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Jeopardy Opening.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Opening."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy Opening

2 Name that Transformation
The Coordinate Grid Translation Reflection Rotation Name that Transformation $10 0 $10 0 $10 0 $10 0 $10 0 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 Game Board

3 A coordinate grid helps describe this.
The Coordinate Grid: $100 A coordinate grid helps describe this. What is position?

4 A coordinate grid is broken up into four of these.
The Coordinate Grid: $200 A coordinate grid is broken up into four of these. What are quadrants?

5 What are the x- and y-axes?
The Coordinate Grid: $300 Essentially two number lines, these help provide reference with respect to coordinates. What are the x- and y-axes?

6 The Coordinate Grid: $400 The x-coordinates are positive and the y-coordinates are negative. What is Quadrant 4?

7 Points located here have a y-coordinate of 0.
The Coordinate Grid: $500 Points located here have a y-coordinate of 0. What is the x-axis?

8 A transformation known as a translation.
What is sliding a shape to another location without changing how it looks?

9 In a translation, these are related the same way.
What are corresponding points?

10 Translation: $300 By translating down from Quadrant 1, an image will eventually cross this. What is the x-axis?

11 Translating this will give you image M’N’O’P’.
Translation: $400 Translating this will give you image M’N’O’P’. What is figure MNOP?

12 Translation: $500 Question

13 A transformation known as a reflection.
Flipping a shape across a line so it faces the opposite direction.

14 It can be the x-axis, y-axis, or an angle bisector.
Reflection: $200 It can be the x-axis, y-axis, or an angle bisector. What is a mirror line?

15 In a reflection in the y-axis, these do not change.
What are x-coordinates?

16 Reflection: $400 A’B’C’D’ is located in Quadrant 2 after being reflected in the x-axis from here. What is Quadrant 3?

17 You can identify a reflection by doing this.
What is checking corresponding points for similar distances from the mirror line?

18 A transformation known as a rotation.
What is the motion of a rigid body around a fixed point?

19 Rotation: $200 Question

20 It can be clockwise or counter-clockwise.
Rotation: $300 It can be clockwise or counter-clockwise. What is direction of rotation?

21 A rotation of +270° can also be described like this.
What is -90°?

22 Rotation: $500 It does not matter which direction you go, the image ends up on the figure with this angle of rotation. What is 360°?

23 Name that Transformation: $100
The figure and image are found opposite each other with a mirror line between them. What is a reflection?

24 Name that Transformation: $200
This transformation can be performed in two different ways to achieve the same result. What is a rotation?

25 Name that Transformation: $300
The figure and image look exactly alike, but are found in different locations. What is translation?

26 Name that Transformation: $400
The y-coordinates of the figure and image are the same, but the x-coordinates are the opposite. What is a reflection? (in the y-axis)

27 Name that Transformation: $500
The x-coordinates and y-coordinates of the image are the same as the figure, but their signs are the opposite after this. Question

28 How much do you want to wager?
Daily Double 1 Wager

29 The image will always have a different orientation after this transformation.
What is a reflection? Daily Double 1 Q & A

30 How much do you want to wager?
Daily Double 2 Wager

31 You can say this about a figure and its image after all transformations.
What is congruent? Daily Double 2 Q & A

32 The category is: Transformation Combinations
Final Jeopardy Wager The category is: Transformation Combinations How much do you want to wager?

33 A similar image produced by this transformation can also be produced by two reflections: one across the x-axis, and another across the y-axis. What is a rotation of 180°? Final Jeopardy Q & A

34 Game Over

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