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Steve Kuehn- John Hersey High School.  The following session will be utilized to meet the specific needs of the Coaches at today’s clinic.  Since this.

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Presentation on theme: "Steve Kuehn- John Hersey High School.  The following session will be utilized to meet the specific needs of the Coaches at today’s clinic.  Since this."— Presentation transcript:

1 Steve Kuehn- John Hersey High School

2  The following session will be utilized to meet the specific needs of the Coaches at today’s clinic.  Since this is a beginners session, so I would like to take the time to stress the aspects of developing throwers from a variety of different perspectives so that it can help implement your own program.

3  Explain coaching principles that I use that may keep throwers invested in their craft.  Provide basic-level technique for the Discus and Shot Put  Introduce daily drills for improving fundamentals and developmental skills in Discus and Shot Put  Share training philosophies for in-season training/competition

4  Regardless of results, one thing we will always know for certain is that NO ONE in this building will out work us. (develop the culture for your group: T-Unit)  In order to throw the shot-put or discus at a maximal level, I stress the importance of developing athleticism as the foundation of my program. “We are athletes first, then we throw” (adapt to your school’s athletic environment)  Develop this athleticism while teaching throwing concepts.  “Graduate” to the next technique, while always being mindful of the big picture  Always discuss goals with your throwers, set high expectations, but be realistic: athletic goals, social goals, team goals, practice goals, technique goals, performance goals LAST

5  Discus Technique/Drills  Shot Technique/Drills  Training Philosophies  Practice Outline

6  -Start/Stance  -Sweep  -Drive  -Pivot/Turn  -Finish

7  When entering the ring:  Relax, breath, clear the head, have one, maybe two focal points of the throw when entering the ring.  Feet should start shoulder width with emphasis on the balls of the feet with 80/20 distribution The Wind up/Take Back (right handed thrower)  Upper body tall, keep arms out (plane)  Turn left foot 90 Degrees in, toward body  Left leg should be slightly bent, with the right leg flexed  Turn head towards the discus  Stay under control (no need to violently take the disc back)

8  For right handed throwers  Left foot begins the pivot  Maintain posture (avoid exaggerated lean)  Rotate counter-clockwise towards the middle of the ring with a “light foot” (Maintain posture)  Draw right leg away from the body with EQUAL weight distribution (center of gravity balance)  Strong bend in the left leg  Begin the sweep when the left foot rotates 180 degrees from the take back  Two sweep philosophies- a low sweep vs. high leg sweep

9  This is the acceleration phase from the sweep to the middle of the ring. This is also the transition to the pivot/turn.  -Maintain Posture  Continue to sweep  Drive right knee/foot to the middle of the ring  Avoid the hop or jump-(Should almost look like a sprinter)  Shoot for minimal air time

10  Transfer body from the left to the right foot  Pivot right foot while keeping shoulders and head back (upper body/lower body relationship is key)  Whip/Reach left leg into the finish position (step in the bucket)

11  Pull left arm (wrist) through to open your body to the target- also known as the block  Accelerate shoulders  Fast arm, thumb level, spin that disc!  Exhale on the release  General Points for throwing the Disc  -Posture  Start slow and finish fast  Enjoy the throw!!!!!!

12  Release- Flip ups, snaps Footwork  For the start, quarter rotation, half rotation, full rotation (Sweep)  Sweep-Drive-Turn footwork (Sweep)  Hurdle rotations (Drive-Turn)

13  Snaps (Finish)  Quarter turns (Pivot/Turn)  Full turns (Pivot/Turn)  South Africans (Wind up, drive, pivot/turn)

14  Glide  Lift  Finish

15  Right foot under the body, left foot extended to maintain balance (beginner, intermediate, advanced)  Shoulders and head down, left arm positioned in block setting. Right elbow up, thumb down, shot firmly pressed on neck

16  Bring opposite leg under body to load the glide.  Push with heavy pressure off the ball of the right foot, creating extension to the front from the ring  Rotate feet 90 degrees counter clockwise while keeping the head and shoulders back  Flat back.  This will put you in position for the lift

17  Ideally, power leg (right) should be just outside, but underneath the right hip. Most of your body weight should be back on this leg.  Left leg should be extended to the front of the ring.  Fire hips through the ring while maintaining torque with the shoulders and head back  *see video

18  Fire the shoulders forward  Head should tilt up  Avoid leading with the shoulders, lead with the hips (this takes time)  Strike the shot up, finish with a fast flick of the wrist (spin the shot)  (reversal optional, I do not teach the reverse to girls)

19  Hip Drills (Lift/Finish)  Strike/Block Drills (Finish)  Starting Position Drills (Glide)  Glide Drills (Glide)

20  Beginner stance  Modified stance  Advanced stance  Glide Hop Drill  Partner Glide  Lift Drill

21  In season lifting- Core Lifts  Keep lifting routine consistent (meet conflicts are OK)  Implement weight cards  Reduce the load incrementally (TAPER) during the last four weeks of the season (sets/reps/weight)  Establish a meet routine – Example*  Keep year round training in the minds of your athletes

22  See attached*

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