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The Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves
Chapter 13 The Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves
Functions of the nervous system
Sensory (input): Light Sound Touch Temperature Taste Smell Internal Chemical Pressure Stretch
Functions of the nervous system (cont’d)
Integration: Integration means making sense of sensory input. Analyzing stimuli based on experience, learning, emotion & instinct and reacting in a useful way (you hope). Motor (output): The response to the sensory input and subsequent integration. Sending signals to the muscles and other organs of the body instructing them how to respond to the stimuli.
Nervous System Organization
Overview of Ch 13 & Ch 14
The Spinal Cord & Nerves
The spinal cord is part of the Central Nervous System. The spinal nerves are part of the Peripheral Nervous System. The lowest level of integration occurs in the spinal cord and peripheral ganglia.
Spinal cord: gross anatomy
Spinal cord anatomy: the meninges
Spinal cord and associated structures
Functional arrangement of the spinal cord tissues
More about the specific functions these tracts in Chapter 15. Functional arrangement of the spinal cord tissues
Cross section of the spinal cord
White Matter in the Spinal Cord
Fibers run in three directions – ascending, descending, and transversely Divided into three funiculi (columns) – posterior, lateral, and anterior Each funiculus contains several fiber tracks Fiber tract names reveal their origin and destination Fiber tracts are composed of axons with similar functions
Spinal nerves Thirty-one pairs of mixed nerves arise from the spinal cord and supply all parts of the body except the head They are named according to their point of issue 8 cervical (C1-C8) 12 thoracic (T1-T12) 5 Lumbar (L1-L5) 5 Sacral (S1-S5) 1 Coccygeal (C0)
Spinal nerve structure
Spinal Nerve structure
Each axon is also called a “nerve fiber” These are covered by an endoneurium The endoneurium is made of areolar c.t. Fibers are bundled into “fascicles” These are covered by perineurium This is an extension of the outer layer of collagen fibers Nerves are bundles of fascicles Each nerve is covered by dense irregular tissue of collagen fibers
Components of the Peripheral Nervous System
Motor pathways Leave the spinal cord via the ventral nerve roots. Have multipolar cell bodies found in the gray matter. Carry motor impulses to skeletal muscle (somatic pathways) and to glands, smooth muscle, the heart, organs, etc (autonomic pathways). Are also called efferent pathways.
Motor pathways
Components of the PNS Sensory Pathways
Enter the cord via the dorsal roots. Have unipolar cell bodies found in the dorsal root ganglia. Carry sensory inputs into the CNS via the central processes of their axons. They begin at the general sensory receptors of the skin (somatic sensory) and internal organs (visceral sensory). Are also known as afferent pathways. Special sense will be covered in Chapter 17
Sensory pathways
What’s a damn dermatome?
Nerve plexuses
Nerve plexuses Fibers travel to the periphery via several different routes Each muscle receives a nerve supply from more than one spinal nerve Damage to one spinal segment cannot completely paralyze a muscle
Cervical plexus
Summary: Cervical Plexus
Table 13-1
Brachial plexus
The brachial plexus Fig a
Some common injuries to the brachial plexus Study question: Which nerves are affected here?
Summary: Brachial Plexus
Table 13–2 (1 of 2)
Summary: Brachial Plexus
Table 13–2 (2 of 2)
Lumbar and sacral plexuses
Summary: Lumbar and Sacral Plexuses
Table 13-3 (1 of 2)
Summary: Lumbar and Sacral Plexuses
Table 13-3 (2 of 2)
Lumbar & sacral plexus nerves
Neural circuits
Neural Circuits Divergent – spread information from one source to several destinations. Examples: visual input being processed at a conscious level (the horizon is tilting) and a subconscious level (I adjust my body so that I don’t fall over). Convergent – multiple sources of input into one neuron. Examples: conscious – I contract my rectus femoris to step over a pile of dog poop. Unconscious – my rectus femoris automatically contracts as the bus moves
Neural Circuits Serial – a series of neurons in a sequence.
Example: Pain pathways Parallel – Divergence followed by serial. Example – reflexes that result in a complex series of responses simultaneously Reverberation – positive feedback loops Examples – many of the complex processes of the brain.
Reflexes Rapid, automatic responses to stimuli.
Can be visceral (e.g. swallowing) or somatic (“knee-jerk”). Have little variability
Components of a reflex arc
Stimulus activates a receptor. Impulse travels along a sensory pathway. Integration occurs in an integration center (most often in the CNS) Impulse then travels by a motor pathway. An effector responds.
4 Classifications of Reflexes
By early development By type of motor response By complexity of neural circuit By site of information processing
Development How reflex was developed: innate reflexes:
basic neural reflexes formed before birth acquired reflexes: rapid, automatic learned motor patterns
Response Nature of resulting motor response: somatic reflexes:
involuntary control of nervous system superficial reflexes of skin, mucous membranes stretch reflexes (deep tendon reflexes) e.g., patellar reflex visceral reflexes (autonomic reflexes): control systems other than muscular system e.g., glands smooth muscle and cardiac muscle
Complexity Complexity of neural circuit: monosynaptic reflex:
sensory neuron synapses directly onto motor neuron polysynaptic reflex: at least 1 interneuron between sensory neuron and motor neuron
Processing Site of information processing: spinal reflexes:
occurs in spinal cord cranial reflexes: occurs in brain
Monosynaptic: Stretch reflex
Monosynaptic Reflexes
Have least delay between sensory input and motor output: e.g., stretch reflex (such as patellar reflex) Completed in 20–40 msec
Muscle Spindles The receptors in stretch reflexes
Bundles of small, specialized intrafusal muscle fibers: innervated by sensory and motor neurons Surrounded by extrafusal muscle fibers: which maintain tone and contract muscle
Muscle spindles
Postural Reflexes Postural reflexes:
stretch reflexes maintain normal upright posture Stretched muscle responds by contracting: automatically maintain balance
Polysynaptic Reflexes
More complicated than monosynaptic reflexes Interneurons control more than 1 muscle group Produce either EPSPs or IPSPs
Polysynaptic: Flexor
The Tendon Reflex Prevents skeletal muscles from:
developing too much tension tearing or breaking tendons Sensory receptors unlike muscle spindles or proprioceptors
Withdrawal Reflexes Move body part away from stimulus (pain or pressure): e.g., flexor reflex: pulls hand away from hot stove Strength and extent of response: depends on intensity and location of stimulus
Reflex Arcs Ipsilateral reflex arcs: Crossed extensor reflexes:
occur on same side of body as stimulus stretch, tendon, and withdrawal reflexes Crossed extensor reflexes: involves a contralateral reflex arc occurs on side opposite stimulus
The Crossed Extensor Reflex
Figure 13–18
5 General Characteristics of Polysynaptic Reflexes
Involve pools of neurons Are intersegmental in distribution Involve reciprocal inhibition Have reverberating circuits: which prolong reflexive motor response Several reflexes cooperate: to produce coordinated, controlled response
The Babinski Reflexes Normal in infants
May indicate CNS damage in adults The Babinski Reflexes Figure 13–19
Spinal Cord Trauma: Paralysis
Paralysis – loss of motor function Flaccid paralysis – severe damage to the ventral root or anterior horn cells Lower motor neurons are damaged and impulses do not reach muscles There is no voluntary or involuntary control of muscles
Spinal Cord Trauma: Paralysis
Spastic paralysis – only upper motor neurons of the primary motor cortex are damaged Spinal neurons remain intact and muscles are stimulated irregularly There is no voluntary control of muscles
Spinal Cord Trauma: Transection
Cross sectioning of the spinal cord at any level results in total motor and sensory loss in regions inferior to the cut Paraplegia – transection between T1 and L1 Quadriplegia – transection in the cervical region
Spinal cord transection
Poliomyelitis Destruction of the anterior horn motor neurons by the poliovirus Early symptoms – fever, headache, muscle pain and weakness, and loss of somatic reflexes Vaccines are available and can prevent infection
Some effects of Polio
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
Lou Gehrig’s disease – neuromuscular condition involving destruction of anterior horn motor neurons and fibers of the pyramidal tract Symptoms – loss of the ability to speak, swallow, and breathe Death often occurs within five years Linked to malfunctioning genes for glutamate transporter and/or superoxide dismutase
Some Famous Victims of ALS
Lou Gehrig Steven Hawking, renowned physicist
Axonal degeneration of motor neurons evident in lateral corticospinal (pyramidal) pathways, especially in the loss of myelinated fibers of the corticospinal tracts
SUMMARY (1 of 7) General organization of nervous system:
CNS, PNS Gross anatomy of spinal cord: enlargements, dorsal and ventral roots, filum terminale, conus medullaris
SUMMARY (2 of 7) Afferent (sensory) and efferent (motor) fibers
Structures and functions of spinal meninges Gray matter and horns of spinal cord
SUMMARY (3 of 7) White matter and columns (tracts) of spinal cord
3 layers in spinal nerves Distribution (rami) of spinal nerves: white, gray, dorsal, ventral
SUMMARY (4 of 7) 4 major nerve plexuses:
cervical, brachial, lumbar, sacral Neuronal pools and neural circuit patterns: divergence, convergence, serial, parallel, reverberation
SUMMARY (5 of 7) Reflexes and reflex arcs Classifications of reflexes:
innate vs. acquired somatic vs. visceral cranial vs. spinal monosynaptic, polysynaptic, or intersegmental
SUMMARY (6 of 7) Characteristics of monosynaptic reflexes:
stretch reflex, postural reflex, muscle spindles Characteristics of polysynaptic reflexes: tendon, withdrawal, flexor, and crossed extensor reflexes
End Chapter 13
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