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Grassland Biome By: Christopher Babenko, Carmen Dominguez, Sarah Rocco, and Mary Stackhouse.

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Presentation on theme: "Grassland Biome By: Christopher Babenko, Carmen Dominguez, Sarah Rocco, and Mary Stackhouse."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grassland Biome By: Christopher Babenko, Carmen Dominguez, Sarah Rocco, and Mary Stackhouse

2 Grassland Geological Features Its large community covered with plants, rich soil, and grasses and contains a few trees.

3 Geologic Features Large community covered with plants, rich soil, and grasses. Contain a few trees. Majority Domination in vegetation by grasses, being hilly but not mountainous or flat. They have relatively smooth topography and they are usually moist because they receive a good amount of precipitation

4 Temperature For the temperatures there are cold winters, hot summers, dry seasons, and wet seasons. During the summer the temperatures can be up to 100°F and during the winters the temperatures can reach as low as -40°F.

5 Types of plants Cottonwoods, sunflowers, clovers, and wild indigos. Prairie grasses are a very drought tolerant plant and is fire adapted. Many herbivores like to eat this plant. Sunflowers, blazing stars and other wildflowers are found here.

6 Types of Animals Some different types of animals that live in the grasslands are wolves, coyotes, bison, hawks, owls, and prairie dogs. Jack rabbits, deer elk, foxes and ferrets and many different types of insects and reptiles.

7 Human Impact on the Grasslands and what can be done to help the Biome survive Some of the grasslands have been turned into farmlands. Humans can help the grassland biome survive by putting more of the grasslands under protection and would stop turning grasslands into farmlands.

8 Commercial Value Many cereal grains such as oats, rye, and wheat. This is also known as the breadbasket of the world.

9 Threats to the Grasslands Bison and buffaloes have been hunted to near extinction by humans. Some grasslands have been turned into farmland by humans.

10 Resources 888FD9F0490.jpg

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