 Soil testing Laboratories across the state  Well established market facilities – 205 APMCs and 400 market yards  Well established input supply chain operated by co-operative societies, Govt. supported agro service centres, private input dealers, company depots etc.  398 cold storage units with installed capacity of 1.26 million tons  Massive programme for farmers godown in villages under Agro Infrastructure Policy (Grameen Bhandara)- 8000 done.  Scientific Seed Storage @ SAUs for proper storage of breeder seeds.  Promotion of tissue culture laboratories on PPP mode  102 Soil testing Laboratories across the state Cold Storage Group- 3 : Strategies for Resource Management for Better Input Use Efficiency

11 Credit & Insurance  27.59 lakh KCC distributed in 2012-13  26 Crops covered under crop insurance  Unique Farmers’ Accident Insurance Scheme – Rs. 1.00 lakh in case of death & Rs. 50,000 incase of permanent disability. (Up to July 2013 Premium payment - 142.50 crores, Case approved- 15376, Assistance paid- 132.83 crores)  Legal heir of operational land holder is included in Farmers Accident Insurance Scheme  Relief packages in natural calamities  27.59 lakh KCC distributed in 2012-13  26 Crops covered under crop insurance  Unique Farmers’ Accident Insurance Scheme – Rs. 1.00 lakh in case of death & Rs. 50,000 incase of permanent disability. (Up to July 2013 Premium payment - 142.50 crores, Case approved- 15376, Assistance paid- 132.83 crores)  Legal heir of operational land holder is included in Farmers Accident Insurance Scheme  Relief packages in natural calamities If we work together at all levels, Drought is not a Disaster, but a Management Issue. Group- 3 : Strategies for Resource Management for Better Input Use Efficiency

12 Agro Advisory & Human Resources  Massive agriculture extension campaigns,  Special Initiative- “KRUSHI MAHOTSAV”  Campaign for seed treatment, INM, IPM & judicious use of available irrigation water.  Implementation of ATMA, KCC  Publishing progressive farmers’ innovative practices.  Model Farm concept.  FFS, Block demonstration, Krishi mela etc.  Farmer Alert Message  Global Gujarat Vibrant Agriculture Summit @ alternate year  Massive agriculture extension campaigns,  Special Initiative- “KRUSHI MAHOTSAV”  Campaign for seed treatment, INM, IPM & judicious use of available irrigation water.  Implementation of ATMA, KCC  Publishing progressive farmers’ innovative practices.  Model Farm concept.  FFS, Block demonstration, Krishi mela etc.  Farmer Alert Message  Global Gujarat Vibrant Agriculture Summit @ alternate year Group- 3 : Strategies for Resource Management for Better Input Use Efficiency  Traditional farming techniques in practices  Huge yield gaps exists between experimental yields & at farm level  Gaps in implementing integrated farming approach Key Challenges & Constraints

13 Agro Advisory & Human Resources Interdisciplinary approach to Knowledge production  Need based research  2000 young professionals per year through 33 colleges to strengthen of technical wing  24 Poly techniques with 884 Intake capacity for spreading the knowledge at field level  Agriculture Training Institutions for grooming the local peoples with latest agriculture techniques  Periodical training for progressive farmers, leader of FIGs.  Need based research  2000 young professionals per year through 33 colleges to strengthen of technical wing  24 Poly techniques with 884 Intake capacity for spreading the knowledge at field level  Agriculture Training Institutions for grooming the local peoples with latest agriculture techniques  Periodical training for progressive farmers, leader of FIGs. Infrastructure Facilities Group- 3 : Strategies for Resource Management for Better Input Use Efficiency  4 Agricultural Universities,  Agriculture & Allied sector Colleges increased from 11 to 33 in last 5 years.  24 Poly Techniques,  9 ITI colleges  8 Agriculture Training Institutes  95 Research Stations including 14 Centre of Excellence

14 Technology Generation for Sustainability technological progress in agriculture needs to become more pluralistic and knowledge intensive for better resource management  Cover the entire food chain (farm to table);  Greater attention to efficiency of input use ;  Use all tools (traditional breeding and bio-technology, agro-ecological approaches, IT);  Become much more client driven; and  Strengthen public and private partnerships and private investments.  Cover the entire food chain (farm to table);  Greater attention to efficiency of input use ;  Use all tools (traditional breeding and bio-technology, agro-ecological approaches, IT);  Become much more client driven; and  Strengthen public and private partnerships and private investments. Group- 3 : Strategies for Resource Management for Better Input Use Efficiency Thanks


16 Mobile Soil testing van for Extension

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