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How can we differentiate between the two?. Directions 1. In your ISNB (Interactive Science Notebook), set up page 15 for Cornell Notes (use p. 7 to guide.

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Presentation on theme: "How can we differentiate between the two?. Directions 1. In your ISNB (Interactive Science Notebook), set up page 15 for Cornell Notes (use p. 7 to guide."— Presentation transcript:

1 How can we differentiate between the two?

2 Directions 1. In your ISNB (Interactive Science Notebook), set up page 15 for Cornell Notes (use p. 7 to guide you- you can continue them on page 17 if you need more room) Topic: Observation versus Inference Essential Question: Why is it important to know the difference between an observation and an inference? 2. Look at the Local Government Efficiency Machine picture. List as many observations (things you can determine from your senses) as you can about the picture.

3 Teacher Model 1. A man’s wallet is being taken. 2. There are 14 steps (A- M)


5 In the margin marked questions Use the DOK-Chart on your teacher’s sharepoint ( to come up with a level 1, 2 and 3 Teacher example: Why so many steps to pick the man’s pocket? Who is the intended audience?


7 (Copy into your ISNB) Important definitions: OBSERVATION: Any information collected with the senses. The skill of describing scientific events. Made more accurate by using instruments (tell us HOW MUCH) Any number MUST have a unit (tells us which instrument was used to make a measurement) INFERENCE: Conclusions or deductions based on observations. The process of drawing a conclusion from given evidence.

8 Make 3 observations about your science classroom in your ISNB (on page 14): 1. 2. 3. Remember, when you observe, you become aware of something using one of your senses. Your five senses are smell, taste, sight, touch, and sound. In an observation you simply describe something as it appears. An observation is a statement describing a fact.

9 Instruments are often needed: Sometimes scientists must make very careful observations. Often their senses are not good enough. There are some things that cannot be observed using just your senses. (Examples: radiation, sound waves, planets, cells, etc.) List as many instruments as you can think of that are used to make more accurate observations (On page 14 in your ISNB)



12 Questions ( # 1-6 on page 14 in ISNB ) 1. Are there cars parked on the sides of the road? 2. What color is the pickup truck driving in the road? 3. Any minivans around? 4. What does the blue sign say? 5. What's the speed limit? 6. Are there any pedestrians on the road?

13 1. Are there cars parked on the sides of the road? Yes 2. What color is the pickup truck driving in the road? Blue 3. Any minivans around? Yes 4. What does the blue sign say? Yard Sale 5. What's the speed limit? 35 mph 6. Are there any pedestrians on the road? No

14 Make 3 inferences about your science classroom in your ISNB on page 16: 1. 2. 3. When you infer, you make a mental judgment based on observations. Inferences cannot be directly observed. They require thought. For example, if you get up in the morning, look up at the sky and observe dark clouds, observe the air is cool and humid, and observe puddles on the ground, you might infer that it has recently rained. Note: you did not see rain; you decided that it rained based on your observations. An inference is a statement based on your interpretation of the facts.

15 Examples Observations That plant is extremely wilted. The car stopped running The Rockies are leading their division Inferences That plant is extremely wilted due to a lack of water. The car stooped running because it was out of gas. The Rockies are leading their division because they are playing well right now.

16 Observations versus Inferences

17 More examples What observations can we make about this picture? What can we infer based on this picture?

18 What observations can we make from these pictures?

19 Observation vs Inference Number 1-6 on page 16 in ISNB 1. There is a representation of a face on one side of the coin. 2. The Latin word "Dei" means "God." 3. The coin was made by deeply religious people. 4. The date 1722 is printed on one side of the coin. 5. The coin was made in 1722. 6. The face on the coin is a representation of the nation's president.

20 1. The boy is in the water. 2. The weather is cold. 3. The tree branch is broken. 4. If the boy crawled out of the water, the goat would butt him. 5. The boy fell off the branch. 6. A goat is standing by the pond. 7. The branch will fall on the boy’s head. 8. The boy fell off the rocks. Practice as a class:

21 9. There is a sailboat in the water. 10. The sailboat belongs to the boy. 11. The goat will soon leave the pond. 12. The tree by the pond has no leaves on it. 13. There are three in the pond. 14. The tree by the pond is dead. 15. If it rains, leaves will grown on the tree. 16. The goat butted the boy into the pond.

22 Use observation AND inferences to determine what is in the following pictures…


















40 Summary On page 15 in your ISNB, summarize the difference between an observation and an inference. Why is it important to know the difference between the two?

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