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Time planDescription Main measures 1-Preparation the prescription of establishing the AML unit and method of choosing, appointment, competency assessment.

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Presentation on theme: "Time planDescription Main measures 1-Preparation the prescription of establishing the AML unit and method of choosing, appointment, competency assessment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Time planDescription Main measures 1-Preparation the prescription of establishing the AML unit and method of choosing, appointment, competency assessment and the limitation of power. 2- Preparation the prescription of caring the suspicious persons. 3- preparation the prescription of inquiring the information from intelligence basements to sure for correctness of presented documents. 4- preparation the procedures of holding and annihilation the documents. 5- preparation the customers identification procedure. 6- preparation the identification procedure and paying more attention to high risk persons and professions. 7-preparation the circular letter of sending the documents and evidences to the customers' address. 8- preparation the procedure of business relation in absentia and identification the attorney. 9- releasing the circular letter of prohibition the cash transaction upper than permitted limit. 10- Preparation the procedure of updating inputs in intelligence systems. 11- preparation the prescription of cash funds assessment at the entrance and existence gates along the borders. 12- preparation the suspicious transaction criteria in custom spheres and send it to secretariat of high council for ratification and announcing. Preparation the prescriptions and circular letters A CTION PLAN OF I SLAMIC R EPUBLIC OF IRAN CUSTOM

2 1 - improvising the convenient place for full customers’ information registration in used forms. 2 - preparation the STR form and sending them to the secretariat of high council for consideration and confirmation. 3 - establishing the AML unit and preparation the organizational chart and appointment the employees. 4 - preparation the executive plans of AML.( making the policies, training and etc) 5 - installation the control software of grey and black list with the confirmation of FIU. 6 - installation and improving the comparative system of customers’ information with cooperation by registration administration and etc. 7 - preparation the suitable software for keeping the information. 8 - acting the comparison of the existed customers’ identification with the other authorities for deleting the contradictions and referring to the FIU. 9 - installation the controlling and supervising system for transferring physically the funds at the entrance and existence gates along the borders. implementation measures ( systems and infrastructures) A CTION PLAN OF I SLAMIC R EPUBLIC OF IRAN CUSTOM

3 1- maintaining the AML educational courses to personnel according to the confirmed educational sources by secretariat. 2- suitable informing to customers 3- suitable culture making through the employees and customers via brochures, producing the TV programs and etc. training and information measures 1- declaration the policies and methods of interior control. 2- declaration the annual executive supervising operations. 3- reporting the developing percent of executive projects monthly to the secretariat of high council on AML. 4- preparation and sending the inspector’s supervising check list to the secretariat of high council for confirmation. 5- declaration the shortcomings to the secretariat of high council for consideration and taking the necessary tactics. 6- recognition the positive points of current process in the organization and use the comparative process in other spheres. controlling and supervising measures A CTION PLAN OF I SLAMIC R EPUBLIC OF IRAN CUSTOM

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