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Presentation on theme: " Exporting to Greece Dr. Aris Ikkos JBR Hellas February 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exporting to Greece Dr. Aris Ikkos JBR Hellas February 2004

2 February 20042 Content JBR Hellas - an introduction Entering the Greek market Exporting – Agents & Distributors Business Entities Practical Examples of Assisting Foreign Co.’s

3 JBR Hellas - Introduction

4 February 20044 Core activities Strategic and business development Market research and analysis Valuations and Financial analysis Feasibility studies Franchise studies

5 February 20045 Partners JBR bv –Located in Zeist, The Netherlands –Management Consulting & Corporate Finance Horwath –Since Sep 2000 –Specialists in Tourism, Franchising and FOMB’s

6 Entering the Greek Market

7 February 20047 A snapshot on the Greek economy € economy Growth: 5% in 2003 - double EU for 5 years now Inflation: 3% GDP: ~70% of EU average Main Sectors and Changing Markets: tourism, construction, telecom, food, energy, education insurance, financial sector, public sector “Port” to the Balkans & and the Middle East English-speaking, University graduates

8 February 20048 Entering the Greek Market Determining the goals Market scan Partner search Meeting program Establishing the relationship

9 February 20049 Market Scan General information Attractiveness of the market Growth potential Distribution structure Key competitors

10 Exporting

11 February 200411 Agents and distributors Approx. 80% of Greece’s imports are handled through agents or distributors Agents operate on a purchase basis without affecting imports for their own account Distributors usually operate on a wholesale basis and obtain exclusive sales rights for certain districts or for the entire country

12 February 200412 Agents A commercial agent mediates and negotiates contracts in the name of the principal or his own name Choice of law and choice of forum clauses are allowed. If not stipulated, Greek law prevails Agents of foreign nationality are required to obtain a licence from the Greek Chamber of Commerce

13 February 200413 Agents - continued Under Greek law the agent is obliged to adhere to a number of conditions including: –Adherence to principals instructions –systematic activity –protection of principal’s interest –obligation to secrecy –obligation to render accounts –etc.

14 February 200414 Import restrictions and Documentation In general no restrictions towards quality, quantity or foreign exchange because of EU In some cases licences are needed for pharmaceuticals, cosmetics or diet food Documentation: an original invoice, a certificate of origin (if requested by the Greek importer) and a Bill of Lading. Other documentation depends on type of commodity

15 Business Entities An Overview

16 February 200416 Business Entities EntityShortDutch eqv Societe Anonyme AE (SA) NV Limited Liability Company EPE (Ltd) BV Unlimited Liability Company OE VOF Limited Liability Partnership EE CV Branch Ypok/ma Branch Law 89N. 89 (L.89) Off shore

17 February 200417 Establishing a branch in Greece Written permission from the Ministry of Commerce Appointment of corporation’s legal representative in Greece A Greek consular officer must authenticate the power of attorney A good lawyer and accountant

18 February 200418 Documents necessary for establishment Articles of Association Records of the decision to establish a Branch Certificate of the amount of Share Capital Certificate of good commercial standing Certificate stating the lawful representatives A Power of Attorney appointing the legal representative All above documents authenticated with Apostil

19 February 200419 Joint Ventures “Formal” JV’s are Tax-, not Legal-Entities i.e. no approval or other formality is required, except filing a written agreement at the tax authorities and getting a VAT number Accounting books must be kept by the JV and tax returns should be filed annually together with balance sheet of JV Important: JV partners are jointly and severally liable for tax obligations  if you enter a formal JV, make sure you have a good accountant to protect you

20 Practical Examples

21 February 200421 KvK Market Orientation Trip 15 participants from the North of The Netherlands Their operating fields included industrial equipment, food, consumer goods, environmental products etc. 13 companies made promising commercial contacts Same for Georgia Export Promotion Agency with 10 companies

22 February 200422 Nedwind bv Explored market opportunities Identified suitable investors Financial analysis Project management for development of wind park 2.2 mln Euro grant Delivered developed project to energy company

23 February 200423 Cirsa Casinos (Spain) Corfu Casino Made match-making with Greek construction company Prepared documentation for bidding Currently one of 3 groups bidding for license

24 February 200424 Contact Dr. Aris Ikkos JBR Hellas Voukourestiou 31 Athens 106 73 Greece T: +30-210 3605002 F: +30-210 3606935

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