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Abstract Order Type Extension and New Results on the Rectilinear Crossing Number Oswin Aichholzer Institute for Softwaretechnology Graz University of Technology.

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Presentation on theme: "Abstract Order Type Extension and New Results on the Rectilinear Crossing Number Oswin Aichholzer Institute for Softwaretechnology Graz University of Technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Abstract Order Type Extension and New Results on the Rectilinear Crossing Number Oswin Aichholzer Institute for Softwaretechnology Graz University of Technology Graz, Austria Hannes Krasser Institute for Theoretical Computer Science Graz University of Technology Graz, Austria ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG), Pisa, Italy, 2005

2 Point Sets - finite point sets in the real plane  2 - in general position - with different crossing properties

3 Crossing Properties point set complete straight-line graph K n crossingno crossing

4 Crossing Properties no crossing 4 points: crossing

5 order type of point set: mapping that assigns to each ordered triple of points its orientation Goodman, Pollack, 1983 orientation: Order Type left/positiveright/negative a b c a b c

6 Order Type Point sets of same order type  there exists a bijection s.t. either all (or none) corresponding triples are of equal orientation Point sets of same order type 2 41 3 3 1 2 4  5 5

7 Order Type How to decide whether 2 point sets are of the same order type? - encoding order types: λ-matrix Goodman, Pollack, Multidimensional Sorting. 1983 - S={p 1,..,p n }.. labelled point set λ(i,j).. number of points of S on the left of the oriented line through p i and p j - Theorem: order type  λ-matrix Goodman, Pollack, Multidimensional Sorting. 1983

8 Order Type

9 - natural λ-matrix: p 1 on the convex hull, p 2,..,p n sorted clockwise around p 1

10 Order Type - natural λ-matrix: p 1 on the convex hull, p 2,..,p n sorted clockwise around p 1 - lexicographically minimal λ-matrix: unique „fingerprint“ for an order type - same order type  identical lexicographically minimal λ-matrices

11 Order Type Extension complete order type extension: - input: order type S n of n points - output: all different order types S n+1 of n+1 points that contain S n as a sub-order type

12 arrangement of lines  cells Order Type Extension

13 extending point set realizations of order types with one additional point is not a complete order type extension line arrangement not unique

14 Order Type Extension point-line duality: p  T(p) a b c T(a) T(b) T(c) bc ac ab

15 Order Type Extension point-line duality: p  T(p) a b c T(a) T(b) T(c) ab ac bc

16 Order Type Extension order type  local intersection sequence (point set) (line arrangement) point-line duality: p  T(p)

17 Order Type Extension line arrangement

18 Order Type Extension pseudoline arrangement

19 Order Type Extension order type  local intersection sequence (point set) (line arrangement) point-line duality: p  T(p) abstract  local intersection sequence order type (pseudoline arrangement)

20 Order Type Extension Abstract order type extension algorithm: - duality abstract order type  pseudoline arrangement - extend pseudoline arrangement with an additional pseudoline in all combinatorial different ways (local intersection sequences) - decide realizability of extended abstract order type (optional)

21 Enumerating Order Types Task: Enumerate all order types of point sets in the plane (for small, fixed size and in general position)

22 Order Type Data Base number of points34567891011 projective abstract o.t.1114111354 38231235641 848 591 - thereof non-realizable1242155 214 = project. order types1114111354 381312 11441 693 377 abstract order types123161353 315158 83014 320 1822 343 203 071 - thereof non-realizable1310 6358 690 164 = order types123161353 315158 81714 309 5472 334 512 907 Order type data base for n≤10 points Aichholzer, Aurenhammer, Krasser, Enumerating order types for small point sets with applications. 2001 Our work: extension to n=11 points 16-bit integer coordinates, >100 GB

23 Order Type Extension Extension to n=12, 13, … ? -  750 billion order types for n=12 - too many for complete data base - partial extension of data base - obtain results on „suitable applications“ for 12 and beyond…

24 Subset Property „suitable applications“: subset property Property valid for S n and there exists S n-1 s.t. similar property holds for S n-1 S n.. order type of n points S n-1.. subset of S n of n-1 points

25 Order Type Extension Order type extension with subset property: - order type data base  result set of order types for n=11 - enumerate all order types of 12 points that contain one of these 11-point order types as a subset - filter 12-point order types according to subset property

26 Rectilinear Crossing Number Application: Rectilinear crossing number of complete graph K n minimum number of crossings attained by a straight-line drawing of the complete graph K n in the plane

27 Rectilinear Crossing Number n3456789101112 cr(K n )00139193662102153 dndn 111132102374 11 cr(K n ).. rectilinear crossing number of K n d n.. number of combinatorially different drawings Aichholzer, Aurenhammer, Krasser, On the crossing number of complete graphs. 2002 What numbers are known so far?

28 Order type extension (rectilinear crossing number of K n) : Enumerate order types with „few“ crossings Subset property: Drawing of K n on S n with „few“ crossings contains at least one drawing of K n-1 on S n-1 with „few“ crossings Rectilinear Crossing Number

29 Subset property: Drawing of K n on S n has c crossings  at least one drawing of K n-1 on S n-1 has at most  c·(n-4)/n  crossings Parity property: n odd  c  ( ) (mod 2) Rectilinear Crossing Number n 4

30 Not known: cr(K 13 )=229 ? K 13.. 227 crossings  K 12.. 157 crossings K 12.. 157 crossings  K 11.. 104 crossings Not known: d 13 = ? K 13.. 229 crossings  K 12.. 158 crossings K 12.. 158 crossings  K 11.. 104 crossings

31 Rectilinear Crossing Number n11121314151617 12 a≤100≤152 12 b≤102≤153 13 a≤104≤157≤227 13 b≤158≤229 14 a≤323 14 b≤106≤159≤231≤324 15 a≤326≤445 15 b≤161≤233≤327≤447 16 a≤108≤162≤235≤330≤451≤602 16 b≤603 17 a≤164≤237≤333≤455≤608≤796 17 b≤110≤165≤239≤335≤457≤610≤798

32 Rectilinear Crossing Number crossings102104106108110 order types3743 98417 89647 471102 925 Extension of the complete data base: 2 334 512 907 order types for n=11 Extension for rectilinear crossing number:

33 Order Type Extension Problem: Order types of size 12 may contain multiple start order types of size 11  some order types are generated in multiple Avoiding multiple generation of order types - Order type extension graph: nodes.. order types in extension algorithm edges.. for each generated order type of size n+1 (son) define a unique sub-order type of size n (father)

34 Order Type Extension - Extension only along edges of order type extension graph  each order type is generated exactly once - distributed computing can be applied to abstract order type extension: independent calculation for each starting 11-point order type

35 Extension graph (rectilinear crossing number): - point causing most crossings - largest index in the lexicographically minimal λ-matrix representation Rectilinear Crossing Number

36 n34567891011121314151617 cr(K n )00139193662102153229324447603798 dndn 11113210237414534201600136  37269 cr(K n ).. rectilinear crossing number of K n d n.. number of combinatorially different drawings New results on the rectilinear crossing number:

37 Rectilinear Crossing Constant Problem: rectilinear crossing constant, asymptotics of rectilinear crossing number

38 Rectilinear Crossing Constant - best known lower bound: Balogh, Salazar, On k-sets, convex quadrilaterals, and the rectilinear crossing number of K n. - lower bound: Lovász, Vesztergombi, Wagner, Welzl, Convex quadrilaterals and k-sets. 2003

39 - best known upper bound: large point set with few crossings, lens substitution - improved upper bound: set of 54 points with 115 999 crossings, lens substitution Rectilinear Crossing Constant Aichholzer, Aurenhammer, Krasser, On the crossing number of complete graphs. 2002

40 - further improvement: set of 45 points with 54 213 crossings, recursive substitution - possible further improvement: abstract set of 96 points with 1 238 508 crossings Rectilinear Crossing Constant realizable ??

41 Further Applications „Happy End Problem“: What is the minimum number g(k) s.t. each point set with at least g(k) points contains a convex k-gon? - No exact values g(k) are known for k  6. - Conjecture: Erdös, Szekeres, A combinatorial problem in geometry. 1935

42 Order type extension (6-gon problem): Enumerate all order types that do not contain a convex 6-gon Subset property: S n contains no convex 6-gon  each subset S n-1 contains no convex 6-gon Further Applications

43 Start: n=11... 235 987 328 order types n=12... 14 048 972 314 (abstract) o.t. n=13...  800 10 9 order types Future goal: Solve the case of convex 6-gons by a distributed computing approach

44 Further Applications Counting the number of triangulations: - exact values for n≤11 - best asymptotic lower bound is based on these result Aichholzer, Hurtado, Noy, A lower bound on the number of triangulations of planar point sets. 2004 - subset property: adding a point increases the number of triangulations by a constant factor - calculations: to be done…

45 Abstract Order Type… Thank you!

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