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Presentation on theme: "LAW PRACTICE MANAGEMENT: FINDING LAWYERS & INFORMATION ABOUT THEM."— Presentation transcript:


2 I. National Directories II. Massachusetts Directories III. Subject Specific Directories IV. Finding Information About Lawyers

3 I. NATIONAL DIRECTORIES PrintOnline Martindale Hubbell Law Directory The American BarWestlawWestlaw & LexisLexis

4 WESTLAW & LEXIS -- Lexis: Select Reference; Martindale Hubbell & select “Area of Law Listings,” Law School Listings, United States Listings, etc. Use the “Segment Searching” feature. -- Westlaw: “view database directory” & select “Directories, References,” then select “West Legal Directories”

5 II MASSACHUSETTS DIRECTORIES PrintOnline Massachusetts Lawyers Diary & Manual Massachusetts Board of Bar Overseers/Office of Bar Counsel Suffolk University Law School Alumni Directory

6 III. SUBJECT SPECIFIC DIRECTORIES For more titles, search the library’s online catalogonline catalog Directory of Corporate Counsel Directory of Intellectual Property Attorneys Directory of Intellectual Property Attorneys (Career Services) Directory of Lawyers Practicing Disability Law Directory of Lawyers Practicing Disability Law (Career Services) Lawyer’s Register International by Specialties & Fields of Law Minority Law Journal Directory of Minority Attorneys National Directory of Criminal Lawyers National Directory of Criminal Lawyers (Career Services) Geographical Directories: Directory of New England In-House Counsel; Directory of DC Law OfficesDirectory of New England In-House CounselDirectory of DC Law Offices

7 IV. Finding Information About Lawyers --Directories (Martindale Hubbell, Westlaw & Lexis) where did they go to school, what organizations do they belong to, etc. --Personal/firm Web Pages --Find out if the attorney has authored law review articles, etc. --Press – have any newspaper articles been written about them? --Are they the attorney of record in any important cases? --The Insider’s Guide to Law Firms (KF 190.I57 2000 Reference, 6 th Floor)

8 FIND OUT IF THE ATTORNEY HAS AUTHORED LAW REVIEW ARTICLES, ETC. --Westlaw: in the “select these databases” field enter tp-all – this will bring you to the “All Law Reviews, Texts & Bar Journals” library – perform a terms and connectors search --Lexis: Select Secondary Sources, Law Reviews & Journals– perform a terms and connectors search

9 IV. Finding Information About Lawyers --Directories (Martindale Hubbell, Westlaw & Lexis) where did they go to school, what organizations do they belong to, etc. --Personal/firm Web Pages √ --Find out if the attorney has authored law review articles, etc. --Press – have any newspaper articles been written about them? --Are they the attorney of record in any important cases? --The Insider’s Guide to Law Firms (KF 190.I57 2000 Reference, 6 th Floor)

10 HAVE ANY NEWSPAPER ARTICLES BEEN WRITTEN ABOUT THE ATTORNEY? --Westlaw: In the “Select these Databases” field enter All News – this database contains newspapers, magazines, journals, newsletters, government press releases, and transcripts of television and radio shows and congressional testimony. Do a terms and connecters search. --Lexis: select the “News & Business” tab & select “News Group File, All.” --Massachusetts Lawyers WeeklyMassachusetts Lawyers Weekly

11 IV. Finding Information About Lawyers --Directories (Martindale Hubbell, Westlaw & Lexis) where did they go to school, what organizations do they belong to, etc. --Personal/firm Web Pages √--Find out if the attorney has authored law review articles, etc. √--Press – have any newspaper articles been written about them? --Are they the attorney of record in any important cases? --The Insider’s Guide to Law Firms (KF 190.I57 2000 Reference, 6 th Floor)

12 FIND OUT IF S/HE WAS THE ATTORNEY OF RECORD IN ANY IMPORTANT CASES --Westlaw: Select a database (MA-CS Mass cases, All State and Federal Cases, etc.) Select the “field restrictions” option to limit search by attorney name --Lexis: Select a database (Federal & State Cases, etc.) Select the document segments-- counsel

13 IV. Finding Information About Lawyers --Directories (Martindale Hubbell, Westlaw & Lexis) where did they go to school, what organizations do they belong to, etc. --Personal/firm Web Pages √--Find out if the attorney has authored law review articles, etc. √--Press – have any newspaper articles been written about them? √--Are they the attorney of record in any important cases? --The Insider’s Guide to Law Firms (KF 190.I57 2000 Reference, 6 th Floor)

14 Includes: associate and summer associate salaries, average hours, benefits/insurance, partnership info, practice areas, etc. KF 190.I57 2000 Reference, 6th Floor

15 END


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