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S:\Child Welfare\2010 Lesson Plans\CPA FC PSI\Course Powerpoints Foster Care Service Planning & Structured Decision Making FOM 722-6.

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1 S:\Child Welfare\2010 Lesson Plans\CPA FC PSI\Course Powerpoints Foster Care Service Planning & Structured Decision Making FOM 722-6

2 S:\Child Welfare\2010 Lesson Plans\CPA FC PSI\Course Powerpoints What is service planning? Process of: developing implementing evaluating Efforts or Activities to achieve the permanency planning goal.

3 S:\Child Welfare\2010 Lesson Plans\CPA FC PSI\Course Powerpoints History Structured Decision Making (SDM) Initially services workers had limited parameters to follow when doing their service planning. There were no structures or frameworks as a starting point. No basis for evaluating progress. How a family/child was assessed varied from worker to worker and across county. Therefore SDM Model was implemented.

4 S:\Child Welfare\2010 Lesson Plans\CPA FC PSI\Course Powerpoints What is Structured Decision Making ? (SDM) Consensus based process Increases consistency Validates decision making Targets interventions to those most at risk Provides structure in formulating case planning and activity Improves effectiveness of Foster Care Reduces length of time to attain Permanency Plan Goal

5 S:\Child Welfare\2010 Lesson Plans\CPA FC PSI\Course Powerpoints What forms will be used? Family Assessment and Reassessment of Needs and Strengths (DHS 145) Age Appropriate Child Assessment and Reassessment of Needs and Strengths (DHS 0432, DHS 0433, DHS 0434, DHS 0435) Parent-Agency Treatment Plan & Service Agreement (DHS 67) Initial Service Plan (DHS 65) Updated Service Plan (DHS 66) Family Reunification Assessment (DHS 147) Safety Assessment (DHS 149) Action Summary (DHS 69) Permanent Ward Service Plan (DHS 68)

6 S:\Child Welfare\2010 Lesson Plans\CPA FC PSI\Course Powerpoints Where do we get our information? TOGETHER with the family and with others, we gather information, assess and then develop the plan. Sources: oFamily (including children) oPrevious child welfare history oSchool records oPsychological evaluations oOther assessments (esp. Substance abuse) oOther family members oEco-maps

7 S:\Child Welfare\2010 Lesson Plans\CPA FC PSI\Course Powerpoints Family Assessment of Needs/Strengths (FANS) Assess and evaluates the presenting needs and strengths of each household/caretaker with legal rights to child(ren). Used with every ISP and USP Identifies prioritized barriers and strengths. Establishes a Commonality Consistency Case planning reference tool Evaluation tool CFF 722-8A

8 S:\Child Welfare\2010 Lesson Plans\CPA FC PSI\Course Powerpoints Scoring the Family Assessment Any negative number = need/barrier Any positive number or zero = strength FC Worker must identify top 3 barriers to reunification=primary barriers. FC Worker must identify top 3 strengths. Justify scores in ISP/USP; address in PATP When 2 or more household members are assessed use highest score. “US”=Unable to Score (ISP only, or with supervisory approval for USP) CFF 722-8A

9 S:\Child Welfare\2010 Lesson Plans\CPA FC PSI\Course Powerpoints Use the DEFINITIONS Part of every template Know the parameters Be objective Be consistent Not own standards

10 S:\Child Welfare\2010 Lesson Plans\CPA FC PSI\Course Powerpoints Child Assessment of Needs/Strength (CANS) Similar to the Family Assessment in foundation, purpose and functionality Has separate assessment based on age and developmental stage of child. DHS 0432, 0433, 0434, 0435 Each child must be scored individually Identify the top three needs & strengths Justify scores in ISP/USP; address in PATP Address those needs in PATP CFF 722-8B

11 S:\Child Welfare\2010 Lesson Plans\CPA FC PSI\Course Powerpoints Initial Services Plan (ISP) Presents family history/information Describes Reasonable Efforts Identifies Permanency Planning Goal Defines services/activities to achieve Makes recommendations Completed- 30 calendar days after removal date FOM 722-8

12 S:\Child Welfare\2010 Lesson Plans\CPA FC PSI\Course Powerpoints Parent Agency Treatment Plan & Services Agreement (PATP) Involves all stakeholders Written with ISP and USP Negotiated with all parties Identifies goals/objectives/action steps/expected outcomes/timeframe needed to address needs and achieve the Permanency Planning Goal Used to assess parent progress toward barrier reduction FOM 722-8C

13 S:\Child Welfare\2010 Lesson Plans\CPA FC PSI\Course Powerpoints Updated Service Plan (USP) Completed within 120 days of child’s initial placement and with every 90 days after that Same identifying information as ISP Includes an evaluation of progress of barrier reduction & parenting time Must reassess (FANS/CANS) of the family and children for each USP CFF 722-9

14 S:\Child Welfare\2010 Lesson Plans\CPA FC PSI\Course Powerpoints Reunification Assessment Purpose is to structure critical case management decision for children in Foster Care. Evaluates: barrier reduction; parenting time. Incorporated into USP but –Complete stand alone document (DHS- 147) if return home recommended before next scheduled USP CFF 722-9A

15 S:\Child Welfare\2010 Lesson Plans\CPA FC PSI\Course Powerpoints Safety Assessment Completed following reunification assessment where parenting time and barrier reduction is at least partial. Helps assess if child: –Is in immediate danger –Source of danger –Protecting intervention to be maintained or initiated. FOM 722-9B

16 S:\Child Welfare\2010 Lesson Plans\CPA FC PSI\Course Powerpoints Permanent Ward Service Plan (PWSP) Completed to record progress and planning of all MCI wards and permanent court wards. To be developed and updated following same guidelines. CANS to be completed. Treatment Plan is incorporated in the document/template. FOM 722-9B

17 S:\Child Welfare\2010 Lesson Plans\CPA FC PSI\Course Powerpoints REMEMBER Strength based Collaborative Teaming Concurrent planning Limited time-frames Small successes

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