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-8.5 x 11 Sheet -Selected using “Quick Selection Tool” -Cropped image out -Resized about 50% with Edit, Transform, Scale.

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Presentation on theme: "-8.5 x 11 Sheet -Selected using “Quick Selection Tool” -Cropped image out -Resized about 50% with Edit, Transform, Scale."— Presentation transcript:


2 -8.5 x 11 Sheet -Selected using “Quick Selection Tool” -Cropped image out -Resized about 50% with Edit, Transform, Scale

3 -Selected with “Color Range” -Cropped Image -Resized using Edit, Transform, Scale to 33% TO SEE THE WORLD

4 DRAFTING -Selected with “Quick Selection Tool” -Cropped image -Resized using Edit, Transform, Scale to 25%

5 -Selected with Color Range and inverted -Cropped image out -Used “Free Transform” to resize and rotate -About 50% and 90 degrees clockwise MUSIC

6 -Dragged into image as background -Adjusted hue/saturation -Adjusted opacity -Create path with “Pen tool” for text -Added text “All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you.” HISTORY

7 -Burned edges and around building -Highlighted behind text -Applied “Scratches and Dust” Filter to Earth Image ME

8 4838-9dc4-e2ec82d46859.jpg 48C9-8ADB- 3387275D4F9B/1244002798420_Perspective- 938x704.jpg blog/files/2014/04/music-notes-1.jpg content/uploads/2012/03/Coffee-History.jpg

Download ppt "-8.5 x 11 Sheet -Selected using “Quick Selection Tool” -Cropped image out -Resized about 50% with Edit, Transform, Scale."

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