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W OLVES IN B IOMES Presented by Jennifer Lewis May 1, 2012 Tidrick, Period 6th.

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Presentation on theme: "W OLVES IN B IOMES Presented by Jennifer Lewis May 1, 2012 Tidrick, Period 6th."— Presentation transcript:

1 W OLVES IN B IOMES Presented by Jennifer Lewis May 1, 2012 Tidrick, Period 6th

2 W HERE ARE WOLVES LOCATED ? Wolves are highly migratorial creatures because they follow their prey wherever it may go, however wolves are mainly located in grasslands and temperate deciduous forest biomes.

3 W HERE ARE GRASSLAND AND FOREST BIOMES AT ? Teal is forests and Tan is grasslands.

4 T EMPERATE D ECIDUOUS FORESTS  Latitude: 23 ° north to 38 ° south  Located primarily in the eastern half of the United States, Canada, Europe, parts of Russia, China, and Japan  Average temperature: 75°F (24°C)  Precipitation: 2 to 5 feet (0.5-1.5 m) of each year  Humidity: 60% to 80%.

5 G RASSLANDS  Latitude: 52° north to 31° south  Located primarily in central parts of the United States, Canada, Europe, parts of Russia, China, and south Africa  Temperatures: winter low as -40° F, and in summer high as 70° F  Rainfall: Average 15 – 35 inches per year  Humidity: 50% to 60%

6 F LORA IN THESE BIOMES  Buffalo Grass  Common Sagebrush  Savanna Blazing Star  Wild Indigo  Oak trees  Maple trees  Walnut trees  Mosses  Poison oak and Ivy GrasslandsDeciduous forests Wild Indigo Poison Ivy

7 F AUNA IN G RASSLANDS  Prairie dog  Coyote  Gray wolf  Red-tailed hawk  Red fox  Western meadowlark  Prairie chicken  American toad  Bison  Badger  White-tailed jackrabbit  Prairie rattlesnake  Pronghorn antelope  Elk  Tiger beetle  Lady beetle  Grasshoppers  Black-tailed jackrabbit  Burrowing owl  California condor  Eastern cottontail  Gopher snake  Northern grasshopper mouse  Ground squirrels

8 F AUNA IN T EMPERATE D ECIDUOUS F ORESTS o American Bald Eagle o American Black Bear o Brown Bear o Beaver o Northern Cardinal o Northern Copperhead o Coyote o Bobwhite Quail o Duckbill Platypus o Muskrat o European Hedgehog o Nightingale o Opossum o Porcupine o Eastern Cottontail Rabbit o Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly o Red-tailed Hawk o European Red Squirrel o Fat Dormouse o Weasel o White-tailed Deer o Wolves o Eastern Chipmunk o Turkey o Mallard Duck o Mountain Lions o Skunks o Wood Mice o Elks o Salamander o Bobcats o Raccoons



11 H UMAN I MPACT We use grasslands for farming and raising the cattle and take up the land of other animals that live there. We chop down trees for our houses, paper, pencils and skateboards but we destroy the houses of the animals that live in deciduous forests. GrasslandsDeciduous Forest

12 I NTERESTING FACTS ABOUT THESE BIOMES  The Latin word "Deciduous" means "to fall off“  Has four distinct seasons, winter, spring, summer and fall.  North American forests have five times as many species of trees as the forests of Europe.  The amount of rainfall determines the height of grasses in the grassland.  Go by different names prairie, pampas, steppe, outback,highveld, and campo.  They have some of the world's richest soils. Deciduous forestGrasslands


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