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Who wants to be a Millionaire? Chapter 10,11,16 Review Thursday May 17, 2007 Chapter 10,11,16 Review Thursday May 17, 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Who wants to be a Millionaire? Chapter 10,11,16 Review Thursday May 17, 2007 Chapter 10,11,16 Review Thursday May 17, 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Who wants to be a Millionaire? Chapter 10,11,16 Review Thursday May 17, 2007 Chapter 10,11,16 Review Thursday May 17, 2007

2 QuestionQuestion A(n) ____ is an object, person, or situation perceived as being capable of satisfying a need.

3 OptionsOptions A)Drive B)Motive C)Incentive D)Instinct A)Drive B)Motive C)Incentive D)Instinct

4 Correct Answer C) Incentive

5 QuestionQuestion The need for ______ is the best example of a psychological need.

6 OptionsOptions A)Power B)Pain Avoidance C)Food D)Oxygen A)Power B)Pain Avoidance C)Food D)Oxygen

7 Correct Answer A) Power

8 QuestionQuestion According to ________ theory, primary drives trigger arousal and activate behavior.

9 OptionsOptions A)Instinct B)Psychoanalytic C)Humanistic D)Drive-reduction A)Instinct B)Psychoanalytic C)Humanistic D)Drive-reduction

10 Correct Answer D) drive-reduction

11 QuestionQuestion What lies just below self-actualization in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs?

12 OptionsOptions A)Safety B)Esteem C)Physiological D)Love and belongingness A)Safety B)Esteem C)Physiological D)Love and belongingness

13 Correct Answer B) Esteem

14 QuestionQuestion During the McGill University sensory deprivation studies of the 1950’s, many student volunteers quit participating because…

15 OptionsOptions A)They could not afford to miss several days’ classes B)The experimenter’s demands were excessive C)The pay was too low to justify spending the time D)Boredom and disorientation proved very uncomfortable A)They could not afford to miss several days’ classes B)The experimenter’s demands were excessive C)The pay was too low to justify spending the time D)Boredom and disorientation proved very uncomfortable

16 Correct Answer D) Boredom and disorientation proved uncomfortable

17 QuestionQuestion Emotions are states of _____ that have cognitive, physiological, and behavioral components.

18 OptionsOptions A)Provocation B)Feeling C)Determination D)expression A)Provocation B)Feeling C)Determination D)expression

19 Correct Answer B) Feeling

20 QuestionQuestion The emotion of _____ involves predominantly sympathetic arousal.

21 OptionsOptions A)Depression B)Anger C)Acceptance D)Fear A)Depression B)Anger C)Acceptance D)Fear

22 Correct Answer D) Fear

23 QuestionQuestion Fertilization takes place in the

24 OptionsOptions A)Cervix B)Uterus C)Fallopian tubes D)ovaries A)Cervix B)Uterus C)Fallopian tubes D)ovaries

25 Correct Answer C) Fallopian tubes

26 QuestionQuestion Family background and early cognitive stimulation are considered _____ influences upon behavior.

27 OptionsOptions A)Nature B)Nurture C)Maturation D)Self-regulating A)Nature B)Nurture C)Maturation D)Self-regulating

28 Correct Answer B) Nuture

29 QuestionQuestion Which organ develops first in the human embryo?

30 OptionsOptions a)Heart b)Lungs c)Liver d)brain a)Heart b)Lungs c)Liver d)brain

31 Correct Answer D) brain

32 QuestionQuestion Attempts to maintain contact and anxiety over separation are behaviors that define…

33 OptionsOptions A)Affection B)Attachment C)Fear D)loneliness A)Affection B)Attachment C)Fear D)loneliness

34 Correct Answer B) attachment

35 QuestionQuestion Harlow’s rhesus monkey studies led him to believe that attachment develops from _______.

36 OptionsOptions a)Reinforcement b)Nourishment c)Familiarity d)Contact comfort a)Reinforcement b)Nourishment c)Familiarity d)Contact comfort

37 Correct Answer D) Contact comfort

38 QuestionQuestion Warm-coldness and restrictive-permissive are described in the text as independent dimensions of ____.

39 OptionsOptions A)attachment B) Child rearing C) Contact comfort D) Personality traits A)attachment B) Child rearing C) Contact comfort D) Personality traits

40 Correct Answer B) Child rearing

41 QuestionQuestion Which of the following is NOT one of the stages of cognitive development identified by Piaget?

42 OptionsOptions A)Sensorimotor B) Preoperational C) Concrete operational D) Postoperational A)Sensorimotor B) Preoperational C) Concrete operational D) Postoperational

43 Correct Answer D) postoperational

44 QuestionQuestion Adolescence ends when…

45 OptionsOptions A) full height is attained B)reproductive maturity is attained C) A person assumes adult responsibilities A) full height is attained B)reproductive maturity is attained C) A person assumes adult responsibilities

46 Correct Answer C) A person assumes adult responsibilities

47 QuestionQuestion Adolescents experience the most conflict with their ________.

48 OptionsOptions A)Fathers B)Mothers C)Siblings D)teachers A)Fathers B)Mothers C)Siblings D)teachers

49 Correct Answer B) Mothers

50 QuestionQuestion Levinson believed that around 30 people

51 OptionsOptions A)experience midlife crisis B)focus on career achievement C)reassess their life goals and commitments D)experience midlife transition A)experience midlife crisis B)focus on career achievement C)reassess their life goals and commitments D)experience midlife transition

52 Correct Answer C) Reassess their life goals and commitments

53 3. According to Freud, “I want it, and I want it, now,” refers to the part of the personality called the:  A) superego.  B) id.  C) ego.  D) eros.  A) superego.  B) id.  C) ego.  D) eros. 598

54 4. Threatened by his own attraction to other males, Mr. Jones leads an active campaign against gay rights. He is displaying the ego defense mechanism:  A) denial.  B) reaction formation.  C) sublimation.  D) displacement.  A) denial.  B) reaction formation.  C) sublimation.  D) displacement. 600

55 6. According to Maslow, we are naturally, internally driven to be the best that we can be, achieving the goal of:  A) self-actualization.  B) self-concept.  C) analytic insight.  D) personal betterment.  A) self-actualization.  B) self-concept.  C) analytic insight.  D) personal betterment. 609

56 6. According to Maslow, we are naturally, internally driven to be the best that we can be, achieving the goal of:  A) self-actualization.  B) self-concept.  C) analytic insight.  D) personal betterment.  A) self-actualization.  B) self-concept.  C) analytic insight.  D) personal betterment. 609

57 24: The most widely used personality test is the:  A) MMPI.  B) Rorschach Inkblot Test.  C) TAT.  D) 16PF.  A) MMPI.  B) Rorschach Inkblot Test.  C) TAT.  D) 16PF. 618

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