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SERVICE TRAINING “A Step Back into the Golden Age” September 27, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "SERVICE TRAINING “A Step Back into the Golden Age” September 27, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 SERVICE TRAINING “A Step Back into the Golden Age” September 27, 2014

2 THE VISION  We want to take our guests back into time to the Golden Age of Hollywood while portraying a classy feel in the dining room  Serve classy cuisine  Have the entertainment even further the guests experience and make them feel immersed in the Golden Age time era—Including singer, pianist, swing dancers  Make every moment unforgettable!!

3 BREAD SERVICE  Head server, server 2, and server 3 will go out with basket of bread and find space to place it on the table and make guests aware that it is being placed down on the table Be kind and say “excuse me” or excuse my reach”

4 1 ST COURSE- SALAD  Autumn Salad Spring and Arugula mix tossed in pomegranate vinaigrette with goat cheese, apples, and toasted walnuts  Allergies to be aware of: Nut, Dairy, and apples

5 2 ND COURSE- SOUP  Pumpkin Soup Roasted pumpkin soup with mascarpone cheese and roasted pumpkin seeds  Allergies to be aware of: Pumpkin and dairy

6 PALATE CLEANSER  Head Server- Go to first table you normally serve and start with head seat and go around clockwise  Server 2- Go to second table you normally serve and start with head seat and go around clockwise  Server 3- Go to third table you normally serve and start with head seat and go around clockwise After each guest at the table has received a palate cleanser, go back around to your first guest and collect their spoon they ate the palate cleanser with. Then exit the dining room

7  With chimichurri sauce, potatoes, and fresh vegetables  Allergies to be aware of: Thyme and Parsley  Grilled eggplant, zucchini, tomato, and red onion stacks with ricotta with balsamic glaze  Allergies to be aware of: Dairy 3 RD COURSE- ENTREE Airline Chicken Breast Grilled Autumn Veggies (Vegetarian Option)

8  Poached in red wine with rum raisin filling  Allergies to be aware of: Pears and Raisins 4 TH COURSE- DESSERT Poached Pear

9  After the dessert has been served the head server, server 2, and server 3 will go out to the tables they have been assigned to throughout the day and offer the chocolate to each guest This is the guests last impression of our event before they walk out, smile and be polite, PLEASE!!! SIDE NOTE: If its on a platter THEN offer to each guest, if its in a basket then it will be placed on table CHOCOLATE SERVICE

10 COFFEE SERVICE  Coffee offered before dessert is served and after dessert is served  Head Server : Serves Regular Coffee to their first table followed by second and/or third table  Server 2 Follows head server with decaf coffee to each of the tables  Server 3 Follows the Head server and Server 2 carrying creamer to the tables

11 SERVING STYLE: GOLD PLATE SERVICE  All servers go out to the same table to make sure they guests are served at the same time  There will be 4 servers per table  Head server #1: Guests contact in case anything is needed throughout the brunch Server #2 Server #3 Server #4

12 STAGE Piano Server #1 – Head Server Server #2 Server #3 Server #4 Satellite Kitchen

13 Getting to the Table

14 SERVER TABLE POSITIONS Server #1 - Head Server Server #2 Server #3 Server #4

15 HOW TO SERVE  Walk to the table and go to the your first position Head Server position 12 Server #2 position 3 Server #3 position 6 Server #4 position 9  Wait for head servers head nod and then each server will place the plate in their left hand down on the left side of the guest (lower left)  Then server will step to their left switching the other plate to their left hand and lower their second plate

16 STEPPING TO THE LEFT Server #1 - Head Server Server #2 Server #3 Server #4

17 CLEARING PLATES  Same style of service  Server will go to their first position as indicated Wait for head server non and then everyone will clear their first plate on the right hand side with right hand Move plate to left hand and step to left and wait for head server nod then clear second plate with right hand  Follow server out of dining room



20 ALWAYS:  LOWER LEFT: Always lower the plate with your left hand on the left side of the guest and then step to your left  RAISE RIGHT: Always clear guests plate on their right side with your right hand and then step to the left to clear the second plate

21 JUST AN FYI:  Stay in order Head Server #1 Server #2 Server #3 Server #4  Never leave the satellite kitchen without your entire team  Always exit the satellite kitchen through the appropriate doors and come back through the designated doors in the back  Only one plate in each hand at a time  Place plate in left hand down first and then the plate in your right hand

22 MORE FYI  Hands always behind your back when walking in and out of the dining room  Say “My pleasure” not thank you!  Please don’t touch food in satellite kitchen and do not remove covers yourself!  SMILE and be EXCITED

23 THANK YOU!! You are all awesome and we appreciate you helping us make our event come to life and be as successful as possible! Have fun and enjoy yourselves! We would like to thank former HM student Ericka Jackson for table service layouts and animation as well as former themed event Casablanca for the training video!

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