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CESAR Educational Astronomy. Objective CESAR (Cooperation through Education in Science and Astronomy Research) will provide students all throughout Europe.

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Presentation on theme: "CESAR Educational Astronomy. Objective CESAR (Cooperation through Education in Science and Astronomy Research) will provide students all throughout Europe."— Presentation transcript:

1 CESAR Educational Astronomy

2 Objective CESAR (Cooperation through Education in Science and Astronomy Research) will provide students all throughout Europe at University level with hands-on experience in Space Science and will stimulate their interest in science and thechnology and in particular in Astronomy Research both in Radio and Optical fields.

3 Means Students will have the opportunity to use a dedicated 15-meter radio astronomy telescope and a dedicated robotized 12” optical telescope at ESAC and Cebreros Students will use the later internet and computer technologies to generate scientific data to add to ESA´s and the world´s databases

4 Partners ESA ESA OPS-ON OPS-ON ESA Education office at ESAC ESA Education office at ESAC INTA INTA International Relations International Relations CAB-LAEFF CAB-LAEFF INSA INSA Ground Stations Department Ground Stations Department

5 Infrastructure VIL-1 15 Meter Antenna equipped to operate as an “S “ Band Radiotelescope VIL-1 15 Meter Antenna equipped to operate as an “S “ Band Radiotelescope Cebreros 12 “ Optical Telescope, robotized with Remote Control Cebreros 12 “ Optical Telescope, robotized with Remote Control ESAC-LAEFF Control Centre to Control both the Radio and Optical Telescopes ESAC-LAEFF Control Centre to Control both the Radio and Optical Telescopes Communications Network Communications Network

6 ESAC Radio Telescope VIL-1: 15-metre diameter dish antenna with reception in S-band and transmission (disabled) in S-band.

7 VIL-4 antenna VIL-1 antenna

8 Cebreros Optical Telescope (I) Meade 12" LX200R Schmidt- Cassegrain telescope in Ritchey-Chretien configuration Computer controlled fork mount with two possible configurations: azimuthal or equatorial Meade DSI Pro III Monochrome CCD camera with 4-position filter wheel Clamshell-style dome (minimises the operation complexity)

9 Cebreros Optical Telescope (II) Bradford courtesy Weather Station Dome Station Tracking control CCD Camera

10 CESAR network Architecture

11 Network Elements (I)

12 Network Elements (II)

13 Network Elements (III)

14 Network Elements (IV)

15 Control Center (I) VIL-1 LOCAL CONTROL ESAC Partner Radio Telescope ESAC-LAEFF

16 Control Center (II) Data Acquisition Web Services Telescope Interface Antenna Interface Image Acquisition

17 CESAR Users Universities Universities Students will be able to participate in a research project of international scientific relevance, so that they feel they are part of a research team, and that their observations have an actual scientific interest. Other Users Other Users High-Schools High-Schools A new educational experience not only about Astrophysics, but about science in general. We will provide teachers with a set of practical lessons for their classes, based on the observations they will make. Amateur astronomical associations Amateur astronomical associations These associations could make real observations, either being our collaborators monitoring or proposing their own scientific projects of relevance. Search/alert system Search/alert system Monitoring the sky for bright cosmic events, (SNe, GRB counterparts etc.) Monitoring the sky for bright cosmic events, (SNe, GRB counterparts etc.)

18 Learning program Physical Bases of Astronomy Astronomy Observations Data Collection and Analysis Hands-on Activities Final Projects for University students

19 Related Projects PARTNER (NASA) –the Academic Project with NASA’s radio telescope at Robledo PARTNER (NASA) –the Academic Project with NASA’s radio telescope at Robledo GAVRT (NASA) - Goldstone Apple Valley Radio Telescope GAVRT (NASA) - Goldstone Apple Valley Radio Telescope PARI (NASA)- The Rosman Satellite Tracking Station PARI (NASA)- The Rosman Satellite Tracking Station Haystack Observatory (MIT) Haystack Observatory (MIT) Bradford Robotic Telescope (Bradford Uni.) Bradford Robotic Telescope (Bradford Uni.) Ciclope – Astro (UPM) Ciclope – Astro (UPM)......

20 Future Growth CAB 50 cm. optical telescope CAB 50 cm. optical telescope ESAC Radio Telescope (VIL-4) ESAC Radio Telescope (VIL-4) PARTNeR 34 m. radio telescope (Interferometry) PARTNeR 34 m. radio telescope (Interferometry)

21 CESAR Operations ESAC ESAC Education Office Education Office Will define educational Program and Activities OPS-ON OPS-ON Will provide Antenna Maintenance OPS-EV OPS-EV Will provide ancillary services (Power, air conditioning, etc.) INTA-LAEFF INTA-LAEFF Will accommodate and operate the Control Center and will develop and implement the Educational Applications Will accommodate and operate the Control Center and will develop and implement the Educational Applications INSA INSA Will operate and maintain the Optical Telescope at Cebreros and will manage the overall execution of the CESAR Project Will operate and maintain the Optical Telescope at Cebreros and will manage the overall execution of the CESAR Project

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