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US Army Corps of Engineers BUILDING STRONG ® LOUISIANA COASTAL AREA (LCA) PROGRAM UPDATE June 16, 2010 Presented by: Bren Haase, OCPR Mark Wingate, USACE.

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1 US Army Corps of Engineers BUILDING STRONG ® LOUISIANA COASTAL AREA (LCA) PROGRAM UPDATE June 16, 2010 Presented by: Bren Haase, OCPR Mark Wingate, USACE

2 BUILDING STRONG ® History and Milesto nes  November 2004: LCA Ecosystem Restoration Report (“Near-term Plan”)  January 2005: Chief’s Report signed – Recommends program authorization  November 2007: Water Resources Development Act authorized LCA Program

3 BUILDING STRONG ® LCA Components  Five near-term projects conditionally authorized for construction.  Six additional projects authorized, subject to Chief of Engineers Report.  Four additional projects authorized, subject to feasibility studies.  Other program construction elements ► Demonstration Projects ► Beneficial Use of Dredged Material

4 BUILDING STRONG ® LCA Additional “Six” Projects CONSTRUCTION – The Secretary may carry out these projects if a favorable report of the Chief is completed by no later than December 31, 2010. ► Multipurpose Operation of Houma Navigation Lock ► Terrebonne Basin Barrier Shoreline Restoration ► Small Diversion at Convent/Blind River ► Amite River Diversion Canal Modification ► Medium Diversion at White Ditch ► Convey Atchafalaya River Water to Northern Terrebonne Marshes

5 BUILDING STRONG ® LCA Additional “Six” Projects  State-led projects ► Amite River Diversion Canal Modification ► Small Diversion at Convent/Blind River ► Terrebonne Basin Barrier Shoreline Restoration  USACE-led projects ► Convey Atchafalaya River Water to Northern Terrebonne Marshes ► Multi-purpose Operation of Houma Navigation Lock ► Medium Diversion at White Ditch

6 BUILDING STRONG ® LCA Additional “Six” Projects Schedule Milestone Date FCSA Execution Nov 2008 Kickoff Meetings Jan 2009 NEPA initiation (Notice of Intent publication) Dec 2009 Public scoping meetings Feb 2009 Develop & Screen Initial Alternatives Array April 2009 Submit Feasibility Scoping Meeting MaterialsJune 2009 Feasibility Scoping Meeting July 2009 Rights of Entry, Data CollectionSept 2009 Evaluate Final Alternatives ArrayNov 2009 Identify Draft Tentatively Selected Plan Jan 2010 Alternative Formulation Briefing Report (HQ/MVD)Mar 2010 Public comment periodMay - July 2010 Respond to commentsJuly 2010 Washington reviewSept 2010 Sign Chief’s ReportDec 2010

7 BUILDING STRONG ® LCA Additional “Four” Projects CONSTRUCTION - The Secretary is authorized to carry out the following projects referred to in the restoration plan if the Secretary determines such projects are feasible. ► Maintain Land Bridge Between Caillou Lake and Gulf of Mexico ► Stabilize Gulf Shoreline at Point Au Fer Island ► Modification of Caernarvon Diversion ► Modification of Davis Pond Diversion

8 BUILDING STRONG ® LCA Additional “Four” Projects  State-led Projects ► Maintain Land Bridge Between Caillou Lake and Gulf of Mexico ► Stabilize Gulf Shoreline at Point Au Fer Island  USACE-led Projects ► Modification of Caernarvon Diversion ► Modification of Davis Pond Diversion

9 BUILDING STRONG ® LCA Additional “Four” Projects Schedule MilestoneDate FCSA Execution Jun 2009 Kickoff Meetings Jul 2009 NEPA initiation (Notice of Intent publication) Aug 2009 Public scoping meetings Sep 2009 Develop & Screen Initial Alternatives Array Oct 2009 Submit Feasibility Scoping Meeting MaterialsJan 2010 Feasibility Scoping Meeting Jun 2010 Final Array ROE & Data CollectionJun 2010 Evaluate Final Alternatives ArraySep 2010 Identify Draft Tentatively Selected Plan Nov 2010 Alternative Formulation Briefing Report (HQ/MVD)Mar 2011 Public comment periodMay 2011 Respond to commentsJune 2011 Washington reviewAug 2011 Sign Chief’s ReportNov 2011

10 BUILDING STRONG ® LCA “Five” Near-Term Projects  MRGO Environmental Restoration ► Conducted at full federal expense outside of LCA ► Feasibility Report released for public comment August 2010  Small Diversion at Hope Canal ► Conducted outside of LCA ► Began 95% E&D through CWPPRA in February – Dec 2011 ► Developing strategy for potential transfer to LCA  Barataria Basin Barrier Shoreline Restoration ► Feasibility Report in policy review with USACE-HQ ► Chief’s Report completion – December 2010

11 BUILDING STRONG ® LCA “Five” Near-Term Projects  Small Bayou Lafourche Reintroduction ► Conducted outside of LCA ► Construction contract awarded ► Pre-construction surveying for dredging of first 4.7 miles ► Dredging to commence within the month  Medium Diversion at Myrtle Grove ► Modeling initiated 2009 ► PMP signed May 19 ► 2-3 yr schedule

12 BUILDING STRONG ® Other LCA Construction Elements  Beneficial Use of Dredged Material ► Feasibility report completed – January 2010 ► ASA(CW) approval and transmittal to Congress – July 2010  Demonstration Program ► Coordinating with USACE to develop implementation strategy  $19M in President’s FY 11 budget

13 BUILDING STRONG ®  Execute design agreement by Sep 2010 ► 75% Federal/25% NFS  Execute Project Partnership Agreement* Oct 2011 ► 65% Federal/35% NFS ► NFS to provide 100% lands, easements, ROW, relocation, and disposal sites  Ready to advertise construction contracts as soon as 2Q Fed FY12 *Contingent upon receipt of Fed FY12 CG funding LCA “6” Path Forward Beyond Chief’s Report

14 BUILDING STRONG ®  State/USACE execute design agreement by Sep 2011 ► 75% Federal/25% NFS  State/USACE execute Project Partnership Agreement* Oct 2012 ► 65% Federal/35% NFS ► State to provide 100% lands, easements, ROW, relocation, and disposal sites  Ready to advertise construction contracts 2Q Fed FY13 * Contingent upon receipt of Fed FY13 CG funding LCA “4” Path Forward Beyond Chief’s Report

15 BUILDING STRONG ®  Execute design agreement by Sep 2010 ► 75% Federal/25% NFS  Execute Project Partnership Agreement* Oct 2011 ► 65% Federal/35% NFS ► State to provide 100% lands, easements, ROW, relocation, and disposal sites  Ready to advertise construction contracts 2Q Fed FY12 * Contingent upon receipt of Fed FY12 CG funding BBBS Path Forward Beyond Director’s Report

16 BUILDING STRONG ®  Potential projects identified for FY11 BUDMAT funding ► Atchafalaya River, Shell Island Pass ($5M Fed) ► Calcasieu River, Mile 5 to 14 ($3M Fed) ► Houma Navigation Canal, Wine Island ($2.6M Fed)  Projects to be confirmed through negotiations with OCPR BUDMAT Execution of Fed FY11 Program

17 BUILDING STRONG ®  State/USACE execute Design Agreement for preconstruction engineering and design by Jan 2011 ► 75% Federal/25% NFS (GI funds)  State/USACE execute Project Partnership Agreement* by Mar 2011 ► 65% Federal/35% NFS ► State to provide 100% lands, easements, ROW, relocation, and disposal sites  Ready to advertise construction contracts 3Q Fed FY11 *Contingent upon receipt of Fed FY11 CG funding LCA Demonstration Projects Execution of Fed FY10 & FY11 Program

18 BUILDING STRONG ®  LCA “6” – State/USACE aggressively moving forward to ensure signed Chief’s Report NLT 31 Dec 10  State/USACE developing execution strategy for Fed FY11 $19M of construction  State/USACE positioning to execute a number of agreements in Fed FY11 - FY13 *Contingent upon receipt of CG funding for specific projects LCA 6BUDMATDemo Projects BBBSLCA 4Myrtle Grove MS River Hydro/ Delta Mgmt Hope Canal & Bayou Lafourch e FCSAComplete N/AComplete Jul 10Oct 11 DesignSep 10Oct 10Jan 11Sep 10Sep 11Mar 13Apr 15Jul 14 Chief’s Report Dec 10CompleteN/ADec 10Nov 11Jun 13Jul 15Oct 14 PPA*Oct 11Jan 11Mar 11Oct 11Oct 12Jun 14Jul 16Oct 15 Const. Start 2 nd Q 122 nd Q 113 rd Q 112 nd Q 122 nd Q 131 st Q 151 st Q 172 nd Q 16 Take Aways

19 BUILDING STRONG ® Contact Information LCA Web site: Bren Haase, OCPR (225) 342-1475 Mark Wingate, USACE (504) 862-8122

20 BUILDING STRONG ® Questions?

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