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THE NORTHERN IRELAND GUIDE TO EXPENDITURE APPRAISAL AND EVALUATION (NIGEAE) Revised DFP guidance on Expenditure Appraisal, Evaluation, Approval and Management.

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Revised DFP guidance on Expenditure Appraisal, Evaluation, Approval and Management Michael Brennan Strategic Policy Division Department of Finance & Personnel Signal Centre, 25th November 2009

2 Background Green Book 2003 NI Practical Guide 2003
DFP appraisal website 2004 Local guidance still required Guidance needed refreshing

3 Key Points Printed NIPG has been withdrawn
Online guidance will aid regular updating New title – ‘NIGEAE’ Basic steps of appraisal & evaluation unchanged Some specific changes to procedures

4 Developments NI v UK perspective PPP v Conventional Procurement
Revised Approval Procedures Refocusing of PPE monitoring Revised guidance on: Programme & project management Use of consultants

5 NI versus UK Perspective
NI focus reflects devolution Subtle change of focus, not a radical change NI & UK impacts often coincide Can make a difference in tourism & industrial assistance Flexibility remains to consider UK, RoI and EU impacts

6 Infrastructure Procurement Options
Separate strategic & procurement appraisals VFM assessment: Consider different forms of both PPP and Conventional procurement Examine Conventional Procurement Option at key procurement stages Extra DFP approval required prior to appointment of a preferred bidder March 2009 HMT Infrastructure Finance Unit August 2009 HMT guidance on “PPP Projects in Current Market Conditions”

7 Approval Procedures DFP must have reasonable time for consideration
Retrospective approval – Not likely! Approval at SOC stage for major projects & ‘high profile’ cases PFI projects require approval at four stages: SOC, OBC, ABC & FBC Use of Gateways

8 DFP Monitoring of PPEs PER & PPR required for all projects > £500k
Terms PPE & PPR used interchangeably DFP will give priority to monitoring PPEs for larger projects & those with ‘read across’ Approval letters will state whether PPE must be submitted to DFP in individual cases PPEs are still required with proportionate effort in all cases – and DFP may test drill occasionally

9 The role of appraisal & evaluation in the current financial climate
Financial pressures = greater need to scrutinise spending Appraisal principles are relevant to the search for efficiencies assessment of options for reductions What is indispensable and what can be cut or discontinued? How can we make savings with minimum impact on services? The alternative to rational appraisal is arbitrary cuts!

10 Next Steps Departments should: Absorb & disseminate NIGEAE
Reassess their own guidance in light of NIGEAE CARRY ON APPRAISING!

11 Questions?

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