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The Australian Sea Lion By:Lindsay Birckhead- Morton.

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Presentation on theme: "The Australian Sea Lion By:Lindsay Birckhead- Morton."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Australian Sea Lion By:Lindsay Birckhead- Morton

2 Living in Australia Marine mammals Flippers instead of legs Pinnipeds/Fin foot Swim in cold deep water Social animals Agile on land

3 Habitat and Diet Live on beaches and deep water Eat fish, squid, and other sea animals Only feed at sea They live along parts of the western and southern coastline

4 Fun Facts 20-30 years old Males can weigh up to 300 kilograms Gather in groups of 10 to 15 2 layers of fur

5 Endangerment Australians used to hunt this species Sea lions often get caught in fishing nets They are killed for their coat Killed from fishing equipment People are overfishing their prey

6 Sources

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