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CBM3D Progress-Monitoring English Language Development (ELD) TESOL 2014 Portland, OR.

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Presentation on theme: "CBM3D Progress-Monitoring English Language Development (ELD) TESOL 2014 Portland, OR."— Presentation transcript:

1 CBM3D Progress-Monitoring English Language Development (ELD) TESOL 2014 Portland, OR

2 Rita & John Rita Platt is a Nationally Board Certified teacher. Her experience includes teaching learners of all levels from kindergarten to graduate student. She currently is a Library Media & Reading Specialist for the St. Croix Falls SD in Wisconsin, teaches graduate courses for the Professional Development Institute, and consults with local school districts. John Wolfe is a teacher on special assignment for the Multilingual Department at the Minneapolis Public School District. He has worked with students at all levels as well as provided professional development to fellow teachers. His areas of expertise include English Language Learners, literacy, and integrated technology. @ritaplatt @johnwolfe3rd

3 Relax … Everything (and more) is on The Wiki

4 Questions to be Answered 1.How can teachers use CBM3D & WIDA as a tool for monitoring ELD progress? (And why would you want to?) 3.How can students use CBM3D & WIDA as a tool for monitoring their own ELD progress? (And why would you want them to?) PD must be : Continuous, Collaborative, Communicative


6 Basically … The WIDA Tools are designed to indicate what students should be able to do in the service of grade-level learning at their proficiency level But we recommend also using them tool to bridge from one level to the next (as a tool for ELD) Can-Do Descriptors (combined with the CVC Criteria) can be the heart of progress-monitoring.

7 Data-Based Decision Making 1.Assess 2.Analyze results 3.Set goals for student growth- plan interventions to meet goals 4.Teach for growth toward goals 5.Reassess 6.Tweak plans Repeat Repeat Repeat Continuous Improvement Model


9 What is Reasonable to Expect?

10 Data-Based Decision Making 1.Assess 2.Analyze results 3.Set goals for student growth- plan interventions to meet goals 4.Teach for growth toward goals 5.Reassess 6.Tweak plans Repeat Repeat Repeat Continuous Improvement Model

11 In ESL this Has Been Hard Access is not frequent enough There are few tools for PM with ELs The tools are expensive and/or take a LONG time to administer…. Until now! Introducing ……. CBM3D (made by practical teachers for practical teachers)

12 CBM3D (Curriculum-Based Measures, 3 Domains) A CBM with WIDA prompts and rubrics!

13 What is a CBM? Leveled timed-reading task AIMS Web, Easy CBM, DIBELS

14 Why Use a CBM It is free It is a “dipstick” It is “down & dirty”--EASY to use It focuses attention on growth It can help us learn to look at data productively Similar to mini-IRI’s and/or Running Records It’s easy to document It can be VERY motivating

15 Easy CBM Clear directions Grades K-8 9 free passages

16 How to Use CBM3D Choose a passage at the student’s actual reading level (NOT grade level) Follow the directions and administer the assessment Use picture supports at all points Enjoy the chance to listen to your student!

17 At actual reading level With picture support (& prereading if desired One minute oral reading Student finishes passage (silently or orally) Teacher scores oral reading fluency (ORF) w/ correct words per minute (WPM)

18 Student orally retells the story Teacher scores comprehension rubric Teacher scores speaking level

19 Student orally retells the story Teacher scores comprehension rubric ANY comprehension rubric is okay…as long as it is consistent Reading A-Z has a fiction & nonfiction rubric

20 Student orally retells the story Teacher scores speaking level using the WIDA speaking rubric Can get 3 scores (CVC or newer terms…)

21 Student does a written retell Student uses visual support Teacher scores WIDA writing level using the adapted rubric Can get 3 scores (CVC) or use adapted 6-Traits Rubric



24 What About Kinder? Read the passage to the student and do a retell Count number of words in retell Phonemic Awareness Assessments

25 Involving Students in Learning Students must be INVOLVED to be motivated!

26 Teaching Students to Analyze Data Where do I want/need to be? – Look at the Norms / Criteria Where am I now? – Look at Current Data How can I get there? – Students reflect on data What does the data tell me about my learning? How can I improve? – Students set goals for growth

27 Student- centered goals BIG thanks to the Sullivan Team: Kaitlin Lindsey, Laura Byard, James Kindle, Dierde Quinn

28 Were the Questions Answered? 1.How can teachers use CBM3D & WIDA as a tool for monitoring ELD progress? (And why would you want to?) 3.How can students use CBM3D & WIDA as a tool for monitoring their own ELD progress? (And why would you want them to?)

29 Where from here? “What use is a newborn baby?“ (Benjamin Franklin) 1. Go to the WIKI, look around, and become a member. 2.Talk to colleagues about this session / share the Wiki site. 3.Enroll in the Formative Assessment Moodle Course 4.Implement a version of this system with your students next fall. 5.Watch for/SHARE Exemplars.

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