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The Biodome Project EMPACTS Project Physics and Human Affairs Melody Thomas, Instructor By: Josh Huffman, Raul Flores, Joseph Childress, Chelsea Glass,

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Presentation on theme: "The Biodome Project EMPACTS Project Physics and Human Affairs Melody Thomas, Instructor By: Josh Huffman, Raul Flores, Joseph Childress, Chelsea Glass,"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Biodome Project EMPACTS Project Physics and Human Affairs Melody Thomas, Instructor
By: Josh Huffman, Raul Flores, Joseph Childress, Chelsea Glass, Hannah Saia

2 Overview What is a Biodome and their Uses Where are they located
How Exactly they work in creating rare ecosystems How To Build A Biodome e. Plans on Creating a Biodome here at NWACC and the Benefits

3 What is a Biodome A biodome is a scientific facility which mimics an ecosystem in a controlled environment indoors. designed inside geodesic spheres create large amounts of room which can be useful in creating a credible replica of a real ecosystem

4 Uses Research education Science education Experimentation
Creating an ecosystem that is not common in the local region

5 Biodomes are EVERYWHERE
Dense urban areas -precisely controlled Visit rare climates -may not be easy to reach

6 Dense Urban Areas Precisely controlled , can be different regions and climates

7 Explore Able to explore different rare climates they are not used to.

8 How Does It Work Different covering material Inside heats up
Plants reradiate CONVECTION

9 Different Covering Usually transparent

10 Solar Radiation Infrared, UV, and Visible Light Absorbed by plants
Plants reradiate the thermal energy into infrared Retained due to walls and roof Trapped

11 Convective Heat Transfer
Main component for heating Convection- main transfer of heat from one place to another by movement of fluids

12 Greenhouse Gasses 4 main gasses: Water Vapor, Carbon Dioxide, Methane, and Ozone Gases heat water in biodome Separates the H2O molecules and scatters them out, making it less dense and easily dispersed Easier for heat to travel to the cooler parts of plant or surface , making everything extremely hot. Law of Thermodynamics: when two thermodynamic systems with unequal temperatures are brought into contact with one another

13 Temperature Rises Venting systems

14 POLLINATION YOU ASK? bees Automatic Fertilization Systems Water Supply
Most bio domes have their own bees in order to pollinate and reproduce plants. Automatic Fertilization Systems Biodomes can also use a fertilization system. These systems are scattered throughout the structure and are time activated to fertilize the plants Water Supply In order to pollinate and reproduce plants need to have water. An irrigation system is needed to regularly water the plants since it is cutoff from the rain

15 How to Build a Greenhouse
know what you want to grow and how much It is important to build a greenhouse with enough space to allow growth inside and can hold enough soil for the plants. Understand the hemisphere you live in Northern Hemisphere you want the side with the most surface area facing south and vice versa for Southern Hemisphere. This is so you can have the most unobstructed sunlight. Find a surface that will sufficiently drain water away and not flood

16 We Built It • The class decided to build a 1-1/2’ X 3’ scale down version of what is to become the full size dome. • Materials: 10 PVC pipes, 1-¼” metal screws and nuts, saw bits and 2 metal conduit tubes

17 • Problems encountered: When using the PVC we found that there were no connectors for the vertices of the dome. We had to buy bars of conduit and use them to join the pipes with screws.

18 •. The finished dome will be built out of metal conduit
• The finished dome will be built out of metal conduit. We had to use PVC pipes in the model because we didn’t have the budget for a conduit model. The model is built based on a 2V frequency structure. The frequency is how many structural units there is per section of the dome. The frequency is used depending on the size and rigidity of the dome. Seeing that our dome is only going to be 7’6” high and 15’ in diameter a 2V will be enough to maintain the structure.

19 The Do’s and Don’ts

20 Beneficial to NWACC Future EAST projects Engineering
Would being able to build a properly working biodome Environmental Biology Would be able to plant and create ecosystems that are not in our environment Physics Would be able to learn how the Greenhouse Effect works with a model hat demonstrates it Community It would allow the community to enjoy various different plant life NWACC Giving NWACC another reason why they stand out from others by offering hands on methods of teaching Being able to build on to the biodome to further research, study, and enjoyment

21 References Website we used as reference. Here all the steps are listed and all the necessary tools are too. The links provide much more detailed information.

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